Colorado Bighorn S15 Draw Odds 2022


Active Member
First time posting here, I have followed other forums and this one and enjoy trying to gather info so to speak. For any of you looking for hopefully drawing a Colorado Rifle Bighorn permit there’s really not a lot of secrets out there as all the units are relatively hard to draw. I would encourage you undecided and ready to hunt Colorado residents to look at S15, it has a 8 % draw odds last year on the second rifle season. There were only 25 applicants and two tags available for the second hunt which is really awesome odds for a sheep permit, especially with hunters that don’t have a lot of weighted points. A relative of mine drew it two years ago and harvested a fine 7/8 ram. Also saw an older gentleman he introduced himself as a medical Dr. who is a resident with an outfitter at the trail head last year while we were scouting for elk, they had a decent 3/4 ram, so there’s quality there for sure. My sheep hunting days are over (I’ll be sixty seven in June ) as I’ve been lucky enough to draw both Wyoming and Colorado. Just thought I’d pass that along as I was researching this morning. Good luck in the draws ! Yours truly C. Smith
First time posting here, I have followed other forums and this one and enjoy trying to gather info so to speak. For any of you looking for hopefully drawing a Colorado Rifle Bighorn permit there’s really not a lot of secrets out there as all the units are relatively hard to draw. I would encourage you undecided and ready to hunt Colorado residents to look at S15, it has a 8 % draw odds last year on the second rifle season. There were only 25 applicants and two tags available for the second hunt which is really awesome odds for a sheep permit, especially with hunters that don’t have a lot of weighted points. A relative of mine drew it two years ago and harvested a fine 7/8 ram. Also saw an older gentleman he introduced himself as a medical Dr. who is a resident with an outfitter at the trail head last year while we were scouting for elk, they had a decent 3/4 ram, so there’s quality there for sure. My sheep hunting days are over (I’ll be sixty seven in June ) as I’ve been lucky enough to draw both Wyoming and Colorado. Just thought I’d pass that along as I was researching this morning. Good luck in the draws ! Yours truly C. Smith
I thought there was wisdom with age but I guess there’s exceptions to the rule…
You know you can charge for that kind of insight, right?;)

I believe the math is a little more complicated than that.
Information I found is on Colorado Parks and Wildlife website. Statistics is there for everyone that applies. Sorry some of you were offended.
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First time posting here, I have followed other forums and this one and enjoy trying to gather info so to speak. For any of you looking for hopefully drawing a Colorado Rifle Bighorn permit there’s really not a lot of secrets out there as all the units are relatively hard to draw. I would encourage you undecided and ready to hunt Colorado residents to look at S15, it has a 8 % draw odds last year on the second rifle season. There were only 25 applicants and two tags available for the second hunt which is really awesome odds for a sheep permit, especially with hunters that don’t have a lot of weighted points. A relative of mine drew it two years ago and harvested a fine 7/8 ram. Also saw an older gentleman he introduced himself as a medical Dr. who is a resident with an outfitter at the trail head last year while we were scouting for elk, they had a decent 3/4 ram, so there’s quality there for sure. My sheep hunting days are over (I’ll be sixty seven in June ) as I’ve been lucky enough to draw both Wyoming and Colorado. Just thought I’d pass that along as I was researching this morning. Good luck in the draws ! Yours truly C. Smith
I know of a tagholder who went in there with stock for over 2 weeks, didn’t see a ram. Lots of guys eat their tags in that unit, and plenty shoot dinks.
First time posting here, I have followed other forums and this one and enjoy trying to gather info so to speak. For any of you looking for hopefully drawing a Colorado Rifle Bighorn permit there’s really not a lot of secrets out there as all the units are relatively hard to draw. I would encourage you undecided and ready to hunt Colorado residents to look at S15, it has a 8 % draw odds last year on the second rifle season. There were only 25 applicants and two tags available for the second hunt which is really awesome odds for a sheep permit, especially with hunters that don’t have a lot of weighted points. A relative of mine drew it two years ago and harvested a fine 7/8 ram. Also saw an older gentleman he introduced himself as a medical Dr. who is a resident with an outfitter at the trail head last year while we were scouting for elk, they had a decent 3/4 ram, so there’s quality there for sure. My sheep hunting days are over (I’ll be sixty seven in June ) as I’ve been lucky enough to draw both Wyoming and Colorado. Just thought I’d pass that along as I was researching this morning. Good luck in the draws ! Yours truly C. Smith
I try not to engage in the all of the negative BS that seems to have become way too common on this site. But I’m going to give credit where credit is due. This is a great first post and it’s refreshing to see someone actually trying to give out some good information. So good on you bud!

And for all of you boys that are thinking that there’s some sort of secret/sleeper sheep unit in Colorado that only a select few know about? Dream on!
There are no “secret spots “ anymore thanks to forums like this!
Don’t get me wrong there is secret drainages and areas left still that are!
That’s why a lot of people don’t share!
I try not to engage in the all of the negative BS that seems to have become way too common on this site. But I’m going to give credit where credit is due. This is a great first post and it’s refreshing to see someone actually trying to give out some good information. So good on you bud!

And for all of you boys that are thinking that there’s some sort of secret/sleeper sheep unit in Colorado that only a select few know about? Dream on!
Thank you Gadget. Sad how hunting seems to have changed to be so greedy, competitive, ect. I guess technology has played a major role in it. It took me 30 years of applying to get me my two Rams. I was just sharing some info that might have helped. No big deal to me I’ve already filled my Rocky Mtn. Sheep dreams. ?
Thank you Gadget. Sad how hunting seems to have changed to be so greedy, competitive, ect. I guess technology has played a major role in it. It took me 30 years of applying to get me my two Rams. I was just sharing some info that might have helped. No big deal to me I’ve already filled my Rocky Mtn. Sheep dreams. ?
It’s customary for the folks from CO to point out that there are big critters killed in every unit in the state, but that the unit they live in or hunt is all shot out.:)

Welcome aboard.
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Awe, the power of the internet.
Regardless of how well intentioned your post was R270, your information just opened up this "secret" to thousands who might want to simply do a lazy internet search for S15 draw odds. No wonder some have taken objection, even if you only mean well.

"Greed and Competitive" have only become a part of the game because few will ever see one Bighorn tag in a lifetime, much less two. If I was one of the 25 who put in last year and didn't draw, I'd be pulling my hair out after reading this!
Just sayin,
There are two types of sheep hunters, ones holding out for the glory units (the minority) and those searching for the best odds ( the majority). You'd be naive to think that 70% of those hunters don't crush the draw odds. Anyone that's played the game long enough see's the infiltration of applicants thinking they've discovered the hidden gem of great draw odds only to see applications double with better odds.

Realistically he hasn't screwed anyone's odds because it already happens every year...
There are two types of sheep hunters, ones holding out for the glory units (the minority) and those searching for the best odds ( the majority). You'd be naive to think that 70% of those hunters don't crush the draw odds. Anyone that's played the game long enough see's the infiltration of applicants thinking they've discovered the hidden gem of great draw odds only to see applications double with better odds.

Realistically he hasn't screwed anyone's odds because it already happens every year...
I think you are giving the majority of people to much credit. The vast majority of people have no clue how to look up draw odds. More and more are figuring it out every year, but it's still far from the majority.
I think you are giving the majority of people to much credit. The vast majority of people have no clue how to look up draw odds. More and more are figuring it out every year, but it's still far from the majority.
Exactly. Just look at how many NR’s apply for the NW corner elk units when they have half the points they would need to draw a tag. Never under estimate the idiocracy of the average American. Prime example: our so-called President and the mouth breathers who voted for him.
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Exactly. Just look at how many NR’s apply for the NW corner elk units when they have half the points they would need to draw a tag. Never under estimate the idiocracy of the average American. Just look at our so-called President and the mouth breathers who voted for him.
I can't speak for all of them but a lot of guys do that as a first choice to make sure they get a preference point instead of using the preference point code. Also if your a resident it puts you in the hybrid draw pool.
I can't speak for all of them but a lot of guys do that as a first choice to make sure they get a preference point instead of using the preference point code. Also if your a resident it puts you in the hybrid draw pool.
You used to have to do that before there was a ppp hunt code. I put in every year for first choice units I won’t draw.:confused:
Why? If you have 5 points your in the hybrid draw. A guy drew a 201 early rifle tag last year with 9 points. Would you not take that tag for 9 points?
I was pretty specific in my example when I mentioned NR.
Also, there were no applicants that drew EE201E1R tags in 2021 with 9 points. One drew with 6, one with 8, and one with 16 though; all R.
Still stand by my initial comments.
I've put in for first choice many times in units that I don't have anywhere near enough points to draw. It doesn't affect you guys that have enough points to draw in the slightest bit. So quit all of your bellyachein! Like the late Rodney King once said," can't we all just get along?"
I've put in for first choice many times in units that I don't have anywhere near enough points to draw. It doesn't affect you guys that have enough points to draw in the slightest bit. So quit all of your bellyachein! Like the late Rodney King once said," can't we all just get along?"
The point is that there are NR folks (as illustrated above) who think that they are actually in the Hybrid draw with a .001% chance. The reality (that they are unaware of) is they aren’t and their odds are exactly 0 squared multiplied by 0 cubed, aka 0%.
The point is that there are NR folks (as illustrated above) who think that they are actually in the Hybrid draw with a .001% chance. The reality (that they are unaware of) is they aren’t and their odds are exactly 0 squared multiplied by 0 cubed, aka 0%.
True for nonresidents. The hybrid random drawing is conducted after the regular drawing so in almost every case the nonres quota will have already been reached and no nonres permits will be awarded in the hybrid draw.
Exactly. Just look at how many NR’s apply for the NW corner elk units when they have half the points they would need to draw a tag. Never under estimate the idiocracy of the average American. Prime example: our so-called President and the mouth breathers who voted for him.
Maybe they don't care to draw in any particular year. I do this a lot. Apply for a permit I'm highly unlikely to get while building points. And if I get lucky I'll make time and go. Never underestimate the idiocracy of guys who always believe they're the smartest in the room.
Maybe they don't care to draw in any particular year. I do this a lot. Apply for a permit I'm highly unlikely to get while building points. And if I get lucky I'll make time and go. Never underestimate the idiocracy of guys who always believe they're the smartest in the room.
Ya, we all apply for stuff we are highly unlikely to get. The discussion took the track of the vast majority of hunters not knowing how to look up draw odds. I gave an example of a statistical impossibility (not improbability), and almost instantly someone piped in to prove my point.
An even better example would be the 29 geniuses in the 2021 NM NR/outfitter pool who applied for the statewide 1-700 elk permit. An impossibility to draw. They even have a pop-up that you have to check that essentially tells you you’re an idiot if you apply for this hunt code, yet those 29 thought they could defy a mathematical certainty. Lumped into the same group would be the 300+ residents that applied for that tag as a 2nd/3rd choice. It just shows that lots of folks have no idea what they are doing.
My uncle pulled the unit 10 early rifle hybrid tag with 6 points in 2020 after he drew it in 2014. Some people have all the luck..
Not sure why you replied to my earlier response to someone else…No one doubts the existence of the Hybrid draw for residents. Some (like elkasauraus) believe (erroneously) that as a NR they are in the Hybrid draw.
I haven’t looked in a couple of years, but there was a guy in AZ with 27 points for turkey. Don’t really understand that one.?
1/700 odds is not bad, ok it is, but if you shotgun out to 9 or so states for 5/6 animals it can happen. In 2020 I pulled a 1/300 ish NM Pronghorn tag and 1/110 random deer tag in Wy. It does happen. If you did 9 states for just 5 top tier hunts that were random you would have 45 apps in. Lots of darts at the wall. Heck look at ALL the states NR sheep odds. I wish some were 1/700.
First time posting here, I have followed other forums and this one and enjoy trying to gather info so to speak. For any of you looking for hopefully drawing a Colorado Rifle Bighorn permit there’s really not a lot of secrets out there as all the units are relatively hard to draw. I would encourage you undecided and ready to hunt Colorado residents to look at S15, it has a 8 % draw odds last year on the second rifle season. There were only 25 applicants and two tags available for the second hunt which is really awesome odds for a sheep permit, especially with hunters that don’t have a lot of weighted points. A relative of mine drew it two years ago and harvested a fine 7/8 ram. Also saw an older gentleman he introduced himself as a medical Dr. who is a resident with an outfitter at the trail head last year while we were scouting for elk, they had a decent 3/4 ram, so there’s quality there for sure. My sheep hunting days are over (I’ll be sixty seven in June ) as I’ve been lucky enough to draw both Wyoming and Colorado. Just thought I’d pass that along as I was researching this morning. Good luck in the draws ! Yours truly C. Smith
I was drawn for a sheep tag this year and am looking forward of getting in S15. Any good intel? E-mail: [email protected]

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