Bull Down


Active Member
My first archery bull and could not ask for much more not the biggest but plenty big for my first could not be happier.




LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-10 AT 09:27AM (MST)[p]

To bad there will not be any more pictures of him.. LOL
sorry little brother

Well as you all know now this is my first archery bull and he is my best bull to date. Me and my brother chose to miss the opening day of the Idaho archery and decided to take off Friday giving us a 4 day hunting weekend. Started hiking out of camp at 5:00 Am Friday morning at first light I called in a five point and a six point. Neither one of them made a sound they come in silent to my cow calls had both of them within 40 yards and I played ring around the rosey's in the trees with them for what seemed like hours ( 20 minutes ) and they would not present a shot and finally they just walk off I think they were just as frustrated as I was I so badly wanted to force a shot I had clear head on shots and broadside and quartering away shots through trees it was so tempting. I am just glad I kept my composure and did not force a nightmare shot. Anyways after all of that excitement I made it down to one of the game cameras and swapped out the flash cards so when I got back to camp me and my brother could check them the rest of the morning was uneventful when I got back to camp my brother reviewed the game card and there were two bulls that had been passing thru consistently and traveled thru the saddle on the 1st and 2nd morning and night knowing that it was quite easy to decide where I was going to be sitting for that evening hunt I hiked back in leaving camp at 2:30 pm and I climbed into my stand at about 4:00pm and I sat and I sat and just for your information I am not a patient person so it about kills me to even sit for 30 minutes have an extreme case of ADHD had to double up on meds to sit in a tree stand. Finally 7:58 pm I have had enough I was just started to stand up and out of the corner of my eye here he came in stealth mode down the trail soon as his head disappeared behind a tree I reached for r my bow and he froze I thought I blew it nope here he comes going to walk right under me 15 yard shot game over I was calm and collected until from behind me some were his girlfriend chirped and he decided to go and see her at this time you can throw calm out the window I'm in panic mode not again am I not going to get a shot not again so I find a window I can shoot through I pull my bow back and once again he freezes one more step and I am going to squeeze the trigger between thirty and forty yards I'm guessing did not have time to range there is a pine brow hanging down about twenty yards out and I have about an 8 inch window to shoot through and finally the bull takes that step and thwack as the bull takes off crashing through the trees did I hit I think it sound like I hit a tree I range were the bull was 37.9 yards I wait twenty minutes and get out of tree and go to were the bull was standing by this time it is starting to get a little dark and I cannot find the arrow but 10 feet from where the bull was standing and he is spraying blood 4 to 5 feet out the one side thought to myself must have caught far side rib or shoulder I followed blood about 40 yards and find about 10 inches of my arrow broke off where the bull had taken out a 3 inch pine and about a 5 inch quakie by this time it is dark and I hear the bull coughing so I decided to go back to camp and find him in the morning it was one of the longest nights of my life but it led to one of the best morning?s of my life the bull had went about 200 yards. My buddy shot a spike out of the same stand while I was recovering my bull so he hauled out two elk that morning It was a lot of work but dam was it fun can't wait to do it again.

hey man great bull and great story!!! thanks for sharing but you forgot to give us the exact gps coordinates for the saddle : )
i am a truck driver with gps right in front of me so i just had to punch it in lol i never knew there were elk in the middle of the atlantic ocean ; )-
Congrats on a beautiful Bull, he is a dandy 1st Bull or not.

There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.

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