
Very Active Member
Finally someone has stepped up to challenge this ridiculous law. Way to go SCI!


SCI Challenges California Mountain Lion Import Ban in Federal Court

For Immediate Release: August 7, 2014

Safari Club International (SCI) filed a lawsuit in federal court on August 6, 2014, challenging a California law that bans the importation, transportation, and possession of mountain lions hunted outside of California. The California law, enacted in 1990 through a voter initiative, has discouraged hunters in California from hunting mountain lions in others states and countries. SCI?s members in California and surrounding states strongly encouraged SCI to challenge this misguided ban.

?For too long California has interfered with the hunting of mountain lions in other states by residents of California,? said SCI President Craig Kauffman. ?Back in 1990, ill-informed California voters decided it was a good idea to take the management of this predator species out of the hands of the wildlife professionals. Not only did they ban mountain lion hunting within the state, but they went further and tried to impose on other states their misguided views on mountain lion hunting. The result was a harmful and illegal ban on the importation of mountain lions hunted outside of California.?

SCI?s main claims in the case are that the import/possession ban violates the U.S. Constitution?s Commerce Clause and Equal Protection Clause. The ban both infringes on interstate commerce without serving a strong local interest and discriminates against hunters who wish to import mountain lions as compared to hunters of other non-protected wildlife. SCI filed its lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California (Sacramento). The two defendants are the California Attorney General Kamala Harris and the Director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife Charlton Bonham.

Contact: Nelson Freeman ([email protected])
I agree with SCI. The management of wildlife should be left up to the biologists. If the biologists say we need to cull a few then the antis shouldn't whine about it. If they say we need to shut the hunt down for a while then the hunters shouldn't cry either. Antis don't care that hunting is a viable management tool. Beotches.

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The problem with this is you will get a liberal California judge and he/she will rule on emotions not the law. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
I would comment on what my opinion is on this but the simple fact is in the 9th district anything goes!

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
And you forgot to mention how many PEOPLE have been killed by mountain lions in California since they banned lion hunting.
What does how many "PEOPLE" killed by Mt. lions have to do with bringing in legally taken lions from outside of Ca.?
Heck they kicked the president of the Fish and Wildlife board out of his position just because he posted a picture of a mountain lion he killed in a legal hunt out of state.
I had one fish & Wildlife biologist tell me they have been recommending deer doe hunts for many hunting areas and they will not allow doe hunts because of the uproar the anti-hunters and animal lovers put up. The buck to doe ratio exceeds 50 to 1 in many areas.

most of these antis and animal lovers live in large cities and do not have to put up with lions attacking them or their pets. In the rural areas many folks follow the "Three "S" rule when it comes to mountain lions on their property. The antis are now trying to get coyotes and bobcats protected from hunting.

Someone needs to live trap about 5 mountain lions and drop them off in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco during the night and see how many granola crunchers change their mind about protecting mountain lions.

Cornhusker, there are times that I think you are a redneck hillbilly that was transplanted to Nebraska and that is not an insult.


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