Burnt popcorn


Long Time Member
Think bears care if the popcorn is a little burnt? Trying it out this year as a filler with the rest of my bait. Don’t have popcorn in the turkey fryer down to a science yet so some of its a little toasty.

Mixing it with a strawberry syrup. We’ll see if they like it
Yeah but will they be all judgey about it?
If you put a bunch of different stuff out they will definitely eat certain stuff they like first but it all get eaten eventually.

I've used popcorn quite a bit but it isn't burned. I just bought a air popper and used that. You can fill a big garbage sack pretty quickly.
dead ewes have to be plentiful around your parts.....go make friends with the herders....
I know they like a jug of human urine and insect repellent!

I had both in a tree stand and the bear came up and enjoyed both those....along with part of my cushioned seat.

Crazy things really will bite and eat almost anything so burned popcorn should repulse them in the least.

Smell smell smell..

I would bet that curious bears would come just for the smell.

I went out helping a guy years ago and we started a drum of used vegetable oil and syrup plus other stff on fire then let the smoke flow down into a canyon.

That stuff stuck to trees for 100s of yards!!

I never hunted with them but he claimed every bear around would come looking for that barrel and it smelt burnt.
"My experience with a cabin raiding bear is they like gasoline and motor oil......"
Outfitter I worked for had one bite into a can of expanding foam. That would have been great footage.
Switched to an air popper. Much easier. Got a big bucket of pure white bacon grease from the restaurant I’m pulling down. Making bacon grease apple candy popcorn right now. Even I’m getting hungry making it. Their going to love this
Just pack in as large of a propane tank as you can haul. Just barely crack the valve.
Hopefully no one comes around your site smoking. ???
Mexican restaurant fryer grease is your friend… It will make you puke but bears will eat the bark of trees to get it… They then track it throughout the mountains leaving a scent trail for other bears…
Switched to an air popper. Much easier. Got a big bucket of pure white bacon grease from the restaurant I’m pulling down. Making bacon grease apple candy popcorn right now. Even I’m getting hungry making it. Their going to love this
A few weeks back, I bought 2 air poppers off Amazon, and they were 2 different brands. I rarely eat popcorn and probably hadn't used one in 20 or more years. I found out that they get a little hot. I am now down to 1 popper as the other one is in the garbage. I have about 3 garbage bags of popcorn so far.

I am thinking your bait is a bit better flavored than mine. However, I have a lot of restaurant grease to add to it.

I also bought a cheap pan at a yard sale. I am going to burn grease and popcorn in it as well...

Good luck with your hunt.
Bread, doughnuts, old Honey or syrup, old popcorn, used cooking grease. all top items for a bait station

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