I Sure the Hell Hope they Baptized him in Pig Oil/Piss before throwing his LowLife Scum of the Earth ass in to the Sea?

I think another MM'er had the right idea!

They should of throwed him in a pit & let every American Piss on Him & then make sure We advertised it on the News,You know,send the footage to Aljazeera & let them Advertise it too!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Why was he not put on display for the whole world to see what will eventually happen to terrorist that attack this country??? It seems very fishy to me?? The timing with the elections coming up and Obama's popularity at an all time low. Seems odd to me......

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
We kept his head :)
They should of wrapped him with one piece of extra thick bacon for every life he tore apart. Not sure how appeals work in the Supreme Court in the sky but for his sake, may God show him the mercy that he denied thousands of victims he killed in cold blood.

If we have learned anything from this decade of sadness, I would hope it involves similar operations to introduce copper covered lead projectiles into the noggins of the next generations of pure evil, before they so much as give one innocent American a hangnail.

Maybe all that 'bad' intelligence gleaned from waterboarding terrorists wasn't as bad as they claimed it would be. We will likely never know, but it would be interesting to know what they knew, when they knew it, who they found it from, and what methods were used to extract it. Evil wrapped in packages like this are not deserving of protection from cruel and unusual punishments. I guess his fate now lies with a greater power and the Good Lord will deal with him how he sees fit.

I can't help but think milliseconds before a 2900 fps projectile dimmed his lights for the last time, he was thinking of the prophetic words spoken many many years before in another conflict, 'you have awaken a sleeping giant.'

While this closes out a major chapter in combating evil where it rears its ugly head, it is certainly not the end of the book. This nation needs to keep its eye on the prize and keep its resolve and solidarity to combat the next string of ding bats who will fill the voids, and come at them with the same tenacity to stop the evil DEAD in its tracks. God bless the military, the law enforcement, and other named and unnamed government operatives who carried out this operation, many of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice so you and I can sleep soundly in our beds at night. For as we know, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
I think a re-photo shop is in order Feleno. Maybe something with a noose hanging it down, or stuck to the bayonet on an M1 Garrand. Just so that thug is at no time higher than any point on that our sacred Statue of Liberty.
It sure will be a nice feeling the next time I walk by the bulletin board with the FBI top ten most wanted and his ugly mug will have the stamp in bright red, CAPTURED-DEAD.
At first there may have been some confusion as to whether they did indeed kill bin laden. CIA files clearly showed his eyes as described dark brown. When headquarters first received reports he was shot dead they asked to confirm with eye color and were taken bake in shock when they described the deceased as having blue eyes.

They asked the men there to confirm one more time. They again said the eyes were sure in fact blue, one blew left, the other blew right. Clearly a simple mix up in semantics. There are pics floating out there if you are so inclined to check them out. Do a google image search and it will come right up with more to follow no doubt.

Judging from the location of the powder burns, I would suspect the soldier who fired the shot heard around the world should work on his controlled breathing skills a little bit as it went high and left in the facial triangle of death. He certainly made up the minor point deductions in style and grace though.

No doubt for security reasons the names of those in this op will never be revealed. Too bad though because on behalf of myself and others I would like to take you out for beers, and have you sign the side of my 1911. Many Americans are in debt for the fortitude of your intestines and the brass in your balls.
Awesome news!

A bit disappointing though that he be given a proper Muslim burial.

Also read that the Pakistanis are reporting one of our choppers was shot down while leaving so I hope thats not true and no lives were lost.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Take his body and put it in a pig sty and let the "hungry hogs" have their breakfast and take lots of pictures too and dropped them all of his motherland......as an example to all.

>Well generally after a good hunt
>there's photos of the "kill".
> Wonder if we'll see

Go to Google Images and type in "osama bin laden dead"

All of the photos on the www. have been out for years. The photos will be released, just haven't yet.
I'm glad they sent him sinking to the bottom of the ocean..... If they had buried him above ground his grave would be visited more than Elvis'...... They "say" he got a proper Muslim Funeral..... Any wagers on how it really went?.... Terry
i would bet because of all the mamby pamby liberals out there is was given a proper burial at see. but in their minds they was wanting to piss on him before he took a water grave
>i would bet because of all
>the mamby pamby liberals out
>there is was given a
>proper burial at see. but
>in their minds they was
>wanting to piss on him
>before he took a water

Would it be those same liberals responsible for killing him??

You can bet money that obl got dumped in the ocean only after our soldiers took facial hair keepsakes and urinated on his sorry ass and shoved raw bacon down his throat. We will never know but somebody somewhere has beard clippings off this POS that they will be showing their grandkids. Our military is not that sympathetic toward ragheads especially terrorist ragheads.

I have to find out who these "liberals" are that you guys keep talking about.
I don't understand why we respected Muslim law about burial within 24 hours, they didnht seem to care much about our Christianity!
I think we might have botched it. DANG!

Islamic scholars criticize bin Laden's sea burial

CAIRO ? Muslim clerics said Monday that Osama bin Laden's burial at sea was a violation of Islamic tradition that may further provoke militant calls for revenge attacks against American targets.

Although there appears to be some room for debate over the burial ? as with many issues within the faith ? a wide range of senior Islamic scholars interpreted it as a humiliating disregard for the standard Muslim practice of placing the body in a grave with the head pointed toward the holy city of Mecca.

Sea burials can be allowed, they said, but only in special cases where the death occurred aboard a ship.


I'm sure they got it right by tying him on a rope and towing him like a water toy until his head was pointing to mecca. Shoulda flown his sorry a$$ to Dutch Harbor and given him to the Deadliest Catch crew for crab bait!
What......and take a chance to contaminate the entire Berring Sea?
We don't need to piss off the diaperheads nor do we need to screw up the Crab population!!
Wrong answer, I don't give a chit about pissing off the diaperheads, they should have video'd the whole thing as they threw him into the swine pit, pulled his half eaten mangled body from the pig stye and dropped him from 30,000 feet to the desert floor in Mecca!!
Piss on them Diaper Heads!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Define Irony:

Manny posting a picture with the title of BREAKING NEWS....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>Define Irony:
>Manny posting a picture with the
>title of BREAKING NEWS....

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

just appreciate the pics dip wadd
Manny, I'm just giving you a hard time....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
There is a product out there for all you gun guys. It's SBGO, Silver Bullet Gun Oil. It contains 13% pig fat, so when a muslim is killed, they go to hell without their virgins. Word has it that a lot of our troops are using it, including SEAL Team 6. I use it and it works great in my weapons. If you care to look it up, go to , silverbulletgunoil.net. I have no vested interest in this. Some former marine/biker from back east makes the stuff.
The entire internet is one big lie. The world record mule deer is probably 165. No wonder I never find bigger bucks.


I can't believe JB never came on here to comment on the spelling in the thread title...... What's this world coming to?.... Terry

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