Colorado Unit 62


Active Member
I was lucky enough to draw a 3rd season deer tag for unit 62 and I will be coming in from Grand Junction and I'm just wondering how the divide road is? I plan on camping up on top somewhere on the north end. How are the deer numbers this year? Still debating whether or not to buy an elk tag, I've been told that I should buy one. I'm hoping I will see a good number of deer and be able to shoot a nice 4 point, I'm not to picky. I will have 4 wheelers to get around if the weather turns nasty. I will be going down the last 4 days of the hunt and hope there are still some bucks around. I could use some information from you guys on some good starting points or any information. Pm if you want.

Buy the elk tag, If you don't you will alots of elk.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I would like to pm you but don't know how. I've hunted 62 since 1980. Been there over twenty times. Know it very well. Camp around 408. Take 409 off 408. Hunt Red Creek drainage. Glass from black point and across the creek from brushy ridge. Off of 409 take north bench road (lower road around brushy) about a mile in you will see where they blocked an old two track with old aspen logs stacked like a fence. Good place to walk into and glass all the way up snipe mountain. Good area for elk also. Another really good area is both sides of Dominguez Ridge. The last four days are the best. Most hunters are gone by then. Just get off your four wheeler to hunt. I hear a lot o negatives about this unit and can't agree with any. It has been really good to myself and group. If you can tell me how to pm I would give you my cell number and could really give you some good info. I have know doubt you could kill the buck your looking for. I've never been shut out there unless it has been by choice. Good luck.
Osprey is right on, Thats the area I hunt also.I will be hunting the second season. I also don't know how to send a PM but you can call me at work after my hunt and I will give you some up to date info. 800-367-7604 ask for Bruce I'll be back to work on Oct 23rd
The divide road is in great shape it's a like a dirt highway. Watch out because people haul ass on it so going into the blind corners you need to slow down as many drivers don't. I did see some nice bucks around as I was with my brother on his 61 archery elk hunt. We saw a giant buck just west of where 25 mesa road and divide road come off of each other. The buck crossed to the divide to 61 side but I'm sure he hangs around the general area. He was just hanging out eating off the divide road.

Good luck!

To PM me, just look up by the user name and you will see 4 icons, click on the 2nd one from the left and then it will take you to a new page and you can type your message and send it to me.

Thanks for all the information.
I'm going to be taking 4 wheelers and I'm just wondering if I need to buy a special sticker for them to be able to ride them in Colorado. If so, Where can I get one and how much do they cost?

I just got a new quad so I ordered it online for about 25.00. You can google Co Atv permit or you can buy them at Walmart when you get there

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