Concealed carry?


Active Member
How do you guys feel about college students carrying on campus. It seems to me that I am the only one in the world who thinks that it would be fine. Maybe its because I go to a hippie school and everyone is anti-gun, and they have to express that point in every issue of the school paper. And on that note does anyone know where I can get recent crime statistics, like, detailed statistics? I think Im going to write a pro-carry response to all of the anti articles and need some good info.
I dont see anything wrong with carryng a gun on a college campus. I got my concealed weapons permit about a year ago, and I carry mine with me everywhere, yes even to school. The thing these anti-gun people do relize, is that it is not the gun that kills, it is the psyco on the other end who should not be allowed out in public, that kills. I would say writ a pro-gun article, we never hear pro-gun stuff just all this anti-gun garbage.
"it is the psyco on the other end who should not be allowed out in public, that kills"

On a college campus, mind telling us how anyone could tell the difference between you and a psyco that should not be allowed out?
Uhm...TFinal....the Psyco is the guy on campus who starts killing innocent people, he should not be allowed out with a gun.

The normal guy, with no criminal record, that has taken a training class and passed a background check, should be the guy that ends the massacre. (about 3 minutes before me and my co-workers arrive.)
the point is to keep prevent the shooting in the first place. Last I checked, youre more likely to die on your way to church, than you are getting shot on campus, in fact, youre more likely to get hit by lightning than you are to be shot at school, so where's the threat?

Moreover, if there was a way to develop a "psyco-at-a-glance" technique (in order to stop the shooting BEFORE it happend), i'm sure it would be a valuable skill, but i think we had a war over that technique and Hitler lost. . .
Tk you are right, there is almost no chance that someone would ever come into one of my classes and start shooting and there really isnt any danger, try telling that to the kids that died a VT and NIU. I dont see why it would even matter, its concealed, nobody would ever know, and in the event that something did happen there could be someone there to stop it.
If I am remembering correctly most or all of the recent mass killings have been in " NO FIREARM'S ALLOWED AREA'S"...Malls, churches, college's, Cafeteria's, Post Offices, Federal, state and county buildings.

These people pick these area's probably because:

1.They know that nobody will have a means of stopping them,
2.They know they will get famous on news and TV.

The shooter was stopped in Colo due to a private security guard carrying a weapon at the 2nd church he went to..both churches were "NO FIREARM'S ALLOWED AREA'S"

Ant the Trolley Square shooter was taken out buy a Off duty Police Officer who was carrying in a "NO FIREARM'S ALLOWED AREA" and he didn't have a CCP.

AND further more, if the news didn't report these crimes like they do, we may not have people out there looking to get famous and leaving note to that fact..

My and just MY opinion is that posting "NO FIREARM'S ALLOWED" sign's are just invitations to some psycho who wants to be famous because Mommy didn't love them enough or was spanked as a child..
People need to take responsibility for there own actions and stop blaming others or wanting society to give them what they want instead of earning it.

Sorry for the long rant..sore spot with me. These view's are my own and not meant to influence anyone. just felt the need to rant.
I couldn't agree more with Nochawk and huntin30inchers. And I even agree with TFinal..about "the idea is to stop them before they happen..." BUT,..... HOLY CRAP TFinal!!! Tell me how well the ideas of "GUN FREE ZONES," or not allowing responsible citzens, teachers and/or students to carry concealed in some places has worked?

I agree that in most "GUN FREE ZONES" and places ccw's are not allowed, it's pretty safe! THATS BECAUSE IT'S PRETTY SAFE EVERYWHERE! But there are so many shootings that could have been positively affected by someone with a gun, that I cannot believe that people still put their heads in the sand and think that bad guys/psycos/murderers/whatever will at some point DECIDE TO FOLLOW THE LAW???

Why on earth do people HOPE that bad people will decide to follow the law that good people already follow, sometimes to the DEATH of the law abiding(read GUN FREE) citizens????

Are people like TFinal scared that there will be a spike in responsible citizens shooting each other?? Shooting bad guys?? Target practicing at Nordstroms??? WHAT?? What can be worse then sitting in a classroom, UNARMED, watching your friends die...wondering when it's your turn???

I cannot (maybe I refuse) to believe that responsible citizens with ccw's will be more dangerous then bad guys who carry if/when they darn well feel like it(usually to commit crime!.

TFinal has a great point about cars too...people are WAY more likely to die in a car crash, (and multiple other ways too) but those ways DO NOT CAUSE ENOUGH FEAR that people are willing to change their lives to avoid the danger. People are willing to drive fast, not wear seatbelts, smoke, eat Mcdonalds, ect, and are not afraid of those higher risk activities. THEY ARE IN CONTROL OF MOST OF THOSE CHOICES.

Violent, random crime, that people cannot control is many peoples biggest fear, even though the odds are in their favor. (just watch the news or read a newspaper, violent crime gets ratings.) (as does sex)
Hey 30i,
would that "hippie" school be UNM?

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
Well TF why dont you tell us how we are to "keep/prevent the shooting in the first place"?
So let me see if I understand this. Most states have laws that would deter someone from taking the life of another by imposing punishments up to and including death depending on the circumstances. However, the determined criminal is not easily prevented from the commision of felonious crime by those laws. BUT, if we make it a crime to possess guns on campus, though reluctant, the criminal element will be swayed from his life of crime and will resort rather, to participating in bake sales for the school library.
What T and others fail to accept is that the psycho is already carrying at school.
The law abiding citizen is not.
Change the law so a law abiding citizen can protect him self.

Gun free zones are a ticket to a killing field for psychos.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

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