Bush's church buddy



So who thinks Rev. Ted Haggard just got a massage from a male prostitute and then threw the meth he bought from him away and that's all? I didn't think much of this at first but he admitted that much. this is Bush's gay bashing church buddy here,you have to love the hypocrite far right goof balls now with Foley and all this is just too funny.
Yep, he sure got a "deep tissue" massage alright! Right in the pooper! And to add meth to the mix, naaaasty! Sounds like a weekend in at the Moosie compound!
At first I didn't think that Bush goes to hell joke was credible but now...

Well it just goes to show you the hypocritical nature of man. All too often we see the mighty fall to the very vices they eschew the most. Guard yourselves friends! Tomorrow you may be dressed in a deer suit with blaze orange running around on opening morning with a fog horn scaring the deer away from the best hunting areas!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Dude, when Clinton did this crap you guys said we shouldn't mess with his personal life and we shouldn't put our nose in his personal business.

Does that same bull crap apply now?

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Ahhhhhhhhhh, those who live in glass house should not throw stones.

Is that all you got AA? What do you think of the rump ranger and his affiliation to Bush and the republican party? I think they all are kinda "tight" arnt they?

I'd say that all bets are off when a guy steps up to condemn gays, while at the same time he's paying for gay sex.

Oh yea, Aspen, that's it, cant talk about personal lives - give me a break. Slight difference between getting a blow job in the white house and condemning gays but buying gay sex. . .

Anyway, looks like the church has more of a problem than anything. I'd get the heck out of that church as fast as I could if I were to find out that my boss was a rump ranger. . . I dont think the people that go to that church support gays, do they? Oh, only if they're your family members, I get it, like Cheney's daughter, gayness is bad for everyone but his kids - the Republican Party is THE party of hypocrites . . .
For the record - when Clinton pulled his sexual scandal he lied about it and only confessed when he got so caught he could no longer deny the evidence. Didn't he get impeached for that? Oh - yeah he did. No hypocrisy there for sure. And though he did support many liberal agendas such as gay rights, he did also toe a very conservative line on marriage and fidelity in it. He wasn't nearly as liberal as the rest of the democrats and he and even used his "solid marriage" to pull in some of the conservative votes. Plus I don't remember too many people saying we should let his private business remain private. I do remember the huge media blitz and the stir it created.

I don't support this Haggard dude either. Yes he is a hypocrite and he only came forward about it after he got caught. But he is being truthful and accepting responsibility. Let's hope he truly is trying to repent and make his ammends before both God and Man. I could care less what his politics are. He is a disgrace to anyone who really knows what "family values" means - just like Cheney is too.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The difference is as follows:
1. He is not a government official. ie not President of the United States of America.
2. Clinton lied. Blatantly lied.
3. The Haggard fag admited his disgusting sex life and steped down. Clinton did not.
4. Conservatives are condeming him. By the way the Haggard fag has no ties to Bush. However you and the rest of the left continue to stick up for old Slick. Thats the difference and thats the facts.
Church is for sinners. Thats why they go.

So why is it okay to dive into this guys personal life but you all said we should get out of Clintons personal life? (I agree he should be smashed but so should have Clinton)

Jesse Jackson is more of a national figure and is widely known as a Dem (fem) and what was he proven to have done in the last few years? Does that say anything about the Dem party? No. Well then neither does this incident say anything about Republicans!

Mmmmmmmm, that tastes good. Chew on that.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Bush probably did have some contact with him, he ran a huge church, morally he screwed up big time, but how is that a question of the president. One president commits acts and the other knows people who do, come on now..... Give the president credit wether you like him or not he takes a stand on something, and as far as hunters bashing the right wow, you guys must not love your 2nd amendment rights enough to siff through all the media smoke and lights!!!!
The Republican party just like the Democrat party, is a party of fallen humans. One day, should God be gracious on you, you will understand that becoming a Christian does not make you perfect. Everyone, I don't care who you are, is subject to the same temptations and weaknesses as everyone else. We all fall, then we get back up again. By Gods grace he gives us the strength to be able to resist those temptations.

Jesus, told all the men wanting to stone the woman caught in the act of adultery. "he among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone". After they all left, he told the woman, "where are your accusers". He then told her, "go and sin no more"

Rev. Haggard made a series of horrible mistakes that he and his family will pay for the rest of their lives.

The Bible makes it clear that pastors and church leaders have a much more stringent judgement than everyday people. But forgiveness is available for all who will turn from their sin and seek the Lords forgiveness. We all are going to stand before the same judge some day. That includes everyone reading these words.
"The Bible makes it clear that pastors and church leaders have a much more stringent judgement than everyday people. But forgiveness is available for all who will turn from their sin and seek the Lords forgiveness. We all are going to stand before the same judge some day. That includes everyone reading these words."
Amen idabigbuck. Well said.

But you will never get the Secular Progressives on this site to believe it.
here we go. . . so, by your standards, even clinton migh make it ay. . .


funny stuff here people.

No ties to Bush, okay. Haggard was in charge of the National Association of Evangelicals right?

They gave LOTS of cash to the party. . . right?

Haggard also was consulting the Bush white house on policy matters, so I dont think you can say they were not associated. In fact, I would not be surprised if they even had a few of the same friends. . .

I'd of been a lot more concerned about it if old Slick had been getting a blow job from a man. More than one President has had affairs. Here's what I suggest, If you don't like a man vote against him. If enough people feel like you do then he won't be a President, or a Congressman etc. (I'm not talking about Bush since he is term limited) That's Democracy and I think enough of us have forgotten that's how it is supposed to work.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-06 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]So, you think he told W that he was porking dudes and W said "what the hell, as long as the check clears?"

Do you know anyone that has broken the law? If so, you must be tied to him/her also right?

And yes, even BJ Clinton can get into heaven.

Shall we bring up ...oh say... TED KENNEDY killing his mistress?

or..say...Barney Fag running a male ho ring out of his house?

or say.....THE REVEREND Je$$e Jack$on fathering illegit kids and refusing to pay for them and has made many anti-semetic and anti-white remarks. Oh yeah, the same JESAA JAAAHWKSON that was deeply tied to the Clinton's.
It's the hypocrisy I find amusing, what the crap does this have to do with Clinton? you guys are something else. did Clinton ever spupport a no BJ amendment to the constitution? not even close to the same thing, and by the way she was FEMALE.
Haggard is a spirtual advisor to Bush and if you haven't noticed the republicans are very anti gay. did you know that Karl Rove's dad is a butt pirate and Karl still loves him? he saves his hatred for politics just like Cheney . you're so hung up on hating dems you don't even see the humor in this.
"So, you think he told W that he was porking dudes and W said "what the hell, as long as the check clears?"



That's what makes this so amusing, Bush's "buddy" gets caught being a but pirate and he is one of Bush's spiritual advisors. LOL

Gota wonder what spirit he's advising GW on. . . LOL

In truth, you gota laugh at this because I cant imagine anyone even planning that kid of luck for the republicans.
the Republicans taking money from the far right radicals....is that like the deomcrates taking from the PETA people or green peace or ACLU or..... you get the picture what is worse, what did the founding fathers have in mind for us.... most certainly not party politics, either side.

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