Cool Camp Photo Contest - WIN Goodies!


Founder Since 1999
[font size=+2 color=darkred]Share Camp Pics....Maybe WIN $50.00 Worth of Goodies!![/font]​

Our newest sponsor, Deadeye Outfitters wants to give away $50.00 worth of goodies. If you have seen their site, you will see that they offer some apparel with really cool designs. The $50.00 would probably get you about 3 T-shirts. Good prize.....

Here's the rules. Share photos of past camps. It can be pics of your wall tent, camp trailer, two-man tent high on a ridge, a couple big bucks laying in camp, a big bull hanging in the background, etc. Just cool camp photos.
PLUS, tell us just a bit about the photo. A paragraph. Maybe what state, when, and anything extra interesting about the photo or hunting trip.

The coolest photo/comment will win. This thread is ONLY for sharing photos and info. for this contest. No chit chat or comments. That will all be deleted.

The winner gets $50.00 worth of goodies from our sponsor, Deadeye Outfitters.

*** Please support our sponsors who giveaway goodies here at MM and give their products a good look. You take a look at the Deadeye Outfitters site and you will see the designs are real cool.

Let's see some pics!!! Should be fun.

Will pick winner in a couple weeks.

Brian Latturner
OK, maybe it'll be a tough contest. I don't have many "camp" pics. But, let's see what you all have.

This is one from a few years back in Wyoming. Paul's buck is laying there.


Brian Latturner
Dad and step-brother hanging out at camp in Wyoming.


Brian Latturner
This is our camp 12 miles into the high country here in Utah on a general anybull hunt. Successfull one at that. (Notice to two elk racks hanging over the log)

Here are my camp photos on my first out of state hunt. I didn't know what to expect, but here we were in New Mexico doing a DIY archery elk hunt. Although unsuccessful, September sure is a nice time to be on the moutain in New Mexico.


Heres a bunch. Love getting out with the family, even if we don't kill anything.

Backpack/bikeride 2009


Opening day Wyoming Elk 2008

Whats a camping trip without good food?

Scouting trip 2009

Happy Hunting!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-10 AT 02:56PM (MST)[p]Book Cliffs Roadless Camp. Pretty comfortable for a pack in hunt..


We eat good too for a pack trip..

Dall sheep camp. Had to hunker down when a storm hit...found where someone had obviously pitched a tent in the past.


Don't have many pictures either of camps over the years but found these in scrap book of a Deer & Elk hunt in the Greys River back in Oct. 1992.
This first picture was at the Main camp in Moose Flat Camp Ground area in 1992.

This one is of the Spike Camp we made during this same time up on the side of a mountain to the west of Greys River about a 5 mile pack in I believe we figure to get there. Spent three days up there till we ran out of our dinner meals, Mountain Home Freeze Dried Dinners and what water we were able to pack in up there....slim pickins for the 3 days but had a blast even though we got nothing up there. I am holding up my DINNER for that evening...LOL

Doesn't seem like it has been 18 years since then, time sure flys by when your having fun.

Deer/Elk Camp Utah 2010, The wife said it looks lonely with only one chair by the fire.

I needed another pic before packing up muzzleloader camp. I wish I could say I shot him where the pic is instead it was a "gruling" 500 yards away from camp.

Just a quick break after bringing out the first load of meat and horns. 2009 Idaho general deer season.[/IMG]
(Deer Camp in 1994)- But how I miss the hunts of youth or my younger days. Even these pics are not so clear, but Oh, the memories! I long ago got rid of my horse, and in this one, I was letting my son do the riding (I'm the orange guy with the gaiters). Also, on this particular hunt, my boy got his first buck. I lost my lifelong huntin' buddy (Dad in 2009...he was 87...he was on this hunt, along with several others who have moved on to better hunts or "honey holes") This was in the Ruby Mountains, snow piled up a foot and a half... we had to chain up rigs and walk horses into camp... first blood forkies, we all sat around the campfire in a blizzard eating fresh venison liver & onions w/ Dutch Oven biscuits...what I'd give to be there for only a moment!


Here's a picture of my Great-granddad and Great-Great-Granddad from 1944. I never met these guys, they both passed before I came along. Sure would have been fun to share this camp with them!

I can tell you this with assurety, even though we never met, I do what I do in large part because of these men! They were avid outdoorsmen and it's been a strong influence through many family generations.

Six generation later and you can still see their legacy coming through in my young son. Now that's what camp?n is all about! So there ya go, coolest camp pic ever, almost 70 years ago?
Heres a photo of last years hunt in Montana. This is the 30th straight year my family and I have hunted from the same camp.

Shot the bull in a general Montana unit, the 39th elk we've taken from the camp.


Another look:


My elk prior to arriving at camp:

LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-10 AT 12:21PM (MST)[p]The first pic is on living on the mountain on a Nevada late season hunt....After 5 days we headed back to base camp for more supplies. While gone our base camp collapsed and our tent flooded.

"Livin the Dream"


LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-10 AT 02:42PM (MST)[p]







These are from Utah deer hunt this year. We started fire with sticks and then made bows from trees and had lots of fun shooting. In the pics are my wife and two kids. Then the last are the kids and a friend hunting deer with me in Nevada last year, we are at 9,500 feet high.
Montana Elk Camp 2009 7500'
-15 to -20 @ Nite
Teens in the Sun

Views from Camp


Montana Elk Camp 2009 6500'
-5 to 0 @ Nite
20's in the Sun



10,000ft high on a Nevada Archery hunt!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
This is our 2009 Utah backcountry elk camp. The story of the hunt was in the Spring issue of Trophy Hunter this year. My most memorable hunt ever!
This is "Base Camp" on my Colorado archery elk hunt. My wife joined me on this hunt so it was nice having the cab-over for her to stay in while Dustin and I slept on the mountain. We would stay one or two nights on the mountain then return for a shower and a fresh meal. The wife really enjoyed base camp, it was only 20 miles from a small town (shopping). She had a cow and calf moose visit her daily while we were gone. The best part was the view!

Here is the spike camp strapped to my back. Most nights we would roll out the sleeping bags in an area like this one. Luckily we had nice weather and didn't have to use a tent, just a sleeping bag under the stars and elk bugles to sing me to sleep.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-10 AT 10:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-10 AT 10:46?PM (MST)

Here are a few of my hunting camp memories.

This trip was in the Madison Range in Montana.
My folks had bought a new two man tent just for this trip. When we unpacked the "tent" the only thing in the bag was some strips of fabric and half of one pole. They made due with a lean-to made from a piece of plastic and some limbs. It got down to -20 at night ! We had to pack my bull 9 1/2 miles back to the truck. Great trip ! Notice all the cool camo we wore.



LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-10 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]Here is a trip to the Rubys. Soldier Creek


My brother and mom and dad.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-10 AT 01:06PM (MST)[p]Get your photos in guys! Will be picking a winner in a few days.

Here's one of my son with my buck in camp with Wolfley Horses feeding in the background.


Brian Latturner
[font size=+2]bigmoose is the winner!!!![/font]​

Not only did he share what I thought was a couple of the best, but also quite a few. Fun stuff to see for sure.

Thanks everyone for sharing the pics.!!!!

bigmoose - shoot me a PM and we'll get you squared away with the $50.00 gift cert.

Brian Latturner
Sneakattack's post should win an award for something. I'm still laughing at that one. :)


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