CA Deer Assn / Dan Richards


Active Member
Have the CA Deer Assn, or CA Waterfowl Assn, or CA NWTF, or CA DU come out & publically supported Dan Richards???

If they haven't, they need to do so.

Enough is enough & if these groups can't step up & publically support a "pro-hunting" man in a tough situation, maybe it's time to re-think supporting them.

If any of them HAVE made a public statement, please provide the link so I can thank them.
NWTF is the only one to answer me....they are going public against this on Monday. Thank you NWTF!!!!
Bogus charge by the anti-hunting community to discredit and ultimately remove Mr. Richards. We as sportsmen must unite and help defeat this shameful smear attack. The future of CA wildlife and fisheries is at stake.

This is nothing but a smear campaign by the anti-hunting groups to remove a pro-hunting member and replace him with a liberal anti-hunter member on the game commission. I have sent several emails to protest this action.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-12 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-12 AT 10:37?PM (MST)

I have tryed to contact the CA deer assocation thru email and have not got any response yet. If they do not back Dan Richards, All my hunting buddys and I will drop our memberships for good! We will all be very disappointed. As soon as I heard the infromation on this BS I checked their site and seen nothing backing Richards. Makes me wonder if they are ran by the HSUS, because if your not on Dan Richards side, then your on the other, there's no in between.We all need to support Richards as consevationist and the future of hunting in CA.
Between last night & this early AM, I sent out emails to the local head of NRA, CA Deer Assn, CA DU, CA Waterfowl & NWTF. Who else is in this state that is a hunting or shooting org??

For the record, NWTF has replied from a national officer and also a local state rep "on record" backing Mr. Richards.

If none of the others get on board....bye-bye memberships. If this guy goes, major negative things will be headed our way.
I dropped my membership to CDA about 5 years ago. I saw things in the organization that I didn't like...I will leave it at that.
Yes guys, the California Deer Association has wrote a letter to the legislature, in support of Dan Richards. When I get a copy of the letter I will post it.
I am the chairman for the Eastern Sierra Chapter,and I hope all of you know that when it comes to deer, the C.D.A. is working hard. Seventy five percent of all the money raised from our annual banquets is put back on the ground in either habitat, research, or education.
We all know that it's hard to be a hunter in this state, and things like calling for one of our own, to step down from his position as president of our Fish and Game commission is criminal. We need to band together to keep our hunting heritage alive and well in this state. So if you haven't wrote your legislatures, don't waste any time do it now!


Thanks Brownie....

I have wrote, wrote, wrote.....I also wrote to all the org.s....CDA did not get back to me, however this is just as good......thanks!!

More than us individuals, you guys are the ones that have some sort of clout....time to start using it like you have never used it before!
Has anyone contacted RMEF or Mule Deer Foundation on this subject? They should both be willing to support Mr. Richards.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-12 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]Buckhunter1, i think you are mistaken. The paragraphs that discredit Richards are not from Martin. He's using them as a Quote from an organization that is calling for Richards head. Don looks to simply be making aware of the injustice, so be it IMO, not in the best way possible.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
From COHA fieldwire - sign up at

California Fish & Game Commission President Unfairly Attacked

The California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) believes that Fish and Game Commission (Commission) President Dan Richards should serve the remainder of his appointed term even in light of the recent public outcry. Mr. Richard's legal hunting activities, while in Idaho, have no bearing on the execution of his duties in the protection of California's wildlife. The California Fish and Game Commission is tasked with the oversight of regulations which govern the hunting of game species in our state. We believe it is important that Commissioners who serve on this important body have a thorough understanding of the critical role of hunting in science-based wildlife management and the conservation of the wildlife in our state.

Mountain lion hunting is highly regulated and managed with the best available scientific data in many western states. Because of sound management practices, mountain lion populations are healthy and expanding and are in no way threatened. Though the outcry by animal-rights organizations to having Mr. Richards serve on the Commission is not surprising, COHA believes that he will continue to vigorously fight to protect California's wildlife, habitat and natural resources. Those looking to remove Mr. Richards from the Commission should focus more time and energy on helping California's wildlife not attacking a law abiding hunter and Commissioner.
Thanx Sage you are right. Im a little torked about the SFW in AZ.Im well invseted in future tags there and i guess Im a little jumpy.I will apoligize to DON. BH1
Here is a copy of the letter of support for Commissioner Richards sent by CDA.
March 2, 2012

The Honorable Ben Hueso
California State Assembly
State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0079

Dear Assembly Member Hueso:

Your letter requesting Commissioner Dan Richards to resign from the Fish and Game Commission for following the law in another state has reached a level beyond absurdity. It only confirms the negative thoughts that those from other states have about the many actions taken by the California legislature. You are totally mistaken when you think this state is a world leader ? actions such as this are making California the laughing stock of the nation.

What's next? Should California again close the salmon season as it did in prior years, will you seek out and punish those who go to Oregon or Alaska to fish legally there?

Since when do we punish anyone in California for legal actions they take in other states? It is the height of hypocrisy when you give elected officials a pass for doing wrong ? even to breaking laws ? but now want to punish someone who was clearly following the laws of another state.

The California Deer Association has raised millions of dollars for the benefit of California?s wildlife and their habitat, including mountain lions. We support the right of Commissioner Richards to exercise his legal right to hunt mountain lions in whatever state it is legal. In fact, we support all California residents? right to participate in legal activities in other states without the fear of discrimination or punishment by California?s legislature.

On behalf of the thousands of members of the California Deer Association, I strongly request that you withdraw your request for Commissioner Richards to resign.


Jerry Springer

cc: Assembly Member Huffman
Assembly Member Berryhill
Commissioner Richards
The letter is a good step....there where several other organizations that actually showed up with representive speakers. I thank those organizations. If CDA was there I must have missed it

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