Climate Change?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-16 AT 10:13PM (MST)[p]Anyone get a chance to watch "Before the Flood" on National Geographic? Other than Leonardo DiCaprio it's a pretty good documentry. Still not sure how some think climate change is a hoax. Let's hear it..'s not a hoax, it is real. It would be happening just the same if there were no humans on earth.
Prove that it's not our fault.

It is definitely real, and probably at least partly due to human actions.

The most popular theme is since we're not sure let's be safe and do nothing. if we're wrong then once it's too late we'll plead ignorance.

Works for me I don't have any kids. but it's flat wrong.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-16 AT 04:53AM (MST)[p]It's been changing long before we were here, it'll be changing long after we're gone. It's what it does. Only a fool thinks were powerful enough to alter its course. Save yer nuclear war argument lennie, it's tired.
>Prove that it's not our fault.
>It is definitely real, and probably
>at least partly due to
>human actions.
>The most popular theme is since
>we're not sure let's be
>safe and do nothing. if
>we're wrong then once it's
>too late we'll plead ignorance.
>Works for me I don't have
>any kids. but it's
>flat wrong.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Thats a great argument right there but also maybe short on any facts that "prove" anything.

Please elaborate on how massive regulation,spending and chrony subsidation of "green" technologies changes anything? Please show math and dont bother linking left wing media mouth speak. Que the "Jeopardy" music.
Eleven years ago Al Gore said we only have 10 years to save the planet, so it's too frickin late.
>>Prove that it's not our fault.
>>It is definitely real, and probably
>>at least partly due to
>>human actions.
>>The most popular theme is since
>>we're not sure let's be
>>safe and do nothing. if
>>we're wrong then once it's
>>too late we'll plead ignorance.
>>Works for me I don't have
>>any kids. but it's
>>flat wrong.
>>Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Thats a great argument right there
>but also maybe short on
>any facts that "prove" anything.
> Please elaborate on how massive
>regulation,spending and chrony subsidation of
>"green" technologies changes anything? Please
>show math and dont bother
>linking left wing media mouth
>speak. Que the "Jeopardy" music.
He can't right now he is still running on mineral spirits and Crown.
Maybe if India and China would stop belching out pollution with zero controls you could get someone here to listen. Get Japan and China to stop the illegal harvesting of logs in the rain forest. Until the big polluters are under control there is nothing we can do here in America. We are doing what we can.
The man Reagan put on this in the 80's says it probably is too late. so maybe Gore is right.

Thank you for confirming my statement. since we can't be 100% sure let's sit on our thumbs. let's not even study it, the Koch brothers have told us all we need to know.

Nothing to see here. move along.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Sooooooo, did anyone watch the documentary? I found it to be very interesting. I find it mind boggling that some don't think we can speed up the process. Simple thinkers...or simply ignorant?
>Sooooooo, did anyone watch the documentary?
>I found it to be
>very interesting. I find it
>mind boggling that some don't
>think we can speed up
>the process. Simple thinkers...or simply
I rate it about as phony looking as his movie the Reverant.
It's called willful ignorance and people around here wear like a badge. Facts don't matter, the truth matters a little but put it on a Tinfoil hat society website like infowars and they believe it without question.

I didn't see it but I'm sure it was well done and informative.

I think most of the deniers actually understand the problem is real and know we should be doing more about it. but they simply aren't willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of future generations or the environment. the ultimate act of selfishness, willful ignorance.

I subscribe to the B&C position statement on the matter. admit it's real and advocate a responsible plan of action we can live with today and in the future. unlike our fake sportsmen from CA we as real sportsmen have an obligation that goes beyond protecting our public lands it also requires us to keep them livable for man and animal alike.

This is how I look at it, if I had kids I'd assume that might even be a higher calling to do the right thing. but I probably give some narcissistic douche bags far more credit than I should.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Lol, I didn't say I don't believe the climate is changing or man doesn't play a roll in it. I just simply asked for the proof that massive taxation,regulation and chrony subsidation of chosen "green" entities at the federal level changes anything?

Show me the math & results of said "doing something" and the proof there isn't just as much money spent by Soros and the likes trying to get the desired outcome they want?
I have another idea. you prove that it wouldn't.

If the doctors told you have cancer that might kill you are you going to do what you can or lay back and see if they were right? same thing.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
OK you two smart boys. Tell us exactly what the United States can do to impact climate change that we are not already doing. Now tell us how you two are going to force all other countries to do the same so it can actually have an impact. All I have seen from the progressives is the tax the sheet out of American companies so they can pass on huge utility hikes to us and take the money and give it to dictatorships around the world. So, you must have some idea about a real solution or you would not shoot your mouth off right?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-16 AT 10:38AM (MST)[p]See if you can exchange that channel for FOX eel. you'd be a hell of a lot better informed.

Solutions? I'm not sure it isn't too late for a solution . who hoo ! then we don't have to try!.

There are solutions if it's not too late. but the ones that will really help nobody wants not even the average lib. still it's good to see that you're coming around to the realization putting your finger in your azz isn't doing the job. that's a start.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>I have another idea. you
>prove that it wouldn't.
>If the doctors told you
>have cancer that might kill
>you are you going to
>do what you can or
>lay back and see if
>they were right? same
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

I never made any claims to have any proof of anything here. You did tho in post 2 and I simply asked you to back it up.

The all to frequent answers of FOX news,wing nuts and tin foil hat wearing mouth breathers gets a bit old and redundant. Please share these clear cut solutions that us so called "wing nuts" are unwilling to accept?
Tog's sobriety test results:

>I told you dumbchits the answers
>are there but nobody wants
>to hear them . I
>should have known you were
>too stupid to find the
>10 billion articles on the
>subject . jesus Christ.
> Read this and if you
>need more ask.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Jesus Christ, Amen Brother....I know you had it in you!
It's just an expression about a fictional character.

I agree, accepting the truth about climate change is the first step. it sounds like most of the short bus riders are getting there finally.

Where it goes after that is anyone's guess.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So truth doesn't matter to you... no surprise! Ever hear of climate gate where a bunch of scientists, the ones who's jobs and paychecks rely on the hoax, are behind the whole "global warming" scheme, were caught lying and setting up their computer models to give them the "warming" results they wanted?
I've done tons of research on "climate change" and have heard many scientists say that you could shut down every carbon belching factory and every internal combustion engine on the entire planet and it wouldn't make a pubic hair fraction of a difference in the temperature of this earth.

How very Christian and "Manny" of you to want to save the planet. You're willing to destroy the economy for a possible fraction of a degree change? You do realize the people most affected by a carbon or energy tax are those on the lower economic ladder. You want to give third world countries a chance to get out of their third world status, you don't give their dictators and corrupt leaders those carbon tax revenues, they will just put it in their pockets and their Swiss bank accounts. Until another technology is invented - we do what we can, and we minimize our impact, which we have. Taxing carbon is ridiculous at best.

Perhaps you need to go back to your grade school and get your tuition back as they obviously failed you. Even if the 97% figure is true... and it's not, it's still a theory and far from settled science. Settled science requires 100%

Antarctica used to be a tropical forest and Greenland used to be green before man ever came on the scene, those are facts discovered through 100% real science.

So what if you're right and I'm wrong? Everyones energy, gas, heating and cooling bills go way up and still not a fraction of a difference in the temperature of the earth. Wonder if that's why this is waaay down the list of priorities for most sane people with common sense.
The truth matters and in your case it sometimes hurts. So now you're a scientist doing work on climate change? Let's see your research you talk about! Show me this fraction of a degree theory you and your scientist buddies came up with. Do tell...
>The truth matters and in your
>case it sometimes hurts. So
>now you're a scientist doing
>work on climate change? Let's
>see your research you talk
>about! Show me this fraction
>of a degree theory you
>and your scientist buddies came
>up with. Do tell...
otay TOG jr.
Umm, just so you know FTW, your side abandoned the term "global warming" quite some time ago. You have to keep up or they are going to have to ask you to come stand next to us wingnut mouthbreathers over here on the right.

I still see not a single one of the "we are doomed" crowd can post a single clear cut solution they speak of or how a centralized govt taxing,regulating and spending the holy living shyt out of everyone changes the climate for the good?
> Umm, just so you know
>FTW, your side abandoned the
>term "global warming" quite some
>time ago. You have to
>keep up or they are
>going to have to ask
>you to come stand next
>to us wingnut mouthbreathers over
>here on the right.
> I still see not a
>single one of the "we
>are doomed" crowd can post
>a single clear cut solution
>they speak of or how
>a centralized govt taxing,regulating and
>spending the holy living shyt
>out of everyone changes the
>climate for the good?
Well I'm not sure if you have been reading most of these posts, but I have yet to see anyone say we are "we are doomed".

Wow, I've been called a liberal and a wingnut in two days now. Makes me laugh...
If you break ranks with the far right you're a liberal.

I assume most of you retards can read a thermometer. what do you have to say about breaking record highs on a regular basis over and over? warmer right?

At the risk of being as redundant as RELH I'll say it one more time. GLOBAL WARMING is real, that's an established fact. human activity is a know factor in this change, to what extent is still up to some debate.

The only conversation left for informed people on this subject is what can we do to help? and are we willing to do it ? end of story.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>If you break ranks with the
>far right you're a liberal.
>I assume most of you retards
>can read a thermometer.
>what do you have to
>say about breaking record highs
>on a regular basis over
>and over? warmer right?
> At the risk of being
>as redundant as RELH I'll
>say it one more time.
>GLOBAL WARMING is real, that's
>an established fact. human
>activity is a know factor
>in this change, to what
>extent is still up to
>some debate.
> The only conversation left
>for informed people on this
>subject is what can we
>do to help? and
>are we willing to do
>it ? end of
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
"I'LL say it one more time" Thanks we have heard enough.
No 440, defending liberal progressive ideology and it's corrupt members til the bitter end makes YOU a liberal. Gros not so much.

My argument isn't really about climate change or mans roll in it but rather some peoples unwillingness to admit there is way too much money and power at stake on both sides to get the straight skinny and it being used to forward political ideologies. Did you notice how I included both sides of the political spectrum 440?
I know you want it to go away but it's just getting started.

Go bury your head in the sand it's cooler there.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Mean while behind the scenes, solar and wind is slowly gaining strength and popularity and affordability. We'll be fine. My daughter's family own 4 hybrid cars. Chevy Volts. She's looking at a Tesla now.

She spends most of her time at the Mall, and they have "free" plug-ins for electric cars.

"Did you notice how I included both sides of the political spectrum 440?"

Indeed your pragmatism is exceptional.

"My argument isn't really about climate change or mans roll in it but rather some peoples unwillingness to admit there is way too much money and power at stake on both sides to get the straight skinny and it being used to forward political ideologies."

While that sounds like a balanced statement, in this context it is disingenuous and serves as the "passive".

And here is the "aggressive"

"No 440, defending liberal progressive ideology and it's corrupt members til the bitter end makes YOU a liberal."

You contradict yourself, you purposely frame the argument as if there is no consensus in the scientific community. This is not a 60/40 or even an 80/20 opinion from the scientific community, but a 97% consensus.

"Both sides", 3% is not a side, it's a minority opinion.

Dismissing Exxon's studies from 40 years ago, a time prior to the media's knowledge, prior to lobbying, is deny the fact that one the world's largest producers Exxon predicted a 3-4 change in global temperatures within decades.

Did the Exxon scientists back in 1977 just take a lucky guess?

Tog is simply supporting the consensus, the other 97 people in a room of 100.
You still clinging to that? it was years ago and the science since then is more convincing than ever. and if you don't believe them look at your thermometer Einstein.

The longer you deny reality the dumber you are.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You've convinced me, please pm me with Al Gores paypal so I can buy some carbon credits and do my part.
Earth's climate is still recovering from our most recent ice age, and well below its long-term average. It has been warming naturally for many thousands of years now. That said, carbon dioxide traps heat, and carbon dioxide levels have increased dramatically over the past 150 years, mostly the result of human activity. Higher concentrations cannot help but to trap more heat.

We cannot predict the effects with certainty, but there are very few people who understand atmospheric science, ecology or economics who believe they will be insignificant. Rather than treat our response as an obstacle, perhaps we should consider the opportunities it presents. There will be a ton of money honestly earned by businesses responding to this issue. Unless one's livelihood depends on fossil fuels, there is no downside to reductions in their use. I do not dismiss the concerns of those who do, but that is insufficient reason to ignore public safety. This is the Great Tobacco debate of he seventies, all over again. Perhaps the best solution is to concede the science and then enact political solutions to aid those affected.
Remember when the entire argument was that there was a hole in the ozone layer that was getting larger. After ten years it suddenly closed up and not one article on why that happened. Make up your mind.
"There will be a ton of money honestly earned by businesses responding to this issue."

Like Solyndra?
Eel: Point taken. One would hope that political solutions exist to correct such waste, but history shows that our politicians lack the guts. If not Solyndra, then its Exxon or some other company that grows rich off of you and me. The problem does not lie with Solyndra, but rather with the fools we elect to govern our nation. If I am going to be taken advantage of, then at least I'd rather not see my kids lives destroyed in the process.
Gleninaz -- The closure of the "ozone hole" is very well documented. It was recognized to be a problem, the factors contributing were identified, and the appropriate solutions were developed.

To begin, we use entirely different refrigerants than we used to. For a while these were expensive to purchase, but they became cheap as we began to produce them out of necessity. When I was a kid, a Big Mac came in a styrofoam box--now it comes wrapped in paper, and most people know to avoid styrofoam whenever possible. We have mostly eliminated chlorofluorocarbons as aerosol propellants and now have perfectly fine substitutes that do not damage ozone.

Ozone depletion is the poster child for the sort of corrective action that governments may provide when the will to do so exists. We no longer hear about the issue because we have taken all the steps necessary to correct it, and the "hole" itself is closing further every year.

Generally, I am no fan of government, but it does have its purposes, and stepping in to demand improvements where individuals lack incentive to do so is one of those occasions. Further up the thread, it was mentioned that it is pointless for the US to act alone to correct climate change. We must include China, India and others. It takes a government to manage this. Treaties and trade agreements are the realm of the Senate, not CEOs.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-16 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]Well said bullskin!! However, before i can take you seriously can I ask a few questions just to make sure you are not a......Are you voting for Hillary, are you a liberal, are you a wingnut, are you wanting to bring the whole world economy to a halt, are you anti-american...sorry I couldn't resist.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-16 AT 06:13AM (MST)[p]Homer -- Yes, but are we comparing technological failures, or political failures? Where superior technology exists we should not allow politics to prevent its application.
You are right on that bullskin and I support alternative energy technology that works. The part you leave out is that any "superior alternative technology" should be able to stand alone and sell itself in the energy market. Politics pushing application is equally as dangerous and has the same m.o. Money and power in the hands and pockets of politicians.
Alternative energy should not be stand alone, that's an ignorant statement. the government has put trillions into product development for years so clean energy should be no exception. I would rather at some point is stand on it's own feet but if this is what it takes to keep the planet from bursting into flames so be it.

Bullskin I like your style.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>You are right on that bullskin
>and I support alternative energy
>technology that works. The part
>you leave out is that
>any "superior alternative technology" should
>be able to stand alone
>and sell itself in the
>energy market. Politics pushing application
>is equally as dangerous and
>has the same m.o. Money
>and power in the hands
>and pockets of politicians.

If the standard is that any energy source should "stand alone" how come we are still giving billions a year in tax breaks to the oil and gas industry? Why is the demand that we reduce the lease rates on public lands for oil and gas development? Why do we allow a tax holiday on newly drilled wells for 6 months so oil and gas companies can drill baby drill but when the free money stops flowing they reduce the flows out of the well heads.

How many billions has the oil and gas industry put into the pockets of politicians in order to keep their sectors from having to "stand alone"? I am all for standing alone if it is applied to everyone but it seems like many want to have the government pick the winners as the oil and gas sector and subsidize them but withhold the same thing subsidy for alternate energy. Make it a level playing field then and remove the tax subsidy from everything.

opbuckslayer --I agree, and alternative energy is a bargain if one considers the actual costs of fossil fuels, including the pollution it generates. Once these costs are factored in, the alternative energies appear more affordable. It is impossible to know exactly how they compare, however, since we can only guess at the costs associated with pollution.
>"Did you notice how I included
>both sides of the political
>spectrum 440?"
>Indeed your pragmatism is exceptional.
>"My argument isn't really about climate
>change or mans roll in
>it but rather some peoples
>unwillingness to admit there is
>way too much money and
>power at stake on both
>sides to get the straight
>skinny and it being used
>to forward political ideologies."
>While that sounds like a balanced
>statement, in this context it
>is disingenuous and serves as
>the "passive".
>And here is the "aggressive"
>"No 440, defending liberal progressive ideology
>and it's corrupt members til
>the bitter end makes YOU
>a liberal."
>You contradict yourself, you purposely frame
>the argument as if there
>is no consensus in the
>scientific community. This is not
>a 60/40 or even an
>80/20 opinion from the scientific
>community, but a 97% consensus.
>"Both sides", 3% is not a
>side, it's a minority opinion.
>Dismissing Exxon's studies from 40 years
>ago, a time prior to
>the media's knowledge, prior to
>lobbying, is deny the fact
>that one the world's largest
>producers Exxon predicted a 3-4
>change in global temperatures within
>Did the Exxon scientists back in
>1977 just take a lucky
>Tog is simply supporting the consensus,
>the other 97 people in
>a room of 100.

Forthewall are you basing the 97% on the Zimmerman and Doran Poll?

Might wanna sneak a peek at our national debt if your kids future is what concerns you.
How will we know when the earth starts cooling again and our kids will be safe?

What if we do all that and it get's hotter?
>How will we know when the
>earth starts cooling again and
>our kids will be safe?
>What if we do all that
>and it get's hotter?

I'm a self identifying climatologist and I say we have nothing to fear except fear itself

Bullskin. Thank you for reading and understanding what I'm pointing out. In no way was I defending the chronyism that has gone on with the oil industry. There is a difference however between tax breaks and pumping tax dollars into companies and technology that will never be cost effective for the masses and our economy. Remember that we already have 200 trillion of unfunded liabilities on the books and the .40 cents a gallon federal tax on fuels alone will have to be made up when oil goes away. Lots of unknowns like u say, and a much more complex problem to solve than a few simple morons would like to admit. Government corruption is something that needs to be factored out however and the same few think it exists only on one side.
Hi Eel -- There is no doubt that climate will continue to change. The question is how much, and how fast? Will we (and other species, such as those I love to hunt) be able to adapt to increased rates of change? life will go on but it may not be what we are used to.
>>How will we know when the
>>earth starts cooling again and
>>our kids will be safe?
>>What if we do all that
>>and it get's hotter?
>I'm a self identifying climatologist and
>I say we have nothing
>to fear except fear itself

+1 Overton !
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-16 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]wow....a regular break creates energy with oxygen and't that amazing????...lmao

....a hydrocarbon fuel to
Wow that's awesome... maybe the Clintons wouldn't have to sell our uranium to the Russians and we'll all benefit.
A machine that turns plastic into oil? Plastic is made from natural gas and can be broken down into the same; and natural gas has been used to produce synthetic motor oils for decades. No major breakthrough in technology, perhaps, but still better than letting it float down the river and into the sea.
So, for $6 we can make a $2 quart of oil? There has to be a catch.

I understand the need for clean energy and I think we're headed there, but we have to stay competitive in the world.
If Obama was honest, I'm sure he would say that one of his biggest disappointments of the past 8 years is that gasoline isn't $8 a gallon, knowing that higher prices cuts down on consumption, thus lowering the sea levels. He underestimated the ingenuity of the private sector to provide cheap energy.

Of course he takes Air Force One and flies to Florida to play a round of golf with Tiger Woods. He's such a champion of the environment.
>If Obama was honest, I'm sure
>he would say that one
>of his biggest disappointments of
>the past 8 years is
>that gasoline isn't $8 a
>gallon, knowing that higher prices
>cuts down on consumption, thus
>lowering the sea levels. He
>underestimated the ingenuity of the
>private sector to provide cheap
>Of course he takes Air Force
>One and flies to Florida
>to play a round of
>golf with Tiger Woods. He's
>such a champion of the
We're always going to need food, so maybe all of us MMers should go together and buy some land in Northern Canada. Those places where it has been too cold to grow conventional crops. It will be just right soon.

And with all of the Hollywood and NYC folks leaving the USA to flee our new oppressive regime, maybe we could get them to bankroll us.

Is that the idea of the businesses benefitting?
There is no such thing as climate change as of yesterday morning. I know the hands are wringing all over the world while they figure out how to replace the trillion dollars promised from US taxpayers. Look at the front page photos of the orange fog over India from polluted air and tell me we can influence that at all. Trump is going to back out of all climate change treaties and take the money for people here at home. Screw the world. Mexico is shaking in their boots right now waiting for the trade deal boot to drop. No more free lunch on the backs of working Americans.
I posted up a study that was given to the UN this month In Morocco. It's interesting in that it has some very well educated folks telling us there is no consensus among scientists on this. It's 46 pages long and on the Climate Change Yes it does thread. Since these guys have PHD's I think they may know a little bit and to put your minds at ease the polar bears are OK. It's a good read...... and debunks some myths and support some others.
It's one study and it doesn't debunk a damn thing.

Do you think Trump will pull out of all the climate change agreements this country has? will this be the one promise he makes good on?

Speaking of promises, they say bids on T post and barb wire are being taken to build " the wall " . think the coyotes have wire cutters?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-16 AT 11:45PM (MST)[p]LOL you didn't read it did you......LOL it's OK they don't need your opinion to disprove it, the factual data and the supporting conclusions by other scientists & NASA did that. I believe this was a study presented to the UN on Obama's watch so how did Trump have anything to do with it......LOL
Here it is TOG and they even used pictues and charts so you could keep up. Pay attention to the end where they explain exactly how that 97% number was would seem their math is about as flawed as their study was proving that it was theoretical science( loosely at that) not proven science which in their world is like saying 5+3=10. There's a whole lot of proof in there by a whole lot of experts in their fields whixh bebunk the consensus argument even NASA and our own EPA.
Well hell, I'm sure glad you found this. problem solved this debate is over now that we have all the " real " facts.

Now if we can get back to reality, do you think Trump will actually pull out of the climate change agreements the US has made with the world or not?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Why not? If China is threatening him for thinking about it while they build a coal plant a month then it must be the right thing to do. Maybe you think having US taxpayers fork over hundreds of billions is a good thing? Take the money and run.
But you were so sure you were right isn't it amazing how well a good education and facts are in disproving a Theory.......LOL

Trump will do what he thinks is in the countries best interest but your guy may find that his pen might have had invisible ink in it the whole time on a whole lot of things......I guess making unilateral decisions you don't have the power to make has a downside....LOL

The false narrative and a legacy is starting to crumble all over the place isn't it......divide and conquer is coming apart, racial bias is failing, the supreme court is reversing his legislation...... Must be another problem with his hard drive.......or did Bush do it.....LOL
I went to a Never Trump rally last night. Word on the street is Trump is going to burn all the solar panels, similar to the book burning Hitler did in the 1930's.

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