Colorado Big Game study 2020


Active Member
From the report: Between 2007 and 2013, Colorado’s estimated statewide deer population declined from roughly 600,000 deer to approximately 390,000 deer; The product of this public process was the 2014 West Slope Mule Deer Strategy (WSMDS). The WSMDS identifies seven management priorities to address mule deer declines on the West Slope of Colorado
.• Landscape-scale habitat management to improve habitat quality
• Predator management where predation may be limiting deer survival
• Protection of habitat and mitigation of development impacts
• Reducing the impacts of highways on mule deer survival, movements and migration
• Reducing the impacts of human recreation on mule deer
• Regulation of doe harvest and providing youth hunting opportunity
• Maintaining a strong big game population and disease monitoring program and conducting applied research to improve management of deer populations.

"Predator management where predation may be limiting deer survival".

Colorado has between 3,000-7,000 lions. Mountain lions generally eat just under one ungulate a week, preying on an average of 38 deer each year according to a study from 2010..

So, with Common Core math, that would equal about 266,000 deer per year killed by lions in Colorado.

That's a lot of deer!
Predation is a huge factor, no question. but predation by hunters is a factor not listed, and it obviously should be.

Habitat is a joke, all states love that excuse because you can't blame it on the game and fish dept.

My opinion based on just one season spent last your in 66 3rd is the habitat is fantastic. better than any I've seen anywhere. and all the 3 year old bucks I say the first part of the season were dead by the last day. seems to me that's a pretty major problem.

But as bad as you think it might be, Colorado is still better than any other state for deer.
How many of you think the way they count deer is a problem? How accurate was the 600,000 to begin with how accurate was the 390,000 in 2013? Is that a legit problem, I don't know I'm just wondering.
Habitat "appears" good, but is it good where it counts the most on the winter ranges?
The entire west has been suffering from less than par precipitation and the winter Habitat is generally burned up by July.
Habitat "appears" good, but is it good where it counts the most on the winter ranges?
The entire west has been suffering from less than par precipitation and the winter Habitat is generally burned up by July.
I think the last few years of moisture have been great for the land although last year slammed the deer herd, but they have done the land much good. I honestly think we are a couple good weather years away from watching numbers go up quite a bit.
Habitat may appear great but quite the contrary compared to when the habitat was in great shape. This report is a complete waste of time and resources with the change in governance. It's not about science, it's a movement.
I am very disappointed that the wolves are coming. Maybe, just maybe they will knock the elk numbers way down and it will actually help the deer. This is a long shot but there is a little hope!
That is a very sad positive outlook to have to take, but when our hands are tied, we can only hope for something good to come out of it.
Am I the only one here who has a hard time accepting that lions average 40-50 deer kills per year? 50 is the number thrown out and with the number of lions in my area I just don’t find lion killed deer by the dozen like I would expect to with those numbers.

Maybe the local cougar population here just eats DELTA RABBITS😆
Am I the only one here who has a hard time accepting that lions average 40-50 deer kills per year? 50 is the number thrown out and with the number of lions in my area I just don’t find lion killed deer by the dozen like I would expect to with those numbers.

Maybe the local cougar population here just eats DELTA RABBITS😆
I can buy that an adult eats 1 per week. That lion kill that I was able to stick a camera on while it was still warm was used for about 5 days as I remember, but lots of other things ate on it also. It fed coyotes, hawks, vultures that I remember for sure. I should dig those pics up again.

Now that’s not to say that it didn’t have a couple more dead somewhere else within a mile or two, the same way I have candy bars hidden around. :)

And I agree with you that deer don’t make up 100% of their diet. Im also a little surprised that they appear to prefer deer over beef. I think they’ll eat fluffy before they take a crack at a cow. And I just missed a lion on a calf elk this year.

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