Broke My Dang Leg


Active Member
I guess if it had to happen, now is the best time. I should have enough time to heal before the fall comes. Chasing some cows up a hill to brand and my horse slipped on some sandstone and landed on my leg. Broke my fibula clean through. Doc wants to operate tomorrow but I am very hesitant thinking he might just want to earn a buck. I am 23 now but he said I could run into problems down the road if I opt out of the surgery. I guess he would put a 3 inch plate with screws onto my bone to get it back to the right spot. Any advice whether I should get it done or not would be great.




Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
I have seen some nasty things on here but your leg take the prize for the month of May. Sorry your busted up, get well soon.

Do the surgery, often times bone fractures will heal a lot faster after a surgery than they will on there own and they will heal right. You will probobly have troubles with it down the road either way but your less likely too if you get the surgery!
Go get a second opinion... My bro broke his ankle about 20 years ago his foot stuck between two cross ties and fell over he had to have surgery,pin,plates and all that stuff but he has been good as new.Good luck!
Or you could wrap it with duct tape and hope for the best.

I think I would get a second opinion from a good orthopedist if you have doubts about your doctor but if the second recommended surgery I'd go with it.
I broke my tibia fibula and ankle last fall and had two surgerys and I now have no pain 6 screws and a titanium rod driven down my tibia. I'd say get a second opinion or just go with the surgery!
Have the lines it all up better. Heals quicker and they will pull out any splinters that WILL affect you later!

I think I am about up to 40 screws in my bones. 63 and no real problems from any of them......except the screws that are loose in my head!
I broke my tib in half on a motorcycle when I was in 8th grade. I didnt do the surgery and I was in a cast up to my thigh for 3 months, in a walking boot for 2 more months, and jumped out of the back of my dads truck a week after the boot was off and broke it again, not bad enough to consider surgery but it gives me fits to this day! If I could go back I would definitely have the surgery!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

I'm not recommending this but I'll tell you my story. I was at a Diamondback's baseball game back in May 2006, when the game was over and I was leaving the stadium my left heal snagged the lip of a stair step as I was decending. I went down on my butt, when I tried to get up I couldn't stand on my left leg. Anyways they sent the medics and wheeled me off to their E.R at the stadium and called the ambulance to haul me to a real E.R. I had broken my leg in 3 places, tib once and fib twice. The E.R. doc splinted it and told me to go see a bone Dr. Well I didn't go because I couldn't afford it because I didn't have health benefits. I just stayed off it and drank about 6 shots of whiskey everynight to take the edge off the pain and to help me sleep. About six weeks later I took my first shower standing up. I walk on it today with out any problems. I am afraid to run on it though. I know that story sounds a little barbaric but I can handle pain better than most. Funny thing is that my leg lets me know when a storm is coming now.[/img][/url]
Well I just got back from my Pre-Op visit. I decided to go ahead and do the surgery, 6:30 tomorrow morning. The old saying, "better safe than sorry," talked me into it. The thought of having problems with it in the future and keeping me from hunting with my future kids or grand kids doesnt sit too well. So, wish me luck and I will be a computer bum for the next week or so, I will let the MM family know how it turns out. Have a good one guys.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Good to see that you are going to have the surgery. "Problems in the future...." Hopefully you will avoid those problems. Good luck to you.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON May-11-10 AT 07:55PM (MST)[p]
I busted up my lower left leg pretty bad when I was 26 in a motocross mishap.
I broke my tibia, my fibula and shattered my ankle.
They at first threatened to fuse it.
They put it back together with two ten inch plates, 14 screws and a bone graft out of my hip.
It was April when I was injured and by August I was deer hunting albeit very gingerly.
Lots of pain to overcome, but with physical therapy and a positive attitude, you can overcome.
I still have the hardware in me at age 49, but I do feel arthritic stiffness.
I'm OK after I get warmed up and find serious hiking not to be a problem, but after I sit down and take a break it stiffens up considerably.
I'm considering having the plates and screws removed, I've heard it is quite a relief, I just keep putting off another surgery.
Best of luck with things.
Stay driven.
Good luck with your surgery! I think your making the right choice! If it took 6 1/2 months for a 13 year old kid to recover, it only gets worse with age. I'm 24 now and still limp around when a storm is coming or I over do it.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

I broke my tibula and fibula in 2 different places in July. I now have a rod(from my knee to my ankle), 5 screws, and a plate. It still has a long way to go before it is better, but it is improving. I don't know how good it will get, all I can do is hope for the best.

Good Luck

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