colorado ballot measure forced introduction of grey wolves


Active Member
I just received my Sept-Oct. issue of Bugle the RMEF publication. There is an article about putting the wolf question on the 2020 ballot. A lot of current information is included. I am old so this will not impact me but it could be a disaster for the state.
Here's the reality of the situation. It will be on the ballot in 2020, it will pass with flying colors(I predict 70% in favor). They will be dumpin em on the ground by 2023. We are about to be californicated by the transplants. It's the classic F story. I blame Walt Disney.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Took my second son to hunter?s ed this past weekend. One of the instructors made it sound like a good idea to have wolves reintroduced- to manage elk in rocky mt national park- lol. He?s a transplant for California... you would think they would know the CPW stance on the subject and be disseminating that information. Took all I had to calmly explain to a class of 45 the ludicrous rationale behind wolf reintroduction. Lord knows if it helped...

Cheers- Dave
Ask a simple question to those who promote the wolf. Why do we have a CPW?

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
>Ask a simple question to those
>who promote the wolf. Why
>do we have a CPW?

These people would rather that go away as well. It's absolutely a war on hunting and a bottomless litigation pit. Sad deal
Wolves will devastate the game in Colorado if you notice they are not proposing putting any east of the Continental Divide. I think they should start the introduction of wolves in Boulder first and see how things go for a few years

It won't take the wolves they put on the Grand Mesa and the Uncomphgre long to show up in Utah
Just my opinion but I think Utah should also be concerned about this?
I hope this gets voted down, but have my doubts. Fewer game animals, fewer tags, fewer hunters, less revenue. There is no reason to do this other than some tree hugging bunny lovers will feel all warm and fuzzy inside while they sip their triple-soy, half-cafe, non-fat, fair trade lattes as they sit in their 47th floor condo overlooking central park.
?? Terrible. I always thought the woofs from the south would make it here first. And this (initiative 107) will pass with overwhelming public support.

I read an interview somewhere where one of these whack job professor/advocates was claiming that woofs increased the elk population in Idaho.

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
The whole argument of reintroduction is a farce- how can you reintroduce something that has been here all along. I personally saw 6 wolves and have video of 2 of them in NW Colorado from this past fall. This is another example of people being gladly ignorant of the truth and justifying their choices from poor information to stay self deceived- it is pure laziness. Wolves will not restore any order, but you may see an uptick in shovel sales for dedicated hunters. Funny enough, my understanding is Wyoming has a shoot on sight reward for wolves- why the hell would we want them here?

Cheers- Dave
There is an article in todays channel 31 news about the cost of wolfyyy introduction and the amount of money these whackos have. Something like $265,000 has come from California, To me it is similar to the phony impeachment of Trump. A few idiots paying for control; with no concern for the rights of the citizens. The professors claim "to restore balance" what the hell does that mean ?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-19 AT 08:25AM (MST)[p]Good point! Balance... wtf! You have to admire the word play here. Their definition of "balance" is whatever they desire. The truth is that there is no balance- constant dynamism- highs and lows- complete fluctuation. So you are dead on- they don't care about your rights or desires- just in love with some fanciful idea of wolves running around and putting things in "balance"- self deception.

I had a "volunteer" instructor for one of my son's hunters ed classes tell the class how cool it would be to see wolves running around- like it was good idea. Guess where he was from- yep, you guessed it- California. It took all I had to calmly walk the class through the thought process of introducing an unchecked apex predator into this environment and its effects on their hunting opportunities. I was dumbfounded that this guy was teaching a class- completely self deceived.

If its managed anything like Washington, they will put impossible goals attached to the wolves before management will occur. It will be a sad day for some of the elk and deer herds.
>If its managed anything like Washington,
>they will put impossible goals
>attached to the wolves before
>management will occur. It
>will be a sad day
>for some of the elk
>and deer herds.

I think in Colorado we have already reached a sad day for some of the elk and deer herds.
If this passes, and it sounds like most believe it will, I expect it will solve world hunger AND end global warming.
RMEF and all the other big Sportsmans clubs sat on there ass while we as individual sportsman took on the antis . It got ugly and nasty, in the end we had to wait and watch another 12 years before we could hunt them. A lot of the mountain game is know pushed to residential areas and agricultural ares where the game and fish is issueing unlimited hunting licenses to wipe out the deer and Elk. Without goverment hunters you would never keep the wolf population in check. The wolf introduction will cost a lot of money to manage. I don't think the good people of Colorado are going to allow government trappers killing wolves, which leaves you with a unmanageable wolf problem.The only way to have a voice is to start a Colorado Sportsmans group, ours was the South Central Idaho Anti Wolf Colalation. Bumper stickers, town hall meetings, as much media write ups as possible but most important finding a legislator to work for you in the goverment. Good luck, and don't back down from any of the groups that will be showing up like Defenders of wildlife!
RMEF has been working with several groups that oppose the introduction of wolves and have created a website. They've put lots of time and effort getting things organized to get the facts out to voters. They recently created a new website to present information which is:
Funding this effort is really important as the pro-wolf groups seem to have lots of money to promote this. I'm guessing you'll see more things in the news as the election approaches. There has also been a new bill presented in the Colorado Senate in which I heard there was a phone call with the sponsoring Senator recently with many groups participating. The bill can be found via the following link:
As wildlife conservationists, regardless of the State you live in, my opinion is we all need to participate to get the truth out to the Colorado voters that are willing to be informed about true facts.

News Update: February 26, 2020
El Paso County Joins Effort to Say NO to
Forced Wolf Introduction
Colorado Springs, CO - Today, Colorado Stop the Wolf Coalition announced the latest Colorado county to pass a resolution against forced wolf introduction in our state. El Paso County Commissioners voted unanimously on Tuesday to oppose forced wolf introduction.

As one of the fastest growing counties along Colorado’s Front Range, El Paso County Commissioners acknowledged that forcing wolves into Colorado will have negative impacts statewide.

The resolution pointed out that El Paso County is not only home to agricultural and ranching businesses that would be negatively impacted by forced wolf introduction, but also hurt the county’s tourism industry which draws millions of people every year to area trails and open spaces.

“This is the right thing to do, the economic impact is clear in the state of Colorado, not only would it be a danger to the very important industries of ranching and farming in our state, it also would be a danger to those that enjoy the outdoors so much,” said Commissioner Stan VanderWerf.

“And I don’t even get it, it’s not a natural species to the state of Colorado, so it isn’t even logical why anyone would want to introduce,” he concluded.

El Paso County now joins Douglas and Elbert County as high population counties along the Front Range that are officially opposing any efforts to force the introduction of wolves in Colorado. The number of Colorado Counties now opposing forced wolf introduction stands at over 30, with that number expected to rise in the coming months.

The list of Colorado Counties opposed, and their resolutions, can be found here.

“We’re grateful for Commissioner Stan VanderWerf’s leadership on this important issue, and the unanimous support from his fellow El Paso County Commissioners. Our coalition was happy to work with them in providing the facts, grassroots support, and research they needed to pass a strong No Wolf Introduction Resolution,” said Denny Behrens, Co-Chairman of Colorado Stop the Wolf Coalition.

“There’s a good reason why El Paso County, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and many other agencies have opposed introduction of wolves in Colorado. They’ve seen the data from other states that have tried this foolish idea before and the resulting devastating consequences. Not only is wolf introduction a bad idea, but it’s not fair to the wolves that would be uprooted from their native lands and forced into our populated state,” concluded Behrens.
They could all oppose it, if the voters vote for it we're f'd. See initiative 10 in 1992, and the trapping ban of 1996.
In this thread I’ve read that some of you have calmly explained to the class how wrong the instructor is on wolf reintroduction. It’s time that we stop being so calm! We need to rehearse our argument and then add controlled out rage in that argument. Public civility at times like this need to be tabled and we as hunters need to shook the sh!t out of these radical D-bags.
would have much more enjoyed hearing hints about a shovel story than watching that video of the wolfs trotting on by , don't know how many times I was going trough the motion of jacking the bolt back and forth watching it .Well maybe he did something after the video, there's always hope.

News Update: February 26, 2020
El Paso County Joins Effort to Say NO to
Forced Wolf Introduction
Colorado Springs, CO - Today, Colorado Stop the Wolf Coalition announced the latest Colorado county to pass a resolution against forced wolf introduction in our state. El Paso County Commissioners voted unanimously on Tuesday to oppose forced wolf introduction.

As one of the fastest growing counties along Colorado’s Front Range, El Paso County Commissioners acknowledged that forcing wolves into Colorado will have negative impacts statewide.

The resolution pointed out that El Paso County is not only home to agricultural and ranching businesses that would be negatively impacted by forced wolf introduction, but also hurt the county’s tourism industry which draws millions of people every year to area trails and open spaces.

“This is the right thing to do, the economic impact is clear in the state of Colorado, not only would it be a danger to the very important industries of ranching and farming in our state, it also would be a danger to those that enjoy the outdoors so much,” said Commissioner Stan VanderWerf.

“And I don’t even get it, it’s not a natural species to the state of Colorado, so it isn’t even logical why anyone would want to introduce,” he concluded.

El Paso County now joins Douglas and Elbert County as high population counties along the Front Range that are officially opposing any efforts to force the introduction of wolves in Colorado. The number of Colorado Counties now opposing forced wolf introduction stands at over 30, with that number expected to rise in the coming months.

The list of Colorado Counties opposed, and their resolutions, can be found here.

“We’re grateful for Commissioner Stan VanderWerf’s leadership on this important issue, and the unanimous support from his fellow El Paso County Commissioners. Our coalition was happy to work with them in providing the facts, grassroots support, and research they needed to pass a strong No Wolf Introduction Resolution,” said Denny Behrens, Co-Chairman of Colorado Stop the Wolf Coalition.

“There’s a good reason why El Paso County, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and many other agencies have opposed introduction of wolves in Colorado. They’ve seen the data from other states that have tried this foolish idea before and the resulting devastating consequences. Not only is wolf introduction a bad idea, but it’s not fair to the wolves that would be uprooted from their native lands and forced into our populated state,” concluded Behrens.
Actually it IS A native species, to Colorado along with WY, MT, ID
Actually it IS A native species, to Colorado along with WY, MT, ID

Of courseThe wolf as a species has been in Colorado Naturally before. But what I have heard is that they plan to re-introduce a larger Subspecies that has never been in Colorado in the past. Is that true?
Of courseThe wolf as a species has been in Colorado Naturally before. But what I have heard is that they plan to re-introduce a larger Subspecies that has never been in Colorado in the past. Is that true?
That is true from sources at the RMEF. The wolf species originally here are extinct so they plan to import the Canadian Grey Wolf which is much larger and considerably more aggressive from everything I've read. Too bad science doesn't dictate but ballot biology seems to be the way things are going! CPW was on record (I believe it was in 2016) opposing the introduction but now that it's on a public ballot, laws dictate they cannot comment on ballot issues.
And while all the celebrations about reintroduction are happening, I just read somewhere that they are going to supplement the population of mexican woof's to the south. This is not just a novelty anymore.(n)
Took my second son to hunter?s ed this past weekend. One of the instructors made it sound like a good idea to have wolves reintroduced- to manage elk in rocky mt national park- lol. He?s a transplant for California... you would think they would know the CPW stance on the subject and be disseminating that information. Took all I had to calmly explain to a class of 45 the ludicrous rationale behind wolf reintroduction. Lord knows if it helped...

Cheers- Dave
Uh what the hell do you think these bastards are doing in school districts ??? And are teaching influencing our kids evertyday ????? That was just a dam weekend hunters safety class. That pisses me off.

Don’t know why an instructor is the field of wildlife mng saying that S$&:t???


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