Border Issues

  • Thread starter Oregonbowhunter
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I just got to get something off my chest and want to know what others think because I haven't heard the media say anything about this particular thing. The Mexican protesters that are walking the streets of this country carrying the mexican flag and taking our flag down and raising the Mexican flag in our schools. I mean who do they think they are what would happen if we went down there and started raising our flag everywhere?

This is the United States of America and it really frosts my balls to see a bunch of illegals and legals toting around the Mexican flag; this isn't Mexico. If they are so proud of their country and heritage maybe they should go back to Mexico. Now if they want to be part of our country maybe they should learn the language and maybe carry around our flag.

They aren't making themselves very popular by trying turn everything here into a "NEW" Mexico. Why should we conform to them, they have no rights in this country yet our government is trying to do more for them than anything else. The government is throwing the darned welcome mat out for them.

Man I haven't been this mad in a long time. Sorry for the rant, had to get it out somehow.
Crap, I didn't see that post Chef, thanks. This should have gone under that one.
OB, I totally agree...I am also sick and tired of having to choose a language when I go to my ATM...Shouldn't need to make a choice!
Its getting bad , I do live here in "NEW"Mexico , its a great place to live , but the crap has hit the fan . Now I haven't heard of them taking down an American flag to raise a Mexican flag , but last saturday they bouycotted the stores here , heck my wife was happy , she said Walmart was easy to shop at . I agree , when I call some where , I can't stand being asked , "for english , please press 1" , so on . The public schools here in NM are overloaded , theres an elementary scholl here in Santa Fe that has 8 kindergardens , "8" , and all but 2 are bi-lingual , one bilingual class has a brand new teacher right out of college who doesn't speak any spanish , but was placed at the school . They drive fancy trucks yet are all on state funded assistance , try shopping after the assistance cards are mailed out , the have two shopping carts , one loaded with bread ,eggs and other items allowed under the state allowance , then another cart full of beer , meat and snacks golore , then they pay with $100.00 bills rolled up ! The Minute Men Program needs to be supported and given more power , this may sound bad to some of you , but if something isn't done soon , its just bound to get ALOT WORSE ! Drugs , non tax payers , disrespect of our laws etc ....If they want to live a better life here , then they should have to go through ALL the qualifying channels , and if they are so damn proud of their native Mexico , then they should freakin stay the hell out of here ...Holy crap I better get off the soap box....
Also anyone caght employeeing illegals should be fined A VERY HIGH FINE say $1000.00 for the first offence , and loose their business licence after the that , that would make people think twice about highering illegals just to pinch a buck.There should be a task force searching out these employers. If there isn't any work here for illegals , they won't/can't stay . There wouldn't be any border issues if the government would not allow such easy access at border entry and patrols were beefed up , catch em in the desert and take them back to jail so they can get a good meal and bed , theres the gift , already has it better , but then reload em and drive back and dump them back on their soil . Do the same here in communities , check for citizenship , and if its not valid , then load up and ship them out . Doesn't sound friendly does it ....
Hey NMHUNTNUTT1 are you a red sauce or green sauce guy?
I prefer red. I am an official New Mexico chile addict. Just had me some stacked enchiladas last night with fried egg on top....thats livin right there now. Yep I put in my order with a farmer last month for my anual fresh chile fix. I usaully get 50lbs of Green roasted and 50lbs of red roasted. Right now I am working off my last box full of dried chile's........

"We MUST Hunt"

The funniest post of all time:
The reincarnated Indian whale, Luna, was prop chopped to death by a tug boat. The tug Captain will have to live with that for the rest of his life.
An email a friend of mind sent me on this topic!! Liberals, multiculturalists, Hispanic activists and the Mainstream Media are allowing the illegal immigration debate to be dominated by Orwellian doublespeak. Illegal aliens are "undocumented workers" (what do we call the third that have no jobs and are on the dole?), who "pay taxes" (federal and state income taxes? really?), who "play by the rules" (except for the minor one involving border crossing), who commit no crimes (are those sunburned Irish and Polish citizens crowding our prisons?), who wish to become Americans (the hordes who speak only Spanish and waive Mexican flags chanting "Viva Mexico" and "Viva la Raza"?), who pay their own way (what about schools, medical care and other social services?), who spend money here (except for the $16 billion in remittances sent annually to Mexico) and who make our Country more dynamic (yes, my thoughts, indeed, driving along Tulare Avenue at night). God help us.
The distinction is subtle but important. All of the bills in congress make a point to differentiate between "undocumented workers" and "illegal aliens". Is is not a left wing conspiracy. The difference is that if any of the bills pass, the people that will be allowed to stay are the undocumented workers. The others will be subject current immigration laws.
What's the big deal if you have to spend an extra few seconds to push a button at the ATM or on the phone? Last I knew people here were free to speak whatever language they wanted. I don't know how many of you have tried to learn another language, but it's VERY difficult. If someone is here legally and they are trying to learn English it could be months or even years before they can speak it fluently. In the meantime they should be entitled to services that English speaking citizens enjoy if the banks or whoever it may be are willing to offer those services. If they are here legally and never learn English, that's their choice. They are free to do as they choose and it doesn't make someone any less American because they don't speak English. I do realize, however, that if someone really wants to be successful and make something out of themselves here in this country they need to learn English. If they don't it is definitely detrimental to them.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-06 AT 01:10PM (MST)[p]Please note that in my post I did not say that illegal immigrants are Americans. Also, as far as I understand, you have to have some ability to read, write, and speak English to become a citizen. (I don't know how well). So, I guess if you were not born here and come later you must speak English to be "American". My mistake. Strike the part about being more or less American. However,if an institution is willing to offer people services in a language other than English that is more comfortable for them to use, that's fine with me. What's the big deal if people speak other languages here in the U.S.? It makes us more diverse. Why is it such a big deal that everyone speak English? It's ok that we aren't all the same.We should be less worried about something like language, that is more an inconvenience than a problem in most cases, and be more worried about fixing real problems.

*sorry about the somewhat double post, I was going to edit my last post not make a completely new one.
I don't think diversity is necissarily a good thing. When you get too many people in one place with different believes and cultures you will have conflict.
Illigal is illigal, plain and simple. Any illigal immigrant is a criminal and should be treated as such.
For anyone who has sympathy for them answer this.
If i robbed a bank of 1 million dollars and turned myself in 5 years later would you as a jury member suggest that they give me just 100,000$ of the money back and let me go free? Hell i just wanted a better way of life (just like the mexicans)so that makes it all ok right?
No? then why reward any illigal any form of citizenship for breaking the laws of our country. Is it any different than robbing a bank? Illigals are stealing from US taxpayers. those who employ them are stealing from us as well.
We do not bargain with terrorists, so why would we bargain with law breakers here from another country? What kind of example are we setting by rewarding anyone anything for breaking laws, much less ones that never paid a dime in taxes and SS.
I think what is happening is that instead of coming to America and becoming part of the culture, learning the language, having pride in our country they are just making this Mexico North. I heard on the radio today that the most popular news program in LA is in spanish and the mayor gave his state of the city address in Spanish. There is a problem with that!!!!!!

I also read an article in the SEattle Times today about all the damage that is being done on the board by the illegals, and the border patrols going after them, stuff like the deer not coming out to feed in the middle of the night becuase of all the people running around and the vehicles, then they go into the brush to lay down and there are a bunch of illegals in the brush pockets. Crazy.
Interesting thread here. The most telling thing is that for years now, this country has fallen deeper and deeper into a state where we are now the United States of the OFFENDED. Citizens of this country can no longer depend on a fair shake because we have allowed ourselves to bend over backward to comply with the wants of some group or sect that thinks because this country was founded on individual rights that anything they want is their RIGHT to have.
I have no problem with immigration as long as the LAWS are followed. What we have now is primarily ILLEGAL but too many people ignore that fact. Most everything stems off of this same premise. Bi-lingual schools? The official language of this country is ENGLISH.
Sad to say but the ony thing that will help is if we can get some legislators with some balls to do the right thing and get hardline on enforcing this country's laws. It is as simple as that.
I agree with you guys 110%, but I do have a question.

How are we to continue the agriculture harvest? The illegals MAKE it happen! I worked for a major cherry grower when I was 15 doing 50 hours a week 5:30 AM every morning. I was the only white kid among 300+ workers. I guarantee you that the farmers would have trouble finding American kids to do that kind of work for minimum wages. I mean, picking cherries is HARD! Especially to make any money at it. $5 dollars per 20lb box is hardly good money. IN a full day I could MAYBE pick 3-5 boxes. So whats to be done about that?

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
My Grandparents immigrated legally from Czechoslovakia in the aftermath of WWI. They were quarantined at Ellis Island until it could be determined that they carried no diseases and were not criminals. They learned English, worked their way through College, and became successful business owners.

They were very proud to be Americans.

That is the way it should be.

Sad truth is, we have become a much more socialist state, thanks to the liberals. They are too concerned about NOT OFFENDING anyone, regardless of the fact that yes, ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL.
I like smaltz's view of it and agree, that if any one of us did something to break the law(not that we would) would we get a free pass or as many free percs as we wanted? Hell no...
"Sad to say but the ony thing that will help is if we can get some legislators with some balls to do the right thing and get hardline on enforcing this country's laws.+"
Here, here, I second that...

Stop Global Whining
MichaelJ, the guest worker program is probably the best way to solve the problem of who is going to do the ag work. But there are more illegals here than there needs to be and they are mooching off of us, and nobody likes a mooch.

I don't know why they don't build a 10 foot fence with razor wire all over the top and electrify the damn thing with 50,000 volts. That would sure solve the problem. Compared to some of the other things the government wastes money on, it would be one heck of an investment.
OregonBowHunter, the problem with the fence is because of the concern for wildlife. How are they to overcome a 10ft electic razorwired fence?

I agree, illegal is illegal, and to the immigrant worker program is probably the best solution. As for them being here illegaly, they have no rights.

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
Umm how about staying away from it? I don't blieve animals do much migrating down that way. Mexico can keep their deer and we can keep ours. How about that.
This is a tough issue - for years and years the government has ignored this problem because the business lobby has told them to look the other way. Things are bad in Mexico and other parts of Central America. A lot of these people are coming here to make a better home for their families and they come illegally because it is a numbers game. For everyone that gets caught - there are literally THOUSANDS that don't and never will and it would take lifetimes upon lifetimes to complete the necessary paperwork to accomodate all the applications for all the people that want to enter the country. It is like trying to control chaos - it is like the boy putting his finger in the dike to prevent the flood. There just isn't enough bureacracy to do it legally. I don't know how - or if it is a problem that will ever be solved. Life is good here and millions and millions of people just want to be a part of it. There are no plausible solutions. As long as our economy is good and jobs are plentiful - they will keep coming and the companies will keep hiring them. A wall or a fence won't work - the area is just too big - unless you build something like the Great Wall of China it cannot be adequately defended or patrolled by anything but conventional warfare and no one will ever authorize unleashing that kind of firepower on people who are coming here because they are hungry, unless of course you are Saddam Hussein. We do have to limit the social programs, but then most of their children are born here and as such are US citizens by the Constitution and are entitled to every benefit afforded to anyone else.

As far as the language is concerned - it isn't hard to learn one. I teach Spanish and the demand is higher and higher than the availability of classes. You can learn it if you work hard and desire to. Personally - I think we should meet them in the middle. We all have to face it - we live in the third largest Spanish speaking country in the world (as far as inhabitants whose native language is Spanish) and that is not going to change. I speak Spanish fluently and have spoken it every single day for the last 15 years - even in Alaska and rural Utah I can find someone to talk to in Spanish. It is here and it is not going away - it might not ever be an official language, but nevertheless it is so imbedded in the culture that we will never truly be homogenous ever again. Diversity is a fact of life and we need to do more to get used to it. Sorry - but its true.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-06 AT 10:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-06 AT 09:53?PM (MST)

This is a difficult issue for me. My wife is Mexican and she came across the border illegally when she was 3 months old. She speaks better english than spanish, and she became a citizen the hard way long before I met her.

First thing our government has got to do is stop the "paying under the table" crap. This goes for white, mexican, black, green, or whatever. I hate getting taxed, but these people are getting a free ride. Undercover agents and steep fines or losing contracter licenses for the first offense could solve this. The only way to stop this is by punishing the employers, there's plenty of people to take the place of someone deported.

The welfare system we currently have is ludicrous. We have to stop people already on welfare from having more babies. Mandatory birth control if you're on welfare (sorry to offend the strict religous folks, but you're probablly the one's most complaining about the problems).

Athough its wrong, you have to let the people already here stay. We need to construct a secure wall. Therefore we can control immigration from here on out. If someone from Mexico is law abiding, learns descent English, and agrees to work in the U.S. witout accepting social handouts for 5 years, that individual should be allowed in this country, and after 5 years should be eliglable for quick citizenship.

Basically, Our country's and Mexico's wealthy that are supporting the current policy. Our country's wealthy get rich off of cheap labor. And Mexico's elite get rich by paying poor wages because many of their workers are getting subsidized by family members working in the U.S.A.

And we can't change the constitution for people being born in the U.S. Once we open that can of worms, there goes our bill of rights and second ammendment.

In summary, I have no problem with a hard working, law abiding, tax paying, productive citizen from any nationality coming to this country. Just don't work under the table and then screw us on the side for our free handouts while you drive a new truck with $5000 rims and Mexican flag stickers.

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