Bookcliff's Buck

Clyde Hollinger

Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 01:47PM (MST)[p]
I just want to tell PACKOUT, and TK. thanks for responding to my Dad's request for info on the Books. Even though we were not able to make all the way over to the areas you guys suggested, due to time constraints and other issues. I just wanted to tell you guys thanks for trying to help!
Here's my wife's 2007 Bookcliff's buck. It was a fun hunt, but we didn't really see many bucks that were "shooters". This buck is one of the better ones we saw, and opted to take him. Our hunt didn't start until the Tuesday after opening weekend, and we only had three days to put it all together. Alot of camps had pulled out. So it was nice not having to walk over a ton of people. After recieving some BAD news about my wife's pregnancy the day were leaving, and a near roll over on the way out.... We felt like we were just lucky to be there. Thanks again PACKOUT and TK for taking the time to give shout out and offer to lend a hand! Also, he's 25" wide, and scores in the low 170's, he doesn't have a lot of mass, but has some good forks, and length to make up for it.


Thanks again!

I can't get the picture to post I'll keep trying.....
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 02:31PM (MST)[p]Stacy's 07' Book Cliffs Buck
(And a great family photo for Christmas cards! What cute kids!)

Congratulations to you guys. That is a fine buck and I'd wager that some great memories were made on the hunt. The memories are by far the most important part of the hunt, be it a 2 point or a mature buck. I look forward to having my wife draw a Books tag and go out there with our boys and have a great time.

WOW! looks like the whole family got to enjoy that together! Im sure thats one youll never forget!! Congradulations!! Awsome buck!
Great Buck!
Looks like a great time for the whole family!

By the way,
I live in UT.
There are a lot of UTARDS that live here.
I have also seen quite a few WYOMORONS, NEVADUHNS, COLORADORKS, ID-IOTS and AIRHEADZONANS in my travels.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-07 AT 06:48AM (MST)[p]Great buck for sure. Way cute kids too. The kids get their good looks from their Dad, cause Mom still has hers.
I hunted the books last year with my dad...lots of deer but we never seen a buck like that...congrats nice long tined buck

GO BIG or GET OFF the Mountain!
Thanks all... It was deffinately a fun hunt, considering all the circumstances. We saw a lot of bucks, and a lot of deer. I think if we had a little weather it would have been even better. It was a really good hunt for my wife, and one that was great to share with the whole family.

Again Jeff- So sorry for the loss. Awesome trophy and I hope the memory of the hunt is always a good one. I'm sure it will always be bittersweet, but I'll bet it was good to help heal.

>Thanks all... It was deffinately
>a fun hunt, considering all
>the circumstances.
You could insert any deer in that photo and it would still be great, but that buck makes it extra nice!
i was wonderin if you kids were there when you tipped that deer over and if so how ya did it it, i have a new family and lookiing for ways to incorporate them a more, i would love to have picture like that. looks like a heck of a memory congrats
tufcntry, yeah, they were there and got to see the whole thing. They were pretty excited. This is the second kill that they were able to be a part of this year. If you know much about the Books, you'll know that it's as tough of hunt as you want to make it. Due to our situation we were fortunate enough to take this one fairly close to a road. It was fun to have whole fam there and share it with everyone.

Great couple of bucks! (Referring to your opening morning buck) and a good looking family. Sorry to hear about the bad news - hope everything turns out alright.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
dadgum the lil red X turned into a nice buck. to me that buck looks gooder than 170. hehe
Congrats to your wife,

How many points did she have when she drew the permit????


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