Craziest/Worst Opening Day.


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LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-19 AT 08:52PM (MST)[p]With the Utah rifle opener coming up it got me thinking and laughing about some things that happen on opening day. Here in tardville about 3 years ago on the archery opener I was excited to watch this basin where I had seen a handful of good bucks during scouting. This basin was well off the beaten path. So me and my buddy are sitting there well before first light and out of nowhere comes a guy his two kids and a dog. One kid goes up the bottom of the Basin the other guy walks right by us and drops down through the top of the Basin and his daughter with her dog cuts into the side of the basin. In the vague light you could see deer bouncing off. The three of them met in the basin and then headed out. They were bushwhacking through this basin, headlamps glaring. To this day I have no idea what the heck they were doing. I wondered if they were Tree Huggers trying to save the deer, but it seems strange to do this on an archery opener. I could see on a rifle opener. Needless to say the morning hunt was a loss. So let's hear it, what weird things have you seen happen opening day. I have some other crazy stories but don't want to type forever. This will probably give us a few good laughs, let's hear them.
My craziest opener was 10 years ago. Couple of drunk teenagers rolled a truck off the top of Farmington Canyon during the night. My dad and I are glassing a canyon that morning and I hear a faint cry for help below me. I go down to investigate and find a girl all bloodied up with broken ribs and shredded clothes trying to climb out of the canyon. I give her a 32 oz gatorade and she drinks it in ten seconds flat!

Shes slurring her words and mixing her stories. I finally get out of her that her friend is down the hill laying under a truck. My dad calls 911 and life flight is dispatched.

I go down and find a half naked kid laying under a mangled F 150. I talk to him but all he can do is blink his eyes. I get him covered up and wait for life flight.

The rotor blast of those choppers is unreal! Almost sucked the truck hood up into the blades. Had to lay on hood and pray that nothing else lifted into the blades until they extracted that kid!

Turns out they went for a joy ride the night before while intoxicated! The dad got the truck pulled out of there and parked it at his sons high school as a warning to anyone thinking about drinking and driving!

They both recovered but the guy still has memory loss from the roll over.

There?s a crazy second part to this story that tops what I just shared!

Writing this from my phone. Thumbs are starting to cramp. I'll continue it if there is any interest in part two....
WOW Blood! That would sure be a shocker of an experience, not only for "Opening Day", but any time.Luckily no fatalities to deal with. I'm a retired Ranger (36 years working), and had a few accidents/incidents/similar, and only TWO fatalities. Rest of the story...sure would put a damper on the hunt for that day!
I've had some wild opening weekends, but the worst one I've witnessed, a bowhunter wrecked his dirtbike and smashed His head into a big rock. Lost consciousness, bleeding out his nose and ears. His brother who was with him, knew I was further up the trail, I had passed them earlier in the morning on my way up. This was back in 2008, not everyone had phones yet or took them with while hunting. He come flying up to the top screaming call 911. I get on the phone and call for help. They send out life flight. They got there pretty quick, I was surprised. They run down, load the dude up on a stretcher and off they got. I got the pleasure of calling the kids mom and telling her what happened. That's always a fun call to make at 5 in the morning

About 10 or 12 years ago I spotted a really nice 180-90 class buck while elk hunting near Mosby mountain so I spent most of the elk hunt trying to pattern him so come opening morning my wife and I was sitting on this little spring I knew the buck liked using the traffic on the main road way below was pretty heavy so I figured our odds were falling quickly any way shortly after daylight a little 2 point came got a drink and headed down the ridge to our left and a couple of minutes later a whole volley of shots rang off down there then in a few more minutes a little spike comes in for a drink and heads up the ridge to our right and as soon as he clears the ridge another volley opens up and another uinta basin trophy hits the dirt so I sort of figured our big boy probably high tailed it for the deep timber but I wanted to give it another hour anyways about a half hour later we heard some big crashing coming down the ridge to our right I figured it was a herd of's some great big fat guy and I mean really big and fat rolling down the hill threw the brush right towards us when he finally stops he gets up and brushes himself off and starts back up the hill huffing and puffing to get his rifle so we pack up and go home and that's the last time I ever hunted the national forest here in the basin
This was the day before the opening in 1987. We had camp set up by Beaver Creek on the 12 Mile range. Heard a gun shot and then screaming from the next camp. One of the guys in hunting party is an EMT so he goes running over to find Daniel Ben Jordan lying on the ground shot. (Daniel was a polygamist from the Salt Lake area that was in the LeBaron crowd) One of the kids looks at an adult in the bunch and states, "that's the guy who shot my dad". The guy takes off down the canyon towards Mayfield. They had a man hunt for a couple days until they figured the killer was long gone. Sure did feel bad for the little kids that lost their dad that day.
>This was the day before the
>opening in 1987. We had
>camp set up by Beaver
>Creek on the 12 Mile
>range. Heard a gun shot
>and then screaming from the
>next camp. One of the
>guys in hunting party is
>an EMT so he goes
>running over to find Daniel
>Ben Jordan lying on the
>ground shot. (Daniel was a
>polygamist from the Salt Lake
>area that was in the
>LeBaron crowd) One of the
>kids looks at an adult
>in the bunch and states,
>"that's the guy who shot
>my dad". The guy takes
>off down the canyon towards
>Mayfield. They had a man
>hunt for a couple days
>until they figured the killer
>was long gone. Sure did
>feel bad for the little
>kids that lost their dad
>that day.

I had to google your story.. Amazing.
This happened this past Saturday on the duck hunt opener.

On Wednesday, our Denver temperatures dropped from about 80 to 35, between 5pm and 10pm.

I arrived to my hunt area (Colorado reservation system) Saturday morning about 6am, and it was 15 degrees and the pond was frozen, edge to edge, covered by maybe 1/4" thick ice.

Several times throughout the morning, I had to go out and bust up the ice to create open water. At about 9am, coming back to shore from another ice-bust, I see a snake floating under the ice. Picture a dead snake hanging from a tree limb, and that is what I am looking at.

I figure I will throw this snake, a 3ft Bull Snake, onto the shore so something can eat it. When I break through the ice and grab it, the snake starts to move. So, I placed it in the sun on shore, and it moves it's entire body. I checked on it again after about 1/2 hour, and it was moving better as it warmed up in the sun.

I suspect the temperature dropped so fast on Wednesday night, that the snake went into the water to stay warm, but then got trapped by ice. I have no idea how it survived under the ice for 2 days.
A 2nd one.

About 13 years ago, a buddy and I were hiking down a trail near Evergreen,CO, on a muzzleloader elk hunt. We heard the sirens from emergency vehicles racing up the canyon, and then later on, saw the Flight for Life copter flying toward the sirens. My buddy and I were maybe 1 mile down the road, and we both said that doesn't bode well.

The next morning, I get an early morning phone call from a very distraught client of mine, telling me "Peggy's dead", Peggy being his wife.

Turns out that the emergency vehicles were there for Peggy. She was on the back of a motorcycle with a friend, and the driver missed a sharp curve and they flew into the trees. The driver died at the scene and Peggy died a few hours later.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-19 AT 04:14PM (MST)[p]@yoteduster....Hahaha and the guys name was Chris Farley. Surprised he didnt get up and say "what in the hell was that all about?!" Or it was Bess when he was 40 living in his Mommys basement??? Thanks for the laugh!
Watched a guy come off white river buffalo canyon area to sheep creek road in a semi he backed up traffic for a bit. He made the sharp curve with his trailer barely. One of those what the f##k were you thinking moments.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
I was hunting in southwestern Utah about ten years ago; on opening day I placed myself on a ridge where I could see a pretty good chunk of country above a big brush filled basin. In the bottom of the basin was a two track road that of course was being pounded by road hunters. It was a cold, windy, stormy mother that day and about a half hour after sunrise I spotted a pretty nice 25" 4x4 feeding on some bitter brush right next to the road in the bottom of the basin. I had hunted in that area on the muzzy as well (dedicated hunter) and knew that there was a bigger buck around, so I decided to pass on that buck but I did keep an eye on him.

As I saw a truck creeping down the road in the bottom of the basin I noticed that the buck had laid down right next to the bitter brush he was feeding on as flat as he possibly could. As soon as the truck was a ways away, he would stand up and continue on with his business. Another vehicle came down the road and the same thing happened, as soon as he heard them, bam right to the ground. All in all, I saw at least a dozen trucks/jeeps/atvs ride by and every single time he did the same thing right there about fifteen feet off the road. Little did all of those hunters know there was a nice buck right there as they rode by. It was pretty awesome to watch.
20+ years ago while hunting in the Uintas we came upon a motor home high up a ridge that was realistically a 4 wheel drive track. WTH. 2 days later it was gone. Found out later that an ?old guy? who wanted one more elk hunt on that particular ridge was granted that wish by some friends who hooked a chain to his rig and drug him up. The story goes that he died up there the next day. That part I cannot verify, but I did see the MH up there
>About a month ago on opening
>day of Antelope in Utah.
>2 friends from Arizona came
>with tags.
>They were driving a brand new
>f-150 4x4,,the aluminum body type.
>On the way back to the
>house that evening their truck
>caught fire and burned to
>the ground.
>Those aluminum/magnesium body?s go up in
>a ?literal? flash.

"Wow" that would suck especially if you were trapped inside

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