Congressional Intelligence


Very Active Member
These are the guy's that are leading our country and voting for Obamacare.
What a dipstick, send him back to the Ghetto where he belongs.

I don't know which is worse, that people voted for that clown.....or that we allow HIM to vote!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I always assumed guam was the top of a huge sea bed mountain, I had no idea that it was a floating

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

typical good old eauqal opportunity. Take some dumbA## and give him a job to fill the certain card. never mind if he actually can do a better job than the other candidates. WTF is the country coming to. BEST MAN OR WOMEN FOR THE JOB PERIOD, MAYBE THATS WHERE WE SHOULD START TO FIX THIS COUNTRY.
you have got to be kidding me.... Tip over! You could tell the General was about to start laughing... That has got to be about the most stupid statement i have ever heard from a mouth of someone who is supposed to be a leader.

Todd Black
This has got to be an April Fool's joke or something. Surely nobody could be that stupid. On second thought......
I have heard the term "dumbf$$K" used on occasions. That Democrat congressman is the poster child for that slogan. Heaven help us on his decision making on bills that effect our life on a daily basis.

I never knew that islands just float on the surface of the water. Maybe if we get enough people we can start on one side and quickly run to the other side to flip it over. Imagine what we might find on the bottom. There could be treasure enough for all of us!

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know that this is the type of person who gets to decide how I run my business, how much I pay my employees, and how much of my money I get to keep. Unbelievable!!!
The brother has given this problem a lot of thought. I'd share a needle with him anytime.

>The brother has given this problem
>a lot of thought. I'd
>share a needle with him

hahaha thats awesome!
That is awesome, but nowhere near as good as Cynthia McKinney. You want to see real congressional braintrust look her up. She wanted the mars rover to drive over to where the astronauts put the flag.
Since the tax deadline is approaching and we're on the subject of brilliant leaders...


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