Colorado Sheep and Goat Orientation



Anybody here plan on attending CDOW's hunter orientaion at the Denver Merchandise Mart on June 19th ? I plan on going with my girlfriend. Hope to meet some MonsterMuley sheep fanatics there and shoot the bull. Spank you.
BB- I figure it's about time I go...haven't been to one since the early 90s which was the only year I've gotten a sheep tag. With 3/2 on the accum. points scale now, I guess I better start getting more serious about it. I only really know 3 or 4 units at all, so I've got lots to learn.

I'll be there and I think RAMDREAMER will also be there. It's a very good thing to attend if you are planning on drawing. There is tons of info and lots of contacts to be made. See you all there. Sandbrew
I'll be there because I was one of the lucky ones to draw a tag. See everybody there!
I drew in S20, from what I hear it is a tough unit with very little success with archery. But I am ready for the challenge, can't wait.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-04 AT 10:59PM (MST)[p]Buckspy, Yeah, I'd say...congrats!

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