Camera Phones?



My buddy is always sending me pics of his fishing adventures while they happen via is camera phone. Technology is great sometimes. any recommendations on good ones? My friend has an old Nokia and it does a good job i think although he said its not one of the better ones.
I'm in the buisness, and samsung makes a good camera phone, if you want a flip phone its the best option. Be careful with coverage, because most camera phones are all digital so rural areas are NOT covered. Russ Prestige Wireless
Deerlove, I am in the market for a phone for me and the wife. Got any good deals for phones? I also want detailed billing.

i've got a sanyo 5300. it takes pretty good pictures and is dirt simple to use. it only costs me $15 extra for the camera and ability to upload directly to my computer.

There are three reasons to own a gun. To protect yourself and your family, to hunt dangerous and delicious animals, and to keep the King of England out of your face. -- Krusty the Clown

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