Bucks still packing.


Active Member
Took the dogs out for a walk this morning. And come across this little Buck still packing his rack. Anybody else seeing Bucks still packing? I’m in Utah.


I went shed hunting Saturday in CO on private land and saw 30 bulls with antlers still. Only a few had dropped. That surprised me. But all the deer had dropped.
Big bulls have dropped on a friends ranch. I think deer had as well… I’m stuck remodeling a house so thank goodness for the May 1 date… I’m sure they will be waiting for me ;) haha I guess there is always next year
Yesterday I saw a small muley that still had his headgear here in WY.
Seen a buck today in Harrisville where the old golf course is at that had about 4" of growth already.. strange how some drop and start growing and others hold. It's not just younger bucks as I've seen young bucks with nubs also.

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