couple more oregon elk sheds today



not as great as the last ones, but i was still pretty stoked. the bigger 6 is a nicebull. next time i can go out i'm going to hit it pretty hard to try and find the other side. but who knows, there last years so maybe someone pics up the other side. it does seem that noone is in the area at all. even last year. the bigger horn was just out in the wide open. it's a big hike but fun. i'll see if i can get the pics up this time




killerbee you are killing me, i went last week near my house and walked in behind a closed winter range gate hoping to get away from everyone with 4 wheelers, didnt work. 4 wheeler tracks everywhere. ticked me off. but congrats on the great finds so far.
like i said before, i dont consider myself an "avide" shed hunter. i think i'm still runnin on luck! but i am haveing more fun than ever this time a' year!!! it's a good way to work the winter fat off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great sheds and congrats on a good shed season so far.

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