Colorado 2019 deer discussion


Very Active Member
Colorado is my favorite place to chase mule deer and have been going after them there for years. This year I was there during muzzy, second and fourth season. I saw a drastic reduction in mule deer numbers this year from last. I know the weather was not conducive with snow in 2nd and that was about it. However, everyone said the same thing in 2007, when the deer disappeared only realizing that it just wasn't the warm weather in 2007, the deer were gone. I am concerned with the dates of future seasons, deer numbers, and increase of tags will hurt the mule deer in this great state.

The purpose of this post is to see what others saw this year while out hunting. What numbers did you see? how was the age class? I know there are a lot of guys waiting for the 2021 dates to cash in their points. What are you thoughts?

Down in my area it was bad. For CPW to say there wasn't any winterkill is a joke. We were 500% above normal for snowpack this year, they also didn't adjust any tag numbers. Mature bucks were few and far between even on private. The numbers in general were way down as well.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-19 AT 11:36PM (MST)[p]I would agree with what you are saying. Where I went, I saw two mature bucks in 11 days scouting and hunting. I had a third season tag I burned 8 points on. I have seen better bucks in other states on OTC tags. Not sure if it was weather related or the herd has dwindled that much.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-19 AT 05:43AM (MST)[p]Probably one of the worse years I've seen as far as mule deer hunting goes... low numbers and tough conditions as far as the November hunts were concerned. Hunted elk in 3rd season in a unit i have a lot of mule deer history in and hardly even seen deer in the 8 days I was in there. Had a pretty good 4th season tag with my brother. Looked over a good amount of bucks, found one giant the day before the season started and committed to that one deer the whole hunt and never turned him back up, very little rut activity, warm temps and a full moon didn't help my cause. My brother settled for a decent buck on day 4.

Something was wrong in areas I typically visit. Was over there for a few days during the 3rd and 5 days on the 4th and it was really bad. Very, very few deer at all and no big bucks. A couple small 4-points were the best.

I was wondering about last year?s winter. I didn't recall hearing about a die off, but it's a big change from last year.

My early rifle hunt was good, but I was in an area I'd never been before, so can't compare it to a previous year.

Brian Latturner
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I had a 3rd season tag which I've had numerous times in recent years. I normally look at least two dozen bucks or more. I hit it hard this year and saw very few deer and no bucks on public land - saw a handful where I couldn't hunt on private - biggest was 160. I was excited when the early snows came thinking it would be a great year but it was just the opposite. Not sure what to make of it.
In the two units I was in this fall one being almost all private , numbers were good with mature bucks being harvested. The other unit with both private and a lot of public , numbers were way down with no mature bucks sightings. Wish the lion quotas would increase in these units that are hurting for deer numbers.
I posted the same question about 62. spent a week there during 2nd season and never even saw a buck. Hunted around Brushy and Snipe which is typically a good area for deer.
Hunted 4th season 25-26. Lat year hunters who hunted it said you should have no problem getting a 170 plus buck.
Saw 15 bucks the biggest 22 inch 4 point. Fewer deer period. No quality bucks on private or public.

Talked to other hunters that were very disappointed.

They are going to wipe out the very few good bucks left next year with season changes. The Colorado DWR better make some changes.

Bad in Idaho and Utah as well.
I'll chime in, same area hunted for 3rd consecutive year by family in 3rd season and quantity and quality were way down.
I had an early high county rifle hunt this year. I spent 6 days in the backcounty in multiple drainages, and I saw maybe 20 deer total. The does I saw had no fawns with them, which worries me not seeing any fawns at all. I saw a few 1-2 year old bucks, but nothing older than that. However, the deer I saw looked really healthy with all the green feed and water there was this year...

However, I did see a ton of bear sign, and I ran into 2 bears...

There was an insane amount of recreation in that unit as well, I saw well over 100 people a day hiking into the wilderness...

Going from such a severe drought in 2017/18 to such a tough winter in 2018/19 I would be very surprised if there wasn't a severe amount of winter kill...

To be honest I have no idea how there are any deer left in some of these places with all that has been going on in CO.
Its funny how one season of less than ideal conditions can change people's perspectives so quickly. The last two years in Colorado were phenomenal deer hunting, 2019 was a steaming pile. Full moons and t-shirt weather aren't conducive to killing a lot of deer.
Mature bucks don't just disappear over night. Rough winters will take a toll on fawns, but the impacts are generally delayed 3-5 years. I think 2020 is going to be awesome and I can't wait to go back!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-19 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]I had a 3rd season tag. Ate it. I've hunted this particular unit 6 times now and noticed generally less fawns to the proportion of does. Bucks were somewhat still grouped together.

I saw half the bucks I normally would see. I figure that's because of the warm weather. So I hunted the aspens and edges of dark timber. The deer were in there but still, generally fewer deer, and less sign. In 7 days I only saw 3 mature bucks, one better one. I've hunted warm 3rd seasons in the past when bucks were still bachelored up, would see double the number of bucks I saw this year, and mature ones at that. Something was different this year...

I think the winter was a bit rougher than we though but I don't think it was too out of the ordinary??

I know 3rd season last year was really good out there, a lot of bucks died.

The one MAJOR noticeable difference I saw this year was the amount of bear sign. Never in my life have I seen so much bear shyt and track. Never saw one, but MAN, there was a lot of sign. I'll have a tag for one next year just incase.

If I can find the time, I might make the out of state drive up there this winter to pound some coyotes.

With the season structures they are starting next year and even worse for 2021, I think it's downhill from here on out.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-19 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]>
Did you hunt Colorado in 02-06 and then 07/08. Because the mature deer did disappear. I know we will never see the numbers again of the early 2000s, but if you were there it was amazing. It was very similar in that the weather and moons were similar and others were saying it was just the conditions, but it wasn?t. Just because it was a tough season doesn't mean I ate my tag. I am concerned about the long term direction of mule deer in Colorado.

Its funny how one season of
>less than ideal conditions can
>change people's perspectives so quickly.
> The last two years
>in Colorado were phenomenal deer
>hunting, 2019 was a steaming
>pile. Full moons and
>t-shirt weather aren't conducive to
>killing a lot of deer.
> Mature bucks don't just disappear
>over night. Rough winters
>will take a toll on
>fawns, but the impacts are
>generally delayed 3-5 years. I
>think 2020 is going to
>be awesome and I can't
>wait to go back!
People were asked a basic question about if the hunting seemed especially bad this year and the overall answer seems to be yes. I hope appaloosa goes back next year and has a great hunt because obviously he is a much better hunter than the rest of us. even though I didn't see a buck in a week of hunting I know that the bucks could have done something totally different that I didn't adjust too. I made it a point to visit alot of camps while in 62 and almost no bucks were seen.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-19 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]I hunted a new unit to me on second season. I showed up the afternoon before the hunt. Drove around the unit and saw a few deer, saw one decent buck and some yearlings near the roads. I hiked into a drainage on the opener and spotted a 170 type buck about a mile away. Waited for him to bed and made a stalk. On way over to him I kicked up a small 18" 3 point. Got over to where the 170 buck was and killed him...... I saw very few deer in the canyon he was in which was several miles long with lots of visible country. There is my report.
Hunted Colorado 4 straight years, 3rd and 4th, but this year went early and hunted an early October tag. Saw some deer (including does with fawns) and a couple of bucks, but have nothing to compare it to as it was my first time in that unit and it was an early hunt. What I did notice though is the feed in the aspens was excellent. I guess it possible that many of the mature bucks died, but could it also be possible that the deer were more in the trees this year because of the feed or maybe even higher up in elevation than normal? It stinks to hear that everyone seems to have had a rougher hunt this year than normal, but I have heard the same from many people.
Had a 2nd season 66 tag. One of the worst deer hunts that I have been on, and definitely my worst Colorado hunt. Stayed the entire season, saw a few deer, very few bucks, nothing over 160. Very disappointing. Talked to hunters, landowners, fish and game officer. Very few hunters were finding success, and the majority of the ones who were successful, were tagging small bucks. Colorado is slipping. I've been hearing a lot about point creep lately. I wouldn't be surprised if after 2021, point creep in Colorado actually reverses and tags slowly get easier to draw. Most people don't spend their hard earned time and money to go hunt sub par locations. Colorado has been on everyone?s mule deer radar for a long time, but there's only so much time and money most hunters have. It wouldn't surprise me if hunters start investing their efforts in other states.
My opinion for what it's worth is that CPW needs to get their head out of their A$$. I have been a resident of Colorado since 1987 and back then you hardly ever ran into a bear out in the woods in the summer. Now almost every time I go out in the spring, summer or fall I see bear it was rare to hear of one in town in my area, but not now they have been seen in Montrose, Grand Junction, Cedaredge and Delta looking for food. Just my opinion take it or leave it I don't think the lions in the state are as big of a threat to the deer and elk herds as the bear they can kill a lot of calves and fawns in the spring with the amount of them I have seen. CPW knows it's become a major problem in Colorado and their answer is sell more tags to NR hunters at $100.00 a pop. The real answer is to not just lower the tag prices but to go back to hunting over bait, spring bear hunting and the use of dogs if hunters want to use them at least until the bear population is brought down to a sustainable level. And if the eastern slope and Boulder don't want anyone to hunt the bears that way then CPW should implement the policy west of the continental divide and when the eastern slope gets tired of the overpopulation of bears maybe they will come around?? I doubt it! And if you hunters think it's bad now just wait the wolf introduction into Colorado will go on the ballot in Colorado and it will pass. Hunters in Colorado do not have enough votes to out vote the liberal anti hunters on the eastern slope. Of all the years living in Colorado I have never seen a bear running down the side of the highway to try and kill a deer until this year.

And to add to all of this Later Season dates next year and increasing tag numbers. WTF
I don't know how the sportsman can stand up to the CPW and say enough already
Hunters need to band together some how and change the way the game is managed in their state this is just not a problem in Colorado but all the Rocky Mountain states.
I have hunted my area for 20 years (probably 10-12 tags in that span 3rd & 4th seasons) and this is the worst I have seen it. I hope it was just the weather this year but I am concerned that we have over harvested. Time will tell for sure. Didn't see a buck over 160" this year, usually see numerous bucks 170+ during the hunt hoping for a better one.

High Point
Comules you are spot on especially about the bears. I grew up here and it was rare to see a bear when I was younger, now it's rare not to see a half dozen while hiking around. CPW waited too long to combat the bear issue. After the next few years of these really late dates we probably won't have a deer over 160 left.
We hunted 68-3rd & our group saw 1 buck over 150. Saw lots of doe?s but bucks were not plentiful & mature bucks almost non existent. One of the most disappointing hunts I've ever experienced. Not sure of the cat populations & their effects in Colorado but we did see a long tail laying in a deer bed sunning himself.
Thank you sir! Sounds like I got lucky because it was one of the units mentioned in this thread and sounds like the third season guys didn't see crap!
>People were asked a basic question
>about if the hunting seemed
>especially bad this year and
>the overall answer seems
>to be yes. I hope
>appaloosa goes back next year
>and has a great hunt
>because obviously he is a
>much better hunter than the
>rest of us. even
>though I didn't see a
>buck in a week of
>hunting I know that the
>bucks could have done something
>totally different that I didn't
>adjust too. I made
>it a point to visit
>alot of camps while in
>62 and almost no bucks
>were seen.

Man, some of you guys are hyper-sensitive. I never questioned your ability to hunt or kill deer! Hunting this year was HARD, everyone agrees, I'm just not ready to jump to too many conclusions about the future of the deer heard because of one difficult season.
I hunted a unit that didnt take any points to draw as a NR. I saw 14 does in 6 days of hunting and 0 bucks. It was very poor hunting. I believe it is a mixture of predators as well as an above average winter that took its toll on the deer. Very tough and disappointing hunt.

Last year I hunted a unit that took 3 points and saw a lot more deer/bucks in general.
Hunted 3rd season in a unit I am very familiar with and ate the tag. Saw a couple ok bucks but Deer numbers where way down from past years. The weather did not cooperate and there was zero rut activity so that didn't help. We did see several cat tracksuit in the area. It was so bad I stopped and talked to the local biologist he said Deer numbers are slightly under objective in my unit but it seemed like much more then slightly.
>Comules you are spot on especially
>about the bears. I grew
>up here and it was
>rare to see a bear
>when I was younger, now
>it's rare not to see
>a half dozen while hiking
>around. CPW waited too long
>to combat the bear issue.
>After the next few years
>of these really late dates
>we probably won't have a
>deer over 160 left.

I agree with you and it seems to me that the CPW doesn't care, could some of it be the younger generation coming into the CPW with a anti hunting agenda?
Just a thought?
I was born in 1950 and shot my first deer at 9 and have been hunting ever since I have never seen a wildlife department act the way CPW has they seem to be doing everything that they can to destroy the deer and elk herds not help them. Also after reading a lot of the posts on here it seems that this is happening in a lot of states not just Colorado
I don't know how many hunting years I have left, but I wonder what will the up in coming hunters face in the future? Another thought if they can kill hunting then no one will need to own a firearm Hmm
I called it 2 years ago, it happened faster than I thought and it will only get worse in the next 5-7 years. I have been all over NW Colorado for over 20 years. This year my wife and I both cashed in points for unit 22 4th season. I know the unit as good if not better than anyone. We hunted hard all 5 days sun up to sun down. Never saw a buck over 4 years old. I watched on 2 separate occasions where fork horns were breeding doe.

I keep a journal of my hunts with counts. In areas where I hunt in 22 we will see around 100 deer a day with 20-30 being bucks. On the 4th season tag we were 60 deer a day and never saw more than 12 bucks in a day.

We did however kill elk and see elk every day. But the deer are in bad shape. Yes warm temps and full moon was rough, but to watch fork horns breed is a sign of bad things.

In our hunt we saw a total of 9 4 point bucks in 5 days.

My wife refused to shoot any buck she felt she could get on a WY general tag.

Also as of Saturday night there were 7 of the 20 4th season tag holders still looking. None of the 7 had seen a buck over 160.

This combined with the CPWs stupid season structure and the CPW wanting to kill all the buck in NW Colorado will be the end of deer hunting for over a generation of hunters.
I have hunted Colorado for a number of years and this was hands-down the worst I have seen. I have been putting my father in for points only for the past 13 years and at the age of 67 I figured it was time to draw him out and go hunt. We drew 3rd season, unit 22 and I could not have been more disappointed. There were just no deer! Say all you want about the weather not being ideal but the week prior to the opener we had 6? of snow on the ground and sub 0? temps for a week straight. That should have been plenty enough to get the deer moving and migrating into the unit. We got there a few days early to scout things out and I was completely baffled at the lack of deer we were seeing. Each day we would only see a couple dozen does and a handful of two pints and spikes. We covered every inch of the unit and same thing. Zero deer! I glasses for hours on end each day until my eye balls were going to pop out of my head. Going into the hunt I had done a lot of homework and had talked with plenty of guys who hunted the unit last year and a few guys who have been in the unit every year for a decade plus. Based on their reports, I was anticipating on seeing hundreds of deer a day and passing on 160? / 170? bucks with the hopes of finding a great buck for my dad. Man, I would?ve thought I was hunting on a general season tag in Utah! Hunters all over the place and NO FREAKING DEER!!! Not no bucks, I'm talking no deer period! One of the other things that struck me as odd was the lack of deer on the riverbottoms on the private ground. Generally, these are sanctuaries for deer on third season hunts. I always smile at the guys pulled off the road glassing at all the deer and bucks down on the private hay fields. 22 has plenty riverbottom hay fields and guess what I saw...... nothing. A few pockets of 2 or 3 does here and there but nothing even remotely close like what you would expect. Super discouraging to hear the reports coming out of CO this year. Coupled with the increased tags and season dates getting pushed, I dare say the best years for Mule Deer in CO are well behind us for us. Sad. Wish I knew what I could do to help. Oh, almost forgot, I did get some footage of a black bear hangen out in open day light at 10am one morning. Lots of bear scat for sure.

Someone should bring this thread to the attention of Colorado DWR/Parks attention.

If you were seeing lots of does and small bucks with few or no mature bucks, that would likely be a over harvest problem.

I saw no mature bucks with groups of does on private property where hunting wasn't allowed. (Not an over hunting problem)

Winter, predators, and over hunting, management, etc. all have contributed to this problem.

I agree, little chance to get hounding and baiting back to control bear and lion populations with all the liberal anti-hunters in Colorado.

Glad Utah sporting groups had foresight and passed Prop 5, to protect hounding and trapping.

More roads on BLM were also blocked in the unit we hunted, but of course land owners could get through and have their private hunting access. Disappointing.
>Someone should bring this thread to
>the attention of Colorado DWR/Parks
>If you were seeing lots of
>does and small bucks with
>few or no mature bucks,
>that would likely be a
>over harvest problem.
>I saw no mature bucks with
>groups of does on private
>property where hunting wasn't allowed.
>(Not an over hunting problem)
>Winter, predators, and over hunting, management,
>etc. all have contributed to
>this problem.
>I agree, little chance to get
>hounding and baiting back to
>control bear and lion populations
>with all the liberal anti-hunters
>in Colorado.
>Glad Utah sporting groups had foresight
>and passed Prop 5, to
>protect hounding and trapping.
>More roads on BLM were also
>blocked in the unit we
>hunted, but of course land
>owners could get through and
>have their private hunting access.
> Disappointing.

CPW does not care. In fact they are currently trying to kill the mature bucks in NW Colorado in the name of CWD. It is very clear that their goal is to all but eliminate mature deer in the NW Corner of the state.

This is evident 2 fold. Large increase in tags in the region and the state wide shift to later hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-19 AT 09:47AM (MST)[p]I'll chime in on that note. I hunted 25/26 4th season it was as everyone else experienced pathetic. I have had much much better hunts on general tags in a number of different states. With that said the most disappointing part of the hunt was dealing with landowners in the area, seems CO landowners have a real chip on their shoulder and think they own even BLM land and any access to it. Things are looking ugly for CO deer herds and small town economies that depend on hunting to drive revenue. I know I'll be spending my money elsewhere for deer hunting.
Yes I have been out there every year since 1982 and the only other year this poor was after the big winter kill.The numbers are still pretty good but age class on Bucks was not good and everyone I talked to had pretty much the same reaction,there is some discussion with the locals with a few rumors of what the DOW is or is not doing to mature bucks during the summer months, but I will let someone else chime in on that,also the DOW has it in their head that the older class bucks are the ones carrying CWD the most,so who really knows what they are up to.The new seasons are going to put a lot of pressure on the older bucks for sure,and in the long run Co is doomed I believe.It is really sad to think that Co. hunting on deer will not be very good for good Bucks for a long long time!
I've lived in western Co my entire life and hunted deer in various units around here every single year either with a tag in my pocket or helping family and friends. Also spend a big majority of my time in the winters watching deer and keeping tabs on them atleast in the units fairly close to home.

I spent opening weekend of third season in a 4 ppt unit (for residents) helping my little sister get her first deer. This is a unit that I grew up in, and know very well, and we have taken some really nice deer out of in the past. A handful of good deer come out of this unit every year. We saw quite a few does but did not see a single mature deer. She only had a few days home from college to hunt, so she ended up shooting a small 3 point. The only good takeaway was that she was thrilled to get her first deer, but as far as numbers of deer and especially bucks are concerned, it was not anywhere near what it usually is.

As soon as she tagged out I had a tag for the bordering unit which is also historically known as a pretty good deer unit.. Although I was not as familiar with this unit as I was with the unit where my sisters tag was for, I have spent time in it in the past and had a pretty good idea of the units potential, plus I had the whole season off and figured that I could turn up a good buck.

I saw between 20-40 does a day every day, but I only saw 3 bucks the entire season. 1 was a forky, 1 was a 2 yr old 3 point and the last was an average 140 class 4 point..

I only heard 2 gunshots all season, 1 of which I know was an elk because I saw the hunters shoot it through the binos.. This tag was also a 4 ppt tag for residents.

It was hands down the worst deer hunting that I've seen. I hunted a 3rd choice deer tag 2 years ago in a unit that I had never stepped foot in prior to opening day and had a much better hunt than this, saw 3 bucks in the 160-170 range, and a handful of small bucks every day on that hunt.

I've talked to several locals that are big buck killers and they all said the same thing, saw lots of does, no mature bucks. Around the local rumor mill I haven't heard of a single big buck being killed.

I commute through these units daily to and from work and stop in a few spots and glass each day, this serves as a pretty good gauge for how the deer are doing. A few more deer have shown up down low since 4th ended, But I'm still not seeing as many deer as I normally do by this time of year. I have yet to see a single mature buck, even down on the private where there are usually a couple real good bucks that show up. The Bucks that I've seen with the does are mostly young deer.

The late season dates we have coming up the next 5 years sound exciting, but its going to be detrimental to our already struggling deer heard.. Wish our CPW would pull their heads out and listen to what the hunters are saying.. unfortunately their decisions are based off of revenue and nothing else. And they refuse to manage our predators.. I'll echo what a couple others said already but we also have a problem with lions and especially bears, But the CPW refuses to do anything about it.. making Non res tags bear $100 is a joke.. That didn't do a thing to get populations under control.

This is the best buck I could turn up in 8 hard days of hunting,bucks like this have been the norm not the exception,I have a buddy that works at a locker plant in Craig he said this was the most deer they ever took in 2nd season and he said nothing big,something just doesn't seem right it was the best weather for hunting in years and very few mature bucks,just doesn't make sense.
I'm disqualified because I'm the only person in the entire SW who didn't have a license here this year so didn't go hunting (first time since 1991) here. Besides I got to stay home and make sure nobody poached the bucks in my backyard. Sounds like they are the only ones left.

I really don't understand what the point of this thread is. Everyone knows the resource is being mismanaged for the common good.

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
>I'm disqualified because I'm the only
>person in the entire SW
>who didn't have a license
>here this year so didn't
>go hunting (first time since
>1991) here. Besides I
>got to stay home and
>make sure nobody poached the
>bucks in my backyard.
>Sounds like they are the
>only ones left.
>I really don't understand what the
>point of this thread is.
> Everyone knows the resource
>is being mismanaged for the
>common good.
>Splitting my time time between the
>winter and summer range......
>May you live long enough to
>cash in those preference points.

Original poster wrote:

The purpose of this post is to see what others saw this year while out hunting.
Well if it was a rant then I would have wanted to join. :)

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
My 3rd season Deer hunt was pretty much just a tough as everyone else is describing, although there are a couple of points worth noting regarding some of these rambling, whiny posts, IMHO:

1. The Bear issue- No doubt there's way too many. It's my understanding that the DOW is bound by the restrictions in hunting that was passed in the ballot measure several years ago. This is a political issue with the bunny hugging crowd in Denver/Boulder, not a DOW decision.

2. I can't imagine that all the mature bucks simply died off. If Colorado had, had that epic of a Winter, we would all damn well know about it.

3. How are the upcoming season dates going to boost DOW revenue? This makes the least sense to me. Are they planning to increase numbers of tags, along with later season dates? That would seem like a very short sighted plan to destroy to Deer hunting.

You guys should go hunt Idaho, New Mexico, utah etc., and you'd realize that Colorado does a decent job with the wildlife, aside from the Bears... I know, I know..... I've hunted all of them, and I enjoy Colorado every year.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-19 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-19 AT 12:58?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-19 AT 12:47?PM (MST)

1. The Bear issue- No doubt there's way too many. It's my understanding that the DOW is bound by the restrictions in hunting that was passed in the ballot measure several years ago. This is a political issue with the bunny hugging crowd in Denver/Boulder, not a DOW decision.

I and a lot of other hunters went to the meeting in Montrose just one of many in the state when this bear hunting initiative BS started and voiced our opinion, the then Colorado DOW did not listen to the sportsman, they just sat on there hands like they are doing this year with the wolf reintroduction into Colorado.
The Colorado CPW does have the authority to manage the wildlife in Colorado it is their JOB they are the ones that have the final say on what happens with the wildlife in Colorado. They had the authority to determine how the bears in Colorado would or would not be hunted but chose to cave to the liberals and anti hunters in Boulder. This is the same thing that is happening this year with the wolf reintroduction onto Colorado and both of these initiatives could and can be stopped by CPW. For some reason they don't want to fight for the sportsman in Colorado anymore.

If you lived in this state year round and saw the drastic increase in the bear population over the last several years you may have a different opinion??? There are so many bear now that it is very common to see them in towns through out the state.

3. How are the upcoming season dates going to boost DOW revenue? This makes the least sense to me. Are they planning to increase numbers of tags, along with later season dates? That would seem like a very short sighted plan to destroy to Deer hunting. WHY DON'T YOU LOOK AT THE NUMBER OF TAG INCREASES THEY DID THIS YEAR.

My current situation precludes me from caring about your opinion but go ahead and give voice to it anyway...

They aren't there in summer...
they aren't there in fall...
they aren't there in winter...
Yet they are there in record numbers in spring when the quotas are set.

"we are doing a AWESOME JOB on mule deer" Our area mgr told me last winter.

Same guy at the meeting... "people just want to shoot two points, we are WASTING opportunity here people" (an opportunity to cash checks)

The more they issue tags and kill deer the population just keeps climbing, lets hope they start helicopter gunning them we will be awash in deer for the foreseeable future.

We have gone from multiple 180's fighting for breeding rights in 2012 to forkies having a harem of 25-30 all to themselves, and tag allocations just keep going up in number.
Gringo here you go:

1. The bear issue is CPW's fault especially when they admitted to fudging numbers on the population estimate. You can google numerous articles and quotes from CPW themselves. They were about 12,000 bears low on their population estimate.

2. Go look at the Snotel and snowpack data for last winter. Many areas were over 200% normal some over 300%. To say that didn't kill off some deer would be ridiculous.

3. Look at the tag increases around the state, escpecially for third and fourth season.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-19 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]

Gringo here is some of their B.S. on how they were too lazy to actually see how many bears we had. Their 10-12,000 should have been 20,000 but hey they are making up for it now with $100 nonresident tags. Are you going to trust their deer counts?
One more thing I'll add on that people won't like is the re-issue tags. Don't get me wrong I've bought them and hunted off them, but I think they are also taking a toll. Before the re-issue process those tags went in the trash, now some hardcore guys as well as others are getting them and notching them. I think this is also having an effect on our herd numbers and quality.
At that point though if the left over list is an issue they are giving too many tags anyways right? If they allocate the number correctly it shouldn't matter if all the tags get hunted.
>Gringo here you go:
>1. The bear issue is CPW's
>fault especially when they admitted
>to fudging numbers on the
>population estimate. You can google
>numerous articles and quotes from
>CPW themselves. They were about
>12,000 bears low on their
>population estimate.
>2. Go look at the Snotel
>and snowpack data for last
>winter. Many areas were over
>200% normal some over 300%.
>To say that didn't kill
>off some deer would be
>3. Look at the tag increases
>around the state, escpecially for
>third and fourth season.

I guess I wasn't clear, with my point. I'm well aware that Colorado has a Bear problem. My point, was that I was under the impression that the DOW was bound by the restrictions of the ballot measure about predators years ago. No spring season, no hunt before sept. 2. I think we should be hunting them Aug 1st at a minimum. I also think the Lion Quotas, and the lack of trapping coyotes probably has a big effect on the Mule Deer.

Regarding Winter kill: I'm sure there was some mortality, however, hunt reports from Durango, to Craig were pretty much the same for the rifle seasons. That's a factor of weather patterns during the hunts, IMO, rather than all the big bucks being dead and gone. Just my opinion. I guess we'll see next year, when I'm out there looking again.
>At that point though if the
>left over list is an
>issue they are giving too
>many tags anyways right? If
>they allocate the number correctly
>it shouldn't matter if all
>the tags get hunted.

I see what your saying but I was implying that in years past those tags didn't get hunted therefore a few less guys in the field to help with crowding and yeah a few less animals hitting the dirt as well.
I spent both the second season and the third season in Colorado in units I am familiar with and in both units I saw the least amount of deer I have seen in my 10+ years of hunting Colorado. Not sure the reasons, but can say seen more hunters than I have ever seen as well although nobody was seeing a lot of deer.
>>Gringo here you go:
>>1. The bear issue is CPW's
>>fault especially when they admitted
>>to fudging numbers on the
>>population estimate. You can google
>>numerous articles and quotes from
>>CPW themselves. They were about
>>12,000 bears low on their
>>population estimate.
>>2. Go look at the Snotel
>>and snowpack data for last
>>winter. Many areas were over
>>200% normal some over 300%.
>>To say that didn't kill
>>off some deer would be
>>3. Look at the tag increases
>>around the state, escpecially for
>>third and fourth season.
>I guess I wasn't clear, with
>my point. I'm
>well aware that Colorado has
>a Bear problem. My
>point, was that I was
>under the impression that the
>DOW was bound by the
>restrictions of the ballot measure
>about predators years ago.
>No spring season, no hunt
>before sept. 2. I
>think we should be hunting
>them Aug 1st at a
>minimum. I also
>think the Lion Quotas, and
>the lack of trapping coyotes
>probably has a big effect
>on the Mule Deer.
>Regarding Winter kill: I'm sure
>there was some mortality, however,
>hunt reports from Durango, to
>Craig were pretty much the
>same for the rifle seasons.
> That's a factor of
>weather patterns during the hunts,
>IMO, rather than all the
>big bucks being dead and
>gone. Just my
>opinion. I guess we'll
>see next year, when I'm
>out there looking again.

Bingo Gringo!

I'll chime in with what I saw this year in 3rd season CO.
My buddy and I drove out from OR for our first ever trip to CO. We did a lot of research and talked to some great guys on here (Founder, the Coloradoboy, and Cowkiller) in hopes of finding a 170"+ muley. What we saw was more side by sides and 4-wheelers than the local dunes here on the OR coast! Hell I thought elk season in OR was bad with people. It's a cake walk compared to all the tags and hunters I saw in our CO unit! Ridiculous!
Obviously the weather and rut wasn't helping us either. Out of the 120+ deer we saw only 12 of them were bucks. Most were 2 & 3 points with a few being 3x4's and such. Of those 12, half were on Private property. Only saw one mature buck (170 class) and he was on Private. Watched a kid pack a 20" 4x4 for 3 miles. Was the only buck I saw killed while I was there.

I realize I'm a CO newbie but at 44 years of age I consider myself an experienced hunter. I almost felt like I was back in OR again hunting mule deer......Oh wait......not by a LONG shot! My dad and I hunted a unit in 2018 in OR and in a week's time saw 8 deer and one little forky buck. Absolutely PATHETIC. So be thankful yer not as bad off as OR is. Although it sounds like you are on the same path of destruction. The green libtards run OR and unfortunately it sounds like CO is not far behind. I'm kicking my ASS bad for not doing CO like 10 years ago. Now I'm not sure whether I should continue to go and build points with my boy or find a different state. It sure is SAD to see our western states DOW's/Fish&Game Dept's care more about the revenue than the animals & sportsmen that support their jobs............
Ok I have to chime back in,The only common denominator here state wide is winter kill,Yes I believe that we did not lose numbers in Co,but we did lose rutted out mature bucks when the weather got cold and the snow got deep.What else could it be state wide?I am lucky enough to hunt probably one of the premier ranches in Northwest Colorado where deer 175'' plus have been the norm for a group of 8 or more for at least 10 years+ seeing a 160'' 4x4 you could do from the tent every morning,not this year!!!!!!We saw at least a 150 to 200 deer a day but no mature bucks!really?In years past we would see 150 to 200 and up to 40 bucks a day and 10 of those would be shooters for anyone,everyone can call BS on what I'm saying but people that have seen the pics over and over for the last 10 years will agree.I told a buddy when I left we will do 26'' minimum for 8 of us,boy I was wrong,we did kill 7 decent 4x4 bucks and I will add a picture of the one stud buck we got,but that is not the point,the point is the mature bucks took a hit and no one can deny that!!!I will send pic of the good one here in a bit,just wanting to see what you guys think of winter kill on the mature bucks?
ive been hunting southern CO near Pagosa for 22 years now and this is by far the toughest year I remember!
Our camp went 3/4 and I killed the best buck I saw in 12 days up there on the last morning of the 3rd season, and he was a solid 4x4, but we usually see 10-15 4 points per day, but this year was different.
It was also as dry as I remember it up there and I'm hoping lots of the big boys were just stuck in transition zones, but made me wonder as well. If the trends continue I sure hope CO takes the steps to preserve some of the best mule deer hunting in the country...
I've waited 13 years to hunt a specific area in Colorado and after deciding to burn my points I drew a 4th season tag showed up on Sunday my hunt started on Wednesday and ended on Sunday so after 7days of scouting and hunting I came home with my tag in pocket. Ive never hunted Colorado before but I would say it was a far cry from what I've read and seen over many years of watching wish I could go back five years and use those points then on a lesser unit I think the division is struggling I talked to the people at the office in my area and the best they could give me is well I meat hunt or push the timber like the elk hunters sorry 13 years is a long time to wait for what I think at my age might have been my Colorado once in a lifetime hunt for a good buck wish they would see there is a problem I feel for all the residents who hunt there every year hope things get better for you all I met some really nice Colorado residents and feel there pain good luck on_target

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

Great Colorado elk hunting. Hunt the backcountry of unit 76. More than a hunt, it's an adventure!

CJ Outfitters

Hunt Colorado's premier trophy units, 2, 10 and 201 for trophy elk, deer and antelope.

Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

Hunt trophy elk, mule deer, moose, antelope, bear, cougar and turkey on both private land and BLM.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

Colorado landowner tags for mule deer, elk and antelope. Tags for other states also available.

Flat Tops Elk Hunting

For the Do-It-Yourself hunters, an amazing cabin in GMU 12 for your groups elk or deer hunt.

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