Coverup being uncovered


Long Time Member
The decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook for mishandling classified information has roiled the FBI and Department of Justice, with one person closely involved in the year-long probe telling that career agents and attorneys on the case unanimously believed the Democratic presidential nominee should have been charged.

The source, who spoke to on the condition of anonymity, said FBI Director James Comey?s dramatic July 5 announcement that he would not recommend to the Attorney General?s office that the former secretary of state be charged left members of the investigative team dismayed and disgusted. More than 100 FBI agents and analysts worked around the clock with six attorneys from the DOJ?s National Security Division, Counter Espionage Section, to investigate the case.

?No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute -- it was a top-down decision,? said the source, whose identity and role in the case has been verified by

A high-ranking FBI official told Fox News that while it might not have been a unanimous decision, ?It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton?s] security clearance yanked.?

?It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,? the senior FBI official told Fox News. ?We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ?but we are doing nothing,? which made no sense to us.?

The FBI declined to comment directly, but instead referred Fox News to multiple public statements Comey has made in which he has thrown water on the idea that politics played a role in the agency?s decision not to recommend charges.
Ha ha ha. I love it. I've lost count of how many times you've wet your pants over chit like this from FAUX and ended up with your dawber in the dirt. don't get me wrong seeing your hopes repeatedly dashed does amuse me but give it a break.

Even if your bullchit had any merit Hillary will be in her second term before it goes to trial. and with a democrat senate I doubt it's going to be a high priority in her agenda. ya think?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Wow. The topic of the day seems to be the unprecedented cannibalistic meltdown of the GOP. Gee, never saw that one coming, but I digress. I applaud your attempts to stay on message as if it is just another day.

He's right RELH, you need to focus your attention on how you are going back peddle your bottom position on the Donald. Your guy is accomplishing more destruction to the party of Lincoln than all the Democrats combined.

This is EPIC!!! So, nice try but you gotz bigger fish to fry. Tog, Nemont, and honored by association myself have been consistent throughout this election cycle. This is no surprise nor is this our first election cycle together. I suggest starting at archive 140 and work from there to confirm this.

Your guy is giving this election away, will not step down because he has no loyalty to the GOP and is going to burn the Republican house down with hit lists during and after the election. You and your fellow supporters opened up the door to the house of Lincoln, Grant, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Reagan then handed the key over to Donald Trump.

What do you think of his temperament now? He just cost you your party yet another loss at the Executive along with the Senate.

Did you want to talk about the allegation that DONALD TRUMP REPEATEDLY RAPED A 13 YEAR girl? No? Not yet?
Maybe that's why he says you can just grab their pu##y and they'll let you do it. a tied up kid can't do much about it I suppose.

I wonder if the church ladies and clowns like RELH will make excuses for this as well. let me guess, " Hillary deleted some emails ". well hell then let's just call it even.

The only thing more discusting than this orange freak are the losers defending him. calling them deplorbles was a compliment.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I can't believe that anyone who hunts or owns guns would vote for HRC. First thing she is going to do is go after the 2nd amendment through Exec Order - not congress. And one of the things she is going to implement is the ability to sue gun manufacturers for gun deaths (link below).

Do you understand how many thousands of times these people will be sued in a country with 10 attorneys on every corner? Who needs congress?

I hunt, therefore I am.
Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-16 AT 09:49PM (MST)[p]MoGreen, you have to ignore Dude and FW. They are our village idiots that have their head in the sand and their butts in the air for reaming out by HRC. They are about just un-American as you can get and would be happy under the leadership of Lenin and a socialistic government.
I pay them the attention that I do dog crap that I scrape off my shoes before entering the house.


FW, the attorney representing the so called victims in that so called rape is noted for being nothing but a ambulance chasing shyster. She would not care if the allegations are completely false if she could make a bundle of money on a settlement agreement to make it go away. I do not know if I should laugh or shake my head at your so called facts. It stinks as much as your opinion does.
Why does that guy have a handle of "FortheWall" when he's against Trump?

I hunt, therefore I am.
Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb.
Ask RELH why his lips are orange. NRA propaganda isn't the only thing getting jammed down his throat.

Trump is so toast. is this true? who cares. facts don't matter to Trump so they don't matter about him either. odds are it's true anyway. he grabbed them just kike he said.

How could anyone who hunts vote for Hillary? I'm voting for Mark Cuban but if it mattered I could easily vote for Hillary. because she's not a retard for starters.

If you hunt on public land how could you vote for a republican ? they have a better chance at selling off the public lands as they desire to do than Hillary does of getting my guns. my public lands matter to me 1000 times more than your Rambo gun so there is your answer.

Don't live in a paranoid state if fear you don't want to turn into an RELH. Hillary will be your president and the world will keep on turning. things could be worse, at least she's white. ain't that right RELH ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-16 AT 00:50AM (MST)[p]
Some of you Cheetos lovers just don't get it, you are so entrenched in partisanship so representative of Trump's largest demographic.

This guy is poison, a virus, cancer and he got there with your exuberant support. How bad? Utah may go blue, the Salt Lake City Tribune endorsed Clinton.

Oh, he's not going away either especially after he loses. Like Sarah he has a cult following and that flock will need to be fleeced. He will also go after every single Republican public official that did not endorse him win or lose.

A list of Republican Public officials not endorsing Trump.

These are Republicans that are putting basic principles above party all be it a year too late. They also realize that Trump will lose so why toss there careers down the chitter? Too late though, they've been defended him for months and should never have endorsed him in the first place.

You know who never endorsed him? John Kasich, fancy that.

This will set back all the Republican gains in the Congress and on the state and local level. It will further discount an already dying party from new members for multiple election cycles.

Why didn't your party pick Kasich again? I told you he was your best choice to beat Hillary didn't I?

You chose poorly RELH, again.

Racketeering, Fraud, Elder Abuse, Rape of a minor, associations with a known pedophile,
Bankruptcies, Divorces, Spousal Rape, this is the guy you are supporting. A guy that has been banned from doing business with US banks.

It is going to get worse, like Bill Cosby worse but remember..he is your guy. Don't care about Hillary, you picked and defend The Donald and now you are screwed.
Trump should hire Hillary for his defense lawyer in the child rape case. She gets them off and laughs about it.
eel sometimes the truth doesn't matter to you anymore than Manny. the facts about that are easy to find if you cared.

Trump's Taj Mahal just closed with a 350 million dollar loss. what a brilliant businessman. Trump's brand will turn toxic and he'll be broke in a few yeas. just watch.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
What is crazy is the people in this post that still believe there is a difference anymore between the Republican party and the Democrats. The Republicans did this to themselves after the 2014 election. We booted many out and brought in new ones to fight Obama. Still didn't happen. So why would you still cling to them?

The people behind Trump are not voting Republican. They are voting anti-establishment, which is the Reps, Dems, and media all in one. You can bet that Comey is republican. How'd that work out for you?

Unless someone comes in from the outside, re-establishes law and order, and strips that GOVT down then we're done.

I hunt, therefore I am.
Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb.
There is some truth to that but it's a pretty defeatist attitude.

We still elect our leaders just like the founding fathers intended, so it's not their fault it's ours. voters are too stupid to take the primary serious. you can't vote for a good candidate in November if he doesn't get nominated.

And we should also ask ourselves just how bad is it? we all whine and snivel and cry about how awful it is and how bad the government sucks but does it really? compared to what? what about our lives sucks bad? where would we rather live? is it really worse for any American other than a white male than it was 30 years ago? no. women and minorities have never had is so good.

I love my country. my life is good. I consider myself very very fortunate to have been born here . America is still as great as it ever was , because it was never perfect only the best.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
"The people behind Trump are not voting Republican."
Yes, they are.

"They are voting anti-establishment, which is the Reps, Dems, and media all in one."

Sorry, you don't get Pence on the ticket and say you are anti-establishment.

"Reps" okay, you don't like incumbents I guess. "Dems" that goes without saying. And "the media"

"You can bet that Comey is republican." Wrong

The Republicans did this to themselves and it started 30 years ago with wingnut radio. As for someone coming in, you had that perfect guy in Huntsman Jr but he was considered too moderate. Then your party pissed Kasich away and now The Donald wants to get in a twitter war with NFL players. So please spare us the woe is me routine, you guys get good a candidate and double down on losers.

At least with Romney and McCain they were not going to burn down the house, Trump will. Thanks your fellow Republicans for that wise decision.

So yeah, what is crazy is how uninformed you are at this point in the election process. There is a difference between both parties, distinct differences so to gloss over that with some generalized statement of disbelief is telling at best.
Tog, why do you believe the tape what Trump said, but you don't believe the tape of Hillary laughing? Never mind, I already know.

If Kasich was the nominee you and FTW would have a bumper sticker on your truck. Yeah, you bet. HA!

You can lead a horse or an asss to water but you can't make em drink, some u guys round here enjoy beating ur head on the preverbal brick wall...but thanks for the info...
>I have thoroughly expressed my views
>on Hillary. Kasich v Sanders,
>I would go with Sanders.
>Kasich v Hillary, I would
>have gone with Kasich. Huntsman
>Jr v Hillary, I would
>have gone with Huntsman Jr.

....And perpetuate the same ole same ole in politics haven't u had enough bs yet doesn't the taste of political lies n bull chit leave a bad taste in ur mouth yet....slow learners....
So is Comey the director of the FBI or not? When your boss makes a decision you disagree with don't you have a couple of options? Resign in protest out of your conviction that your boss is corrupt or keep working and sniping at your boss all the time you are cashing the checks?


You ever disagree with a prosecutor in your career? Ever had a case you worked hard on and then have it fall apart due to somebody else being the decider? Ever believe that somebody was guilty and there was plenty of evidence to support your belief but instead side deal was made and they got off?

eel, in order to learn the truth you have to want to find it. and you won't learn it from orange douche bags.

Even if Hillary thought it was funny, which I see no reason anyone would she's far smarter than to have a good laugh in front of a mic. give me a phuking break.

That would be Trump doing something like that , if she was ugly, if she was cute he's grab her pu##sy.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Ah it's all class with the Trumpetts. She is too Fugly for Trump to want to hit that plus she isn't his daughter.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-16 AT 12:52PM (MST)[p]"Republican strategist and former Romney aide Ryan Williams spoke with ABC News about the future of the GOP. He noted that while it is hard to predict what might happen after November 8, Trump will ?still have sway over a certain amount of people who will believe anything he says.?

Williams added, ?The fissures in the party will extend long beyond Election Day and it's going to be extremely difficult to unite the Republican coalition going forward.? He suggests that there is an ?unprecedented level of disunity and chaos that's been brought on by Donald Trump?s behavior.?

"For the Republicans who capitulated to Trump, the best-case scenario was a genteel defeat. Instead, they got the worst case: the party burned down from within, its own voters cheering the fire. Like so many of those who have gone into business with Trump, they trusted him to hold up his end of the bargain, only to find themselves stuck with a bill he refuses to pay."

You were warned...9-27-15

"As for Trump.....he is the Dems best asset for 2016."

But you didn't listen...

Bad choices...

If Trump could garner 90% of the GOP vote he would be polling at 32%. If he is not at the bottom, he can certainly reach down and touch it.

The issue looming for the country now is what happens the morning of Nov 9th. The Trump supports may not love America enough to accept his electoral defeat and the Republicans will be so gut shot they won't be able to talk reason to the wingnuts.

Look at the delusion, denial and cognitive dissonance displayed here by the Trump backers.

I get the dislike and even out right hatred of Hillary and she is a Wall Street first Democrat. What I am not getting is the loyalty Trump supporters have for his Jihad. It is really a very sad statement of how unAmerican the fakers have become. The hallmark of the American Representative Republic is that we have a peaceful transfer of power after the people have spoken. If we no longer follow our previous history then we are no longer America and just another banana Republic where mob rule is the order of the day. I hope the fakers haven't stooped that low but I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump lead them all the way to a complete melt down.

So is Comey the director of the FBI or not? When your boss makes a decision you disagree with don't you have a couple of options? Resign in protest out of your conviction that your boss is corrupt or keep working and sniping at your boss all the time you are cashing the checks?


You ever disagree with a prosecutor in your career? Ever had a case you worked hard on and then have it fall apart due to somebody else being the decider? Ever believe that somebody was guilty and there was plenty of evidence to support your belief but instead side deal was made and they got off?


Comey is the director of the F.B.I. and he violated standard procedures by not submitting the report to A.G. Loretta Lynch and let her be the deciding factor if criminal prosecution will go forward or not.
I have worked under a D.A. that we referred to as "plea bargain Pat" due to him plea bargaining good felony cases down to a misdemeanor just to avoid a lengthy court trial.

I believe there is reasonable cause to believe that Comey bowed down to political pressure to insure his position as F.B.I. Director would not be put in jeopardy. There is reason to believe that based on his earlier comments against Hillary and the case, he was given a talk to by A.G. Lynch and was told that they did not want Hillary indicted allowing Trump to possibly win the election. He probably was given an earful about how it is highly likely Hillary would win the election and that would insure him of keeping his high paying job for another 4 years or more.
The bottom line is it was decided he would be the one to break the news of no charges to be filed because it would appear less to be a coverup if A.G. Lynch made the decision to not prosecute Hillary. In other words the F.B.I. Director sold out his honor to protect his job. Nothing new about that with the crowd that supports and hangs out with this current administration.

Yeah, I don't buy the idea that Comey is in it for the money. He has already made his money and has connections in corporate America that will make millions more when he decides to leave public life. He took a pay cut to come to the FBI.

Actually I believe the FBI recommends whether to charge a person or not and the AG decides if they will prosecute based upon the files the get and investigation.

Are you shocked that there is politics involved in dealing with a high profile politicians running for President? That seems like an odd thing to be worried about.

I think if there had been a smoking gun, Perry Mason moment, Comey would have jumped on it as a lifeline instead of going before congress and knowing his reputation would forever be questioned. He is a good guy by all accounts and judging by his previous actions. He didn't let the Bush administration run wild over him when he took it on over the domestic spying. Hard to imagine Hillary scared him more that dealing with Cheney.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-16 AT 06:14PM (MST)[p] Throwing Comey under the bus is standard procedure for this sorry azz bunch of losers. everyone who won't help them win is either a crook a liar or both.

I have a question, why didn't you find a candidate who could beat Hillary with help from the FBI or the many partisan congressional investigations ? has that ever crossed your pathetic minds?

You chit in your mess kit repeatedly it's time you accepted your fate. this is on you.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-16 AT 06:53PM (MST)[p]Dude Comey and his actions stink to high heaven. We will just have to wait a few years until some of those FBI agents retire and decide to write a book about if it was a coverup that forced Comey to not pursue criminal charges.

As for the rest, a lot of us Republicans had little say as to who would represent us. That factor was decided by the hard core right and a even larger number of Republicans that were just tired of seeing another career politician leading this country. Now we are going to find out if there is enough voters that do not want a career politician at the helm. As for the Democrats, they sunk so low as to rig the election process in order to push Hillary to the front.

This political campaign has been one of the worse low down dirty campaigns by both sides for the past 40 years or more. A sorry state of affairs when it takes such a dirty campaign to win an election. Has this country sunk this low in the past 20 years that this acceptable to them?

Does it have to be so dirty? no I hate it. I think 5% of the conversation has to do with what either candidate would change and the other 90% is about the other candidate and why they suck worse. but this is the way it is, and again you, or whoever voted for Trump asked for it. Trump was by far the most juvenile and immature of all the republican candidates and he won. he's acting exactly like he did when you were picking your candidate, can't say you didn't know. so there is your answer, yes we've sunk that low.

The democrats threw a little mud but it was childs play be comparison. and Sanders is working for Hillary not fighting with her. big difference between the candidates and their party.

My hope is the democrats, or republicans as it may be will try this experiment again in 2020 with Mark Cuban. a real billionaire with an IQ and the ability to be president. he's not a politician and we know that's a problem, but if he's smart enough that can be used to his advantage .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
My mistake FTW.

Trump got nominated because he was not a career politician. If he doesn't get the win, then the answer is "no". That's the way it works. I doubt if any of the other 16 nominee's would have fared any better. Too many republicans would have just stayed home.

Trump hasn't lost yet.
>There is some truth to that
>but it's a pretty defeatist
> We still elect our
>leaders just like the founding
>fathers intended, so it's not
>their fault it's ours.
> voters are too stupid
>to take the primary serious.
> you can't vote for
>a good candidate in November
>if he doesn't get nominated.
> And we should also ask
>ourselves just how bad is
>it? we all whine and
>snivel and cry about how
>awful it is and how
>bad the government sucks but
>does it really? compared
>to what? what
>about our lives sucks
>bad? where would we
>rather live? is it really
>worse for any American other
>than a white male than
>it was 30 years ago?
>no. women and
>minorities have never had is
>so good.
>I love my country. my life
>is good. I consider
>myself very very fortunate to
>have been born here .
>America is still as great
>as it ever was ,
>because it was never perfect
> only the best.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Good luck with the future. Don't come to me when you need help.

I hunt, therefore I am.
Harvest the land.
Taking of the fallen lamb.
Dude you better hope Mark Cuban has a record like a saint, or they will roast him also. If he is a saint, they will just make up negative points to taint him. Elections have gotten that low down and dirty at both state and federal level. Even some county elections have a great deal of mud slinging anymore and the people just accept it.

I'm sure they will . but he could have beaten Hillary or Trump with ease.

I'm not saying he will run, but he's considering it . write him in, your vote in CA is going to Hillary anyway just like mine so why not.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I can't write Mark Cuban in. I read on the internet he pulled a girls pig tails back in junior high and she is under going therapy now.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-16 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]I don't believe any levels of sainthood are required. The bar is not set terribly high this or any election cycle as it appears at most times to be laying on the floor.

I do believe a minimum requirement is that your history displays a level of discretion and decency that falls within society's mores. If a guy like Donald pulled that chit on my wife, sister, girlfriend or daughter it would end very badly for him. Donald is the stereotypical elitist frat boy whose braggadocious behavior has caught up with him.

The only qualities the GOP needed to ensure a win this election was decency and experience. There was only 1 GOP candidate that had those 2 qualities and that was Kasich. Kasich never endorsed Trump and just joined Cali and Illinois by giving the proverbial finger to Wells Fargo for a year.

Discount Trump's accusers if you want, just keep in mind we have seen this before with Clinton and Cosby. Deny, deflect, discredit and distance oneself until the truth finally comes out.

For all of Jeb's downfalls he had 2 things right, Donald is a chaos candidate and not a Republican.
FW, I have one problem with Kasich. He took a pledge to support the winning GOP candidate. Of course when he took that pledge he was thinking that Trump would not win and the pledge was a way to rope Trump into supporting one of the career politicians when they won.

Well guess what, somehow Trump pulled off the un-thinkable and Kasich, like Jeb Bush did a complete turn around and would not honor their pledge from the get go.

I do not trust Kasich as I do not trust Bush as their word is no good and that is one of the big problems with our politicians on both sides of the aisle.

Obama and Hillary are the worse of the lot with their word not being worth a plug nickel. Say one thing, do the complete opposite.

I agree with your reasoning and by the same reasoning you certainly don't support Trump correct? Remember Trump pull his promise to support the others before he was the nominee.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-16 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]....nice guys finish last in this cutthroat world of politics....Hillary's media would have "dug up"...or better yet..."made up" enough BS stories to convince you genius's that Kasich was a moronic child molestor....and even without ruining him no one would turn out to vote for him even if they liked him..."boooorrrriiiiing"

FTW....Trump wouldn't piss in your wife or daughter's mouth if their teeth were on fire so you don't have to act tough for us....

....tog...great to see you have a new Idol in Mark Cuban....same for him unless he runs as a democrat insider.

we'll see.....
Trump was behind before his latest problems. stop pretending he had a chance anyway.

Kasich did right by refusing to support Trump. don't be jealous of him for having a brain large enough to grasp the obvious . if you weren't so stupid you'd respect him for it.

I doubt Cuban will run as a republican because the GOP may not exist in 2020. if it does it will be a chit stain in the world of politics. thank you very much Trump.

He says if Hillary does a good job he wouldn't run against her. yes, we'll see.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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