Cable's instinct TV show


Long Time Member
So I was watching Tim Herald shoot a New Mexico bull elk on this show this evening. He kills a good bull but it sure looks like he shot a cow behind it.If he didn't shoot her it's a miracle. Now I know mistakes happen and the cow was very well hidden but the TV show just ignored this. Then I get to thinking isn't this the guy that accidentally shot a man in Mozambique? Maybe Tim ain't cut out for TV. I have a hard time believing he is the best Cabelas can find for a TV show. Plus can they accept the risk that accompanies him.

I am not attacking Cabelas, the guide, or even Tim. But shouldn't we recognize when men, even good men, are pushing past their capabilities and judgement, especially with a firearm?
But if the bull was killed outside his area, or suspected of being taken the day after the hunt closed, you would be DEFENDING his actions cow or no cow..... dead guy or no dead guy.... he just aint a big enough P.o.s. for you to defend. Granpa was right when he said " birds of a feather"....
lmfao stone

I hunt, therefore I am.
Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb.
Actually stonefly I never said he should be prosecuted for this and if you would slow down and read this isn't an attack on him. Quit Now do you have a man's opinion to ad to this conversation?
I never mentioned any "prosecuting" in my post, What post are you reading? I said if he were accused of an illegal kill, You would swing from the same tree with your DEFENSE for him, In this case your concern is drown out by your crocodile tears. You are well known on this site and there is no question as to where your interests in hunting news stories lie. If an argument can be made in opposition to the majority's opinion. You tristate are all over it, you are the ugly on an ape. I actually opened the post after seeing the title, I thought it might contain incite on the show, being as cabela's is sold,what might come of it. I was MY fault that I didn't see the authors name, Your name, as I avoid any of your dribble when I can. If I had read your name I wouldn't have even opened it. I find your post even less interesting than Togowewe or what ever his name is.
As for a man's Opinion, Well (with a laugh) You would need, yourself, to know a man, to know what a " mans opinion" is. And the way you usually try to instigate an ONLINE feud there is no doubt you do not.
I will try to do better when opening a thread, I'll look for your name as the author, and ignore you when at all possible, I think more folks should ignore you, and, like a bad rash you might go away.
I wont be reopening this thread so you can run me down all you want. You can have that so so important Win that you need so badly. Good by tristate, and good riddance
Don't act high and mighty stonefly. You came here talking trash and you couldn't handle the return. If you can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.
>Actually stonefly I never said he
>should be prosecuted for this
>and if you would slow
>down and read this isn't
>an attack on him.
>Quit Now do you have
>a man's opinion to ad
>to this conversation?

So you believe the guy shot a cow while trying to shoot the bull in front of it. You believe he never should have shot (obviously). And it bothered you so much that you posted it here. But it's all good?

I hunt, therefore I am.
Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb.
I never said it was all good. I just said it wasn't an attack. There is ground where we can discuss this as a problem for hunting television and we don't bash a man.
grosventrehunter, when I want to redirect a conversation I normally say "How about them Cubs!

Well let me tell you. They leading game six of the World Series 7-0 in the top of the 4th! LOL!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora

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