Anyone heard what is happening with this matter? I heard that they may get charged as juves and not get the book thrown at them. This is not right. The DA has the case and need to know that this is a problem. They are old enough to be tried as adults what does anyone else think???

County: Utah
County Attorney
100 East Center #2100
Provo, UT 84606
Phone: 801-370-8026
Fax: 435-370-8051

You have encountered one of the biggest problems with the criminal law system. What you have is a D.A. that does not want to take the time and money to pursue a criminal trial and will enter into a plea bargain that will let the criminals off with a hand slap. And people wonder why we are having problems with crime in general.
You need to contact the local ranchers in the county and get them involved if they feel it is not giving them justice and have them put pressure on the D.A. for fair punishment to fit the crime. If enought of those voting ranchers get involved, that D.A. will think twice about this case for fear of losing the support and votes of the local ranchers. This is one reason most juvenile criminals are repeaters, they will tell you that they have very little to fear from the criminal justice system.
Another thing you can do is write letters to your local newspaper to try and get citizen support for the D.A. to handled this case in a more serious manner.


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