Cougars on the loose now?


Very Active Member
I just watched a story on the today show where a cougar attacked a lady riding a bike with 4 other friends in Washington. The cougar grabbed the lady by the head and they were able to fight the woman free and they claim they were able to hold the cougar down with a bicycle until until authorities could arrive. I would have to see that to believe it. The funniest part was after the story when they went back to the reporters in the studio the woman reporter said "There are cougars on the loose now?"...almost as if she believed they could only be found in zoos.

Maybe someone smarter than me could post a link to the Today show story
Incredible story how a bunch of women fought off a cougar, but the statement asking if there are “cougars on the loose now” is funny and enlightening.
Loved the last line of the

"“The cougar wasn’t going to take us cougars down,” Williams said."

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