Bookcliffs Bear "The True Story"


I just jumped on and noticed a thread down the page similar to this one with the only difference being I WAS THERE AND THAT WAS MY FAMILY!!!!

I thought I'd tell the story that doesn't get edited by the media. The same story we reported to the DWR and the same story the media tracked us down for.

We had spent a total of 12 days hunting deer in the cliffs for my wife. 2 days before we quit hunting we had moved camp up on the Divide Road. The last morning we hunted I came out of my trailer and was loading the truck when I noticed a bear 20 yards behind the trailer I pulled up my flashlight and it ran off. Not a big deal ran into some hounds men not 30 minutes later and they turned out on the bear ran it and treed it a mile or two down the canyon. We later ran into the hounds men they told us he was the best bear they had seen but their hunter wasn't ready to end his hunt.

Later that day we got chasing deer and sent my brothers wife Sami and my 1 year old and 5 year old with her and her 2 year old and 4 year old children back to camp so they could have dinner and get to bed. We also sent her with a 357 pistol which she is very familiar with and she packs mostly every day with her conceal carry permit. We never expected any problems especially a bear but you never know and we were prepared.

When we returned back to camp somewhere between 10:30 - 10:45 that night she yelled out bear is in camp. As soon as she yelled we could see the scene at camp. The door was shredded from the window down, hunting bags and coolers where scattered all around. Instantly I jumped in the truck and kicked the lights on and the second I stepped out of the truck I heard BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, just behind the trailer. I ran over and my brother was headed into the trees to confirm a hit or not until I yelled out not a good idea. I asked what had happened and he said it was 15ish feet away coming straight at him he pointed and fired at the bear.

We went back to the trailer to check on the family all 4 kids was in the trailer were calm and happy. My first question was why didn't you shoot and She said she had a feeling to hold off. To not wound a bear that she couldn't get a good shot at. The longer I have thought about that question I am so grateful she didn't traumatize those kids and leave them deaf. I do wish the bear was dead, no doubt, because he is a problem bear that needs to be put down.

We ended up moving the trailers down by monument ridge nearly 10 miles away. Finally getting to bed at 2:00 am. At 6:00 am we woke up and headed back to the scene. We gathered up some loose garbage that the bear had made off with and tried for 2 hours to find some hounds men. When we did they we a different group of guys we took them there and told them about the experience. They said they had a client coming the next morning and they would look for him. We also went around to the surrounding camps to inform them that an incident had occurred and to be cautious.

It makes me mad I left my family in that type of a situation if it would have ended differently I would never forgive my self. Im Proud of Sami for keeping her head on straight for well over 2 hours as the bear tormented her and the kids in that camp. Im not so sure most people would have handled that the same way and taking all things into account I'd say it couldn't have been handled any better.

I spend a tremendous amount of time in the field and of all bears I've encountered that was without a doubt a problem bear. I have hunted bears and killed bears Im no expert on bears but very familiar with them. If you spend any amount of time a field your gonna need to be prepared for ugly situations. Be prepared and keep your head on your shoulders.

Sorry for the rant just getting tired of all the crap that comes with trying to inform people to be careful.
Thanx fer the post tg! Always best to get it straight from the horses mouth!
problem bear is right!! thanks.thank god these people were in a trailer and not a tent!!
Sounds like your wife was calm and did the right thing. I agree that bear should be eliminated.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
I hope someone takes this bear out before it harms someone, like that bear up AF canyon years back. Glad your family is okay and glad your wife is more patient then me. I can't honestly say I would have not shot the bear, from inside the trailer.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-14 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]I'm happy to hear your family is OK. It's an experience that will never be forgotten. It sounds like everyone did the right thing.

We all get a little used to the animals around us, me included, and it's best to remember that they're still wild!

I had a bear try to break into my cabin if AF canyon, 3 times in the same morning, with me and the wife inside! I'd just returned from a successful Idaho bear hunt with my oldest daughter and had taken my wife to the cabin to smoothe things over after my long hunting trip. The following morning I was awakened my a bear trying to come in the front window. When that didn't work it tried both bedroom windows before wandering away. I should have shot that bear but held off and it all worked out for me. But, I can't help but think it might have been the same bear that later killed that kid on Timpooneke.

Because of the outcome, this is a cool family story that will live on for generations. I'm glad to hear the actual account from those that were directly involved.

Happy that everyone was okay, and with a little luck, maybe someone has harvested that bear by now.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Thank you for coming here with the story. I'm glad it had a happy ending.

Back in the 60's and 70's I did a LOT of back packing in Wilderness areas in California. So did a lot of people, mostly hippie types. The vast majority of them were armed with only tie dyed head bands and a bong. A little light IMO. Most thought I was crazy to carry a side arm and looked at me funny. I always wished them good luck. I would guess that about 50% of our trips involved bears around camp. Back then problem bears were trapped and released into Wilderness areas, so some bears had no fear of humans. I only recall shooting one as we always tried not to.


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
"""I only recall shooting one as we always tried not to."""


Just a few Days Back,elkun was Chumming one in to downtown Myton!

DWR Cut the Bear off & hauled him off!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
he will be back,once they eat water melon. they never eat berries again.( nice bear hide for the coming winter!!! )

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