Can You Adapt?



Obama has won, by all rights he should have lost but his competition preserved his post.

So, can the repubicans learn ? can they move out of the dark ages on social issues and accept tax cuts for the rich don't fix an economy? can they accept unions aren't the root of all evil?

If they can't they will become an irrelevant player forgotten in the wolrd of politics. I for one would hate to see this happen, a Gerald Ford type republican party would not only succeed it just may be what saves this nation, the liberals left unchecked will destroy it.

Adapt or die conservatives, stuff Karl Rove, Boehner and Cheney in a sack and toss them in a ditch they're your problem .

Like I've said many times, if you can't beat Obama you can't beat anyone. learn from it.

Stay thirsty my friends
Yet you voted for an unchecked liberal. Go figure. Free loaders. That's what won the election. All the free loaders in these big cities. Get rid of the electoral college and go on the popular vote so votes actually count. All we can hope now is that his smoking habit cathes up with him soon.

It's always an adventure!!!
>Yet you voted for an unchecked
>liberal. Go figure.
>Free loaders. That's what
>won the election. All
>the free loaders in these
>big cities. Get rid
>of the electoral college and
>go on the popular vote
>so votes actually count.
>All we can hope now
>is that his smoking habit
>cathes up with him soon.
>It's always an adventure!!!

We have our first "NO".

You knew it was coming when you let minorities and women vote didn't you.

If you're rather die than adapt be my guest, but I hope you're not speaking for the majority.

Stay thirsty my friends
Like many have said, there are worse things than death! You liberal morons enjoy forking over part of every paycheck for those that continue to abuse the system while our current government forges legistlation that allows them to.

It's always an adventure!!!
It has nothing to do with freeloaders, I know many democrats that are hard workers, and I know some republicans that arent.

Mitts problem is his party and the dishonest dance he had to do to get nominated, if he could have been more honest and had shown more empathy to regular folks, it might have turned out differently.

Many people could see right through the tax cut scheme, his pledge to dismantle the healthcare law wasn't quite the winner he thought it was, and the thought of full republican control didn't sit well with many, we still haven't recovered from the last time that happened.
440 is right about one thing. If we can't beat a democrat with the current circumstances in the world, we never will.

However, he is wrong in his reasoning for why that is true. It is true because the majority of people are now invested in large government. Between government employees, unions, and people on entitlement programs, we just can't win. There are just too many people on the take; basically Democrats buy votes. People just are not going to vote money out of their own pocket.

Sad to say, but in order for things to change, things are going to have to get real bad first. Now that Obama is in office for another four years, that just might happen.

And yes, most unions are corrupt and evil. Good in concept, but that is about it.
I buy a new powerjoke Ford every other year, it does not bother me one bit that the people who made it make a living wage. I know unions can be less than perfect, but so are sweat shops.

The people have said they would rather have a robin hood liberal than a scrooge who'd give the rich tax cuts in hope they'd pee a little down on his underlings. this is pretty much how it sorts out. now in this scenario there is a chance for a thinking conservative to capitalize if he played his cards right correct?

This isn't the end it could be a start if you can find people who can look at the world with open eyes and without a medieval mentality. you guys are so negative, no wonder you seek negativity in your leadership. time to get off the pity party and act like you'd like to have some say in things again.

Stay thirsty my friends
I buy a new powerjoke Ford every other year, it does not bother me one bit that the people who made it make a living wage. I know unions can be less than perfect, but so are sweat shops.

The people have said they would rather have a robin hood liberal than a scrooge who'd give the rich tax cuts in hope they'd pee a little down on his underlings. this is pretty much how it sorts out. now in this scenario there is a chance for a thinking conservative to capitalize if he played his cards right correct?

This isn't the end it could be a start if you can find people who can look at the world with open eyes and without a medieval mentality. you guys are so negative, no wonder you seek negativity in your leadership. time to get off the pity party and act like you'd like to have some say in things again.


Your point seems to be that winning is all that matters. If that was all that mattered, I would vote democrat. However, I genuniely believe that the deomocratic path is one that is indeed bad for the country. Time will tell. So no, I don't think a lot of conservatives are going to sacrifice what they believe just to win. That seems to be what you are suggesting.

You seem to have some fairly negative thoughts towards those that pull the wagon? Why?
I'd like to point out Romney won or is winning the popular vote.

Adapt? Anyone who has made any sort of living over the this admins last term has done plenty of adapting.

Obama's skids were greased by the least productive, and those that hate themselves the most.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Fudgpack, What do you care?? Didn't you say you were native American?? None of this matters to you anyway...Freeloader?? LOL!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-12 AT 07:05AM (MST)[p]It's a dissapointment to me, but not a surprise. One thing for sure is that the election sure wasn't about the economy. Rather it was all about sex, drugs, rock n roll and entitlements. Over half the country could care less about the economy. Also, it has become fact that the under 30 crowd is all about getting out of work. They want free rides and entitlements...I read that 66% of them voted dem.

I watched the crowds and saw minorities with newfound power, young people who want forgiveness of their student loans and government and union workers drunk with power. Now we will see if Obama can cut government, reduce the deficit and move the country forward. If not then by this time next year I will shut down my business and retire. 7 more families on the government tit. Why should I work 70 hours a week to pay for free stuff?
Look at the bright side, Republicans can look forward to Obama adding to the debt and bringing the economy more into the shitter. That way in 2016 they will have a lot of ammunition and they can finally get a clue and put up a Not Old White guy... instead they can put up Marco Rubio and C. Rice. This should be a guaranteed winning ticket! Unless the econmy is better in 4 yrs and Hillary runs for Pres...... Not sure what things will look like in 4 years but we gave GW Bush a chance for 8 yrs, now we are gonna have to give Obama 8yrs to see what he can/can't do. Let's all relax and see what happens.
Excavator, I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. I didn't win, I was right, but I didn't win. I'm not sure any of us won.

I would have been much better off if Romney won, unlike Fishbreath I pay lots of taxes and Romney would have been in my corner . so don't assume I'm against what you call the successful I am successful, that doesn't mean I'm required to be totally selfish.

What I'm saying is the republicans can be a valid choice and do the job they're supposed to do ,that's temper the liberals forcing them to meet in the middle. if you want to base the economy on tax cuts, force women to have rape babies and fret about what queers do you're bound for the extinction you deserve. you call it values, I call it out of date nonsense. change or lose ALL control, end of story.

The smarter conservatives are already on it and they're saying they have to get with the times, will you support them or just jump on the ice flow ? don't get my wrong I'll flip the far right off as they fade into the sunset but I'm willing to support a new moderate right something like the pre-Rove republicans were. we need them more than ever.

Stay thirsty my friends

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