
Very Active Member
Record cold in Antarctica

Record cold in Vegas

Record cold in Salt Lake

I leave my truck running to warm up every morning....this climate change global warming thing hasn't worked for me in you know how much gas I have wasted over the last 5 years warming up my truck....

I sure wish it would get warmer...

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Al Gore must be p!ssed, there goes his future millions of dollars trying to convince U.S. citizens to contribute to his "global warming" agenda. Even Obama may be smart enough to cut off his federal grant money for research, and again Obama may not be that smart.

All of us should write Al Gore and tell him to seek funds from Dude,AKA-440, as he is a supporter of global warming and would contribute to the research. That is if he does not mind spending a few bucks out of his wallet since he is a proclaimed penny pincher.

I left my truck running in the driveway of my office today...

I know I know it will cost me $100 today in gas to run that FORD V-10 but it is worth it!

Do what you your trucks and cars and eat beef....beef cattle fart and Al Gore showed that their farts of Methane Gas cause global BEEF!!!!!!!!!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Like all simple primitive people you only know what's happen around your cave.

We live on what's known as a planet, so to determine the temperature of this planet you must record it around the globe at all times of the year then compare it to prior years to assess change. hence the term global when we speak of climate change.

I'm sure this is over your head and a waste of time. still just for grins take some of that ice outside your cave ( frozen water ) and warm it on your fire ( I assume you've discovered fire ) , see what happens to it? just like the ice on the polar caps and glaciers around the world it melts doesn't it? so we could gather from this the planet is warming just like the ice over your fire couldn't we? yeah, now you're on your way to understanding heat vs ice. I'm proud of you.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude you can send your money to Al Gore to support your belief in global warming. He will be happy to get your money and will send you a global warming T-shirt for you contribution.

Dude you are depending on global warming theory scientists that need to keep the man made global warming theory going because their paychecks are coming from the feds for research. No global warming, no more grant money in their pockets.

There are many scientists that debunk the global warming theory of being manmade and feel it is just another cycle of heating and cooling that caused the ice age, then turned the glaciers into tropical forests.

Was there not a recent news release that the Artic circle is having a record cold in the area at this time. If so go up there and get your ice cubes for your Crown Royal.

You are free to believe what you want as you believed in Obama and the liberal Democrats would keep their promises from 2008 to 2012! It's not our fault that you are both stupid and ignorant. You killed your own brain cells with all that alcohol.

Its idiotic to deny that Global warming is happening, theres no question it is.

RELH, you can find a "scientist" to tell you that earth is only 6,000 years old, its flat, and evolution isnt real. Doesnt mean any of that chit is true, only that some dimwit believes it and will argue it as "fact".

What I tend to look at, is not the fringe scientists on either side, but rather what the most credible in the 90 percentile are are having to say.

From the mountains of research I've read on the subject, the real arguement is what is causing it for sure. How much is man influencing it? How much can we do to alter the pattern? Etc.

Those are the types of things that the 90% of scientists are arguing about, not whether or not it is occuring.

Its also unrealistic to look at weather patterns of ONE year and say, "see its hotter this year, its happening"...or "Its -22 today, therefore its not".

You need long-term trend data...IMO, longer than what we have official record of.

But, what I can say for certain, is that tree encroachment in lower-mid alpine areas is happening. Plant succession/types/commmunities are changing due to climate.

Large scale mountain pine beetle outbreaks, happening because of lack of extended periods of cold.

Theres signals all over that prove, more likely than not, that climate change is happening and the signals are all pointing at a warming global environment.

I'm not one to hit the panic button, too early (IMO) to place blame, or to even know if this is a "normal" cycle or something that is man-made and out of the ordinary. I also dont know if its something that will slow, speed up, or just balance itself out. I dont think many know those answers.

However, I think its worth researching and trying to understand the definite impacts it has already had, what could happen, and if theres anything we can (or even should) do about it.

My 2 cents.
That's what I wanna know BuzzH & 440!

Obama throws Billions of Dollars worth of stimulus Money out the F'N Window to Study it Right?

Even if you Figure it out,WTF you gonna do about it?


It Don't take a F'N Scientist to Figure out that TARDS are destroying Mother Earth!


Which Scientist out of Thousands of them you gonna Believe?

They Argue Amongst their selves almost as bad as 440 Argues with Himself!




[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
BuzzH, you can throw all the money you want at the research and be pi$$ing in the bucket at the same time. Reason why is that at the summit for global warming numerous countries like India, China, and every back water country told us to "STICK IT" as they will not change their industry's practice and will continue to pollute the planet just as we did in the early 20th century to become a nation of industry.

How do you think we got out of the last ice age?

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Why do the vast majority of Palentologist don't believe in Global warming (now) and definately man made global warming. Let's see I believe we are headed onto the 32nd known ice period. Part of the problem is the vast media culture and the sensationalization os weather events. Ohshit a killer tornado headed towards Bend, OR!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-13 AT 09:35AM (MST)[p]"BuzzH, you can throw all the money you want at the research and be pi$$ing in the bucket at the same time. Reason why is that at the summit for global warming numerous countries like India, China, and every back water country told us to "STICK IT" as they will not change their industry's practice and will continue to pollute the planet just as we did in the early 20th century to become a nation of industry.


I dont disagree with you regarding how other countries operate...they show little regard for how they do business. I also agree that we cant force them to change those practices.

Af far as the research end of global climate change...IMO, research is THE key to just about every problem in need of fixing. I'm one to put the horse squarely in front of the cart...research FIRST, understand the issue Second, and then work on a cure (if its possible).

Without research, there is no understanding of how to cure things like the flu, small pox, cancer, etc. etc. etc.

Look at the amount of research that goes into understanding the animals we all hunt...mountains and mountains of it.

Not to mention, that in a society that does battle in court rooms, you're dead in the fuggin' water without research to prove your case.

How much success do you think MT, WY, and ID would have had in delisting wolves without sound, peer-reviewed data (all gathered through research)??? Without it, the wolves would still be on the list, and I wouldnt have a wolf tag in my pocket...FACT.

Like I said, I dont hit the panic button on these kinds of issues. But, I do support the need for sound research to help understand the implications of things like global climate change.

"I do support the need for sound research". There in lies the big problem on these issues. Global warming scientists were caught using false information they cooked up to justify their opinions. U.S. Forest service bioiogists have been caught planting hair from endangered animals in traps to close certain portions of the forest. Animal loving scientists have given false information to further their agenda.
Not one step was taken by our goverment to correct this outrage of false information. Those people giving false data should have been blackballed from ever receiving any future goverment money to conduct research. Any company hiring them should not be able to receive any federal grant money for research. That would be one huge step towards stopping the false information and making sure the scientists were giving forth "sound research" information.

Buzz you can't reason with these people. FOX has told them how it is and that's that, case closed, I can't hear you.

Their theory is it's going to last as long as I do so who gives a crap. god's going to beam them up in the coming rapture anyway so don't worry about it.

Stay thirsty my friends
Again, you'll get no argument from me on the need for proper over-site, quality control, and peer-reviewing of any research.

It has to happen if the data is to be viewed as credible.

I also agree that anyone "cooking the books" needs to be hung out to dry.

The scientists in charge of the research were found to be making false data....they LIED!

And you believed it.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Global warming has existed SINCE THE LAST ICE AGE!!!

There were no FORD POWERSTROKES to melt the ice!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

So who does your thinking for you on global climate change?

Does the yearly contribution to the EIB network cover that?
Climate change is it real or bogus?

The thing about science is that there is seldom 100% certainty, but we should be able to follow the preponderance of evidence.
Does high salt intake contribute to high blood pressure in older folks? Generally. Does smoking tobacco cause lung cancer? Not always. Yet we understand those to be true.

The preponderance of science, and the vast majority of scientists say climate change is real. As does the evidence.... rising sea levels are a measurable fact, precisely predicting trends into the future is a bit more tricky. Yet the majority of the conflicting data comes from a handful of contractors supported by the coal and petroleum industries.

Some errors were made by the IPCC in their interpretation of scientific studies. Go figure. They were on a tight deadline, crunching information from hundreds of research papers. Yes, they made some errors. They got 97% right and it all points to significant climate change. Yet some people seize on those handful of errors to attempt to discredit the overwhelming body of science. If your boy makes a 97% score on his math test, do you say he was lying about understanding his math, or do you congratulate him on getting most of it right? Should there be a controversy over whether your kid should pass or not?

Think about it folks. What legacy do you want for your grandkids?
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

Damn I'm impressed that in 1870 they could measure the level of the seas.
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

For someone who thinks the world is flat you're awful demanding of others.

Stay thirsty my friends
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

There so much fraud on global warming they don't know what there doing.
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

The problem with what BuzzH says about long term study is that technology interferes with long term study. Even IF the globe is warming, it's only in fractions of degrees over decades but the tools with which the temperature is measured have changed over decades too.

How could anyone believe that the instruments used today to measure temperature are calibrated to be EXACTLY the same as the 1930's model standard thermometer that your grandma had hanging on the patio?

Also, do some research on the regulations on where and how these instruments are to be placed in the US, then tell me that they are placed exactly the same all around the world giving accurate measurements.

How can anyone or any machine or computer or anything measure the level of the world's oceans in millimeters? Last time I was at the ocean, which was just last week, that sumbitch was moving all over the place. Tide levels change all the time with earthquakes and winds, just ask the Japanese where their high tide mark is.

The point is that ACCURATELY measuring fractions of degrees and millimeters of oceans OVER LONG PERIODS OF TIME is just impossible PERIOD!
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

Buzz h gets a check from the perpetrators once a month...his opinion don't count.

RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

Hows this perfectly normal weather working for you californians?

nothing to see here, we like drinking our pee.

Stay thirsty my friends
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

That is real funny Dude. Was it not certain people in Portland got upset because some juvenile was seen peeing in a reservoir that supplied drinking water to the city and they wanted to drain the reservoir over that little bit of human pee.

As for the drought, it comes and goes in cycles and has been doing that for the past 150 years. We have a year or more of drought then we will get a very wet winter and snowfall and then have to worry about floods which we have had two in the past 20 years due to heavy rain and a snowpack that reaches 140% of normal. Your water fight is coming and you will live long enough to see it before you retire from farming.
When it happens to you and you have to cut back on your crops, let us know and we will send you a quarter to call someone that cares and gives a damn. Will not be us.

RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

Yeah, we have so much water if any pee gets in it drain the SOB who cares.

Maybe you'll flood, maybe you'll fry. I'd laugh louder but who knows the drought could move north this winter. my water is stream fed.

Either way you stoners down there have run the hay market up so much even if next year is a bust who cares it's still going to average out fantastic.

I feel for you though, if it gets any worse you'll move the herds and that won't be to my advantage so just stay drier than hell but don't get worse. see , I care.

Stay thirsty my friends
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?


Global warming EXISTS!

Thank goodness....I hear the ice age was really cold....and the northern hemisphere was coated in ice....and it all melted.....


Who knew? Sheesh...glad we thunk that one out.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects . . . We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land." David Foreman, Earth First!

We?ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing -- in terms of economic policy and environmental policy." Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator (D-Colorado)

"A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect." Richard Benedict, State Dept. employee working on assignment from the Conservation Foundation

"Giving society cheap, abundant energy . . . would be the equivalent o f giving an idiot child a machine gun." Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

"The secret to David McTaggarts (early officer in Greanpeace) success is the secret to Greenpeaces success: It doesn't matter what is true . . . . it only matters what people believe is true . . . . You are what the media define you to be. became a myth, and a myth-generating machine." Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

The climate was "changing" before the F350.

Blame it on humans. I might as well talk to a wood post.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
RE: Climate change is it real or bogus?

LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-14 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]Easy Aspen, you are on track to make the local Libs heads explode!

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