Damning the world in ever increasing numbers......


Very Active Member

Religious census shows large growth for LDS Church

SALT LAKE CITY ? At a time when many major religious groups are experiencing significant declines in membership in the United States, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is seeing growth, according to a study released Tuesday.

The 2010 decennial U.S. Religion Census looked at reported church memberships in the U.S. from 2000 to 2010. It shows the LDS Church saw 45 percent growth by adding roughly 2 million members nationwide during that time. It also found many of the largest religions in the country saw either small gains or membership declines.

Catholic churches experienced a 5 percent decline overall and mainline Christian denominations declined 12.8 percent.

The Muslim faith had the highest growth rate at nearly 67 percent over the past decade by adding roughly 1 million members.

But Brigham Young University sociology professor Marie Cornwall, who studies religion, told the Deseret News the LDS Church is very aggressive in how it tracks church membership.

She also said the faith has relatively small numbers compared to some of the other religions, so growth percentages can look huge if there is meaningful growth.

The statistics are drawn from county-level data from congregations for 236 U.S. religious bodies and therefore shows where increases or declines are taking place. For example, the census says more evangelicals are moving into big cities.

Cornwall notes that the LDS Church has not experienced much growth in some areas of America's heartland. She said those are the same areas where Mormon GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney "can't seem to impress" potential voters.

Sorry manny.....and to all others who get pissed off about another religious thread ;-)

"LOL... I just consider the source... "

As does everyone else when they read your posts or replies!
you guys never learn squat... I've posted actual transcripts from your LDS leaders more then once, acknowledging JS prophecies that never came to pass, his changes in the book of moron but still you just gotta keep blabbing away sticking you jabs in my side...

Just because you got a mega rich elite running for the presidency don't mean that True Christians, think of the Mormon church no more then a cult?
Ok manny, you never replied to my last intelligent post the one about the consequences of the B.o.M being legitimate or not.....

You know the one where I said that it doesn't really matter if it is legit or not??

Here is what's really scary about this, ok if its not true than 'Mormons' are true christians by your definition. If it is true than that does actually set us apart from main stream christianity......

So by fighting against it you actually argue that the church falls within the mainstream body....

So whats the deal manny no answer?? am i just to good a 'Spinner' as you call it??

As for the source?? IT WAS A CENSUS STUDY!!!! it doesn't get much more legit than that!!

The first Chapter in the 'Book of Moron' would have to be written by manny......

>Just because you got a mega
>rich elite running for the
>presidency don't mean that True
>Christians, think of the Mormon
>church no more then a

So we can count on you voting for Obama then come November?
Seriously the "I HATE MORMONS" train is getting a little old, can you not find another game to play? Oh wait you won't since you have pissed in every single person who posts with any frequency on this forumn bowl of Cheerios, that we wouldn't want to play any other games with you. However i am sure there are plenty in here that would want to play a rousing game of "Hide and Go &$@* yourself". Manny you go hide first, and we will come looking for you when buzzards appear over head. So sick of this crap!
>>Just because you got a mega
>>rich elite running for the
>>presidency don't mean that True
>>Christians, think of the Mormon
>>church no more then a
>So we can count on you
>voting for Obama then come
>Seriously the "I HATE MORMONS" train
>is getting a little old,
>can you not find another
>game to play? Oh
>wait you won't since you
>have pissed in every single
>person who posts with any
>frequency on this forumn bowl
>of Cheerios, that we wouldn't
>want to play any other
>games with you.
>However i am sure there
>are plenty in here that
>would want to play a
>rousing game of "Hide and
>Go &$@* yourself". Manny
>you go hide first, and
>we will come looking for
>you when buzzards appear over
>head. So sick of
>this crap!

maybe if you guys would stop trying to bait me over and over..learn to shut your traps....

1911 is that a threat?...do i need to report this?...
Actually athiests are the fastest growing , so there's hope .

The mormans are in for a hard ride until this fall, and if Romney wins a long hard ride. the left knows better than to touch it but the far right is going to keep screaming. get used to Manny and his crew, and remember they're your friends.

The other fake news organization takes a funny look at the subject.


Stay thirsty my friends
>maybe if you guys would stop
>trying to bait me over
>and over..learn to shut your
>1911 is that a threat?...do i
>need to report this?...

Baiting??? If I remember correctly you started the baiting a few months back with the "Smear The Mormons Campaign", so don't point fingers at me making an accusation like that without having taken a good long look in the mirror.
As far as it being a threat, IT IS NOT A THREAT IN THE LEAST LITTLE BIT. I was just stating that no one really wants to play your games anymore. Have fun kicking a ball around in Heaven by yourself there Manny. Should be easy for you to win the Heaven cup soccer championship since you will be the only one there. If you feel so strongly that you are the only one that deserves salvation in paradise, then I will be happy to feast in Hell.
Dude we take Manny as much as a friend as we do you. You are both Adam Henrys all the way to your eyeballs.

>>Just because you got a mega
>>rich elite running for the
>>presidency don't mean that True
>>Christians, think of the Mormon
>>church no more then a
>So we can count on you
>voting for Obama then come
>Seriously the "I HATE MORMONS" train
>is getting a little old,
>can you not find another
>game to play? Oh
>wait you won't since you
>have pissed in every single
>person who posts with any
>frequency on this forumn bowl
>of Cheerios, that we wouldn't
>want to play any other
>games with you.
>However i am sure there
>are plenty in here that
>would want to play a
>rousing game of "Hide and
>Go &$@* yourself". Manny
>you go hide first, and
>we will come looking for
>you when buzzards appear over
>head. So sick of
>this crap!

me too? its hard to see all you Morons denying the evidence and continue to jab me in my side thinking you have the upper hand, I've showed the proof...you just too blind and unwilling to relent, you guys start this crap over and over... so I just respond, then when I post up the facts you whimp out call foul and have your body guards deleted the posts seen it time and time again on here...

Here?s some unbiased facts for yah?

Evangelicals have grown from only 3 million in AD 1500, to 648 million worldwide, with 54% being Non-Whites. 2010 - 14.1 Million Mormons world wide, I'd call that a minority? mormons are more like muslim they have taken a mans book that was written within lest then 200 years ago, with zero artifacts to back it up and started a religion, except the name is different Mohamid, that some serious deception right there?



2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
110 and with deception for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a delusion so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in deception?
LAST EDITED ON May-03-12 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]>Dude we take Manny as much
>as a friend as we
>do you. You are both
>Adam Henrys all the way
>to your eyeballs.

John 15:18 If the world hates you, you should realize that it hated me before you.


I'm hated for just stating the facts and proving it, just because some don't believe it don't make it so, Jesus biggest enemies were the religious of his day, they were the ones who sent him on the cross not the Romans, read it for your self...
> Actually athiests are the fastest
>growing , so there's hope
> The mormans are in for
>a hard ride until this
>fall, and if Romney wins
>a long hard ride. the
>left knows better than to
>touch it but the far
>right is going to keep
>screaming. get used to Manny
>and his crew, and remember
>they're your friends.
>The other fake news organization takes
>a funny look at the
>Stay thirsty my friends

funny stuff right there, let me tell befor hand the true Believers in messiah jesus will be persecuted more then Morons...

as you've seen here, they just need to learn to leave me be...
Hey? 1911 I'm sending your post of the hand gun unto Brian and other agencies as necessary... your a disgusting mod you need to resign ASAP!...
LAST EDITED ON May-03-12 AT 10:10AM (MST)[p]Question for ya then? When did I become a member of the LDS church, I don't remember attending a service at a LDS chapel. Been to some Boy Scout of America functions at a couple of LDS chapels, but never a worship service. Manny when you use my post as a quote and then drop the statement "You Mormons" you must be referring to me, right? Point is I am agnostic, I feel that no one religion is right/wrong over another, that Jesus came to save mankind through love, peace, mercy, and forgiveness; not this brow beating, bullying, self righteous crock of crap you put on this website. Keep this up and I am sure you and not 1911 will be the one getting the boot off of here, but that one is up to Brian. I don't dislike you because you are a Christian, I dislike you due to the fact you are a self righteous, close minded, bigoted fool. I have many friends who are God fearing, church goers and they sure as Hell don't irritate the shyte of of me the way you do on here and you aren't even in the room with me!
>AT 10:10?AM (MST)

>Question for ya then? When
>did I become a member
>of the LDS church, I
>don't remember attending a service
>at a LDS chapel.
>Been to some Boy Scout
>of America functions at a
>couple of LDS chapels, but
>never a worship service.
>Manny when you use my
>post as a quote and
>then drop the statement "You
>Mormons" you must be referring
>to me, right? Point
>is I am agnostic, I
>feel that no one religion
>is right/wrong over another, that
>Jesus came to save mankind
>through love, peace, mercy, and
>forgiveness; not this brow beating,
>bullying, self righteous crock of
>crap you put on this
>website. Keep this up
>and I am sure you
>and not 1911 will be
>the one getting the boot
>off of here, but that
>one is up to Brian.
> I don't dislike you
>because you are a Christian,
>I dislike you due to
>the fact you are a
>self righteous, close minded, bigoted
>fool. I have many
>friends who are God fearing,
>church goers and they sure
>as Hell don't irritate the
>shyte of of me the
>way you do on here
>and you aren't even in
>the room with me!

as long as I'm called out and jabbed in the side with taunts, I will keep responding... because your blind i lump all you together, very few have the guts to confront false religions, I don't ! Gods my judge not you...
it is you're not your.


Claiming that you are as persecuted as Jesus was because of something posted on a website is completely nuts.

You would make more hay and convert more souls if you stood on a street corner and preached rather than insult everyone who doesn't believe as you do.

If everyone else is going to be judged by a higher power than why are you so arrogant as to assume you have the knowledge and power judge everyone on here?

You seem to want to only live by the words that fit your world view and your bias. That may be faith but it is not fact.

Matthew 7:1-3 (NIV)
Judging Others

7 ?Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 ?Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother?s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Ne? first who started this thread, who mentioned my name...

it amazes me how I get blamed for starting crap on here, when all I do is respond, you truly are blinded by hate, all of you, I only respond the same way I'm treated, I have been studying the bible cover to cover since the age of 13, just by the silence from true Christians on here, that are afraid to be accused as you just have me of judging, the bible tells us to reprove those who sin, Isaiah 58:1Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the house of Jacob their sins.

People like you just want to shut the mouth of people like me, a people who don't compromise the word of God and in doing so generalize the word of God your not saved and have no idea what the scripture you just posted, stick to what you know best economics?

James 2:19 You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror,?..

so you do don't do God a service by quoting the bible? I have more respect for 440 then for you when it comes to this subject?
LAST EDITED ON May-03-12 AT 12:05PM (MST)[p]Hey Ne? can you please explain these scriptures for me?.

1st Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1st Tim 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

2 Timothy 4:3 For the end time will come when men will not endure sound teaching. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

tic toc tic toc....

you see what you mistake for a personal attack on a human, (Mormons) is really on the teaching of a book of mormon... open the mind...in Jesus name!...
LAST EDITED ON May-03-12 AT 12:11PM (MST)[p]If you are looking for sympathy it is between sh!t and syphilis in the dictionary.

If you think I care a single minute whether you respect me or not then you really have a puffed version of what your importance is.

Turning the other cheek and offering that one doesn't occur to you just attack back when attacked. Where is that found in the good book?


Also you don't do god a service by pretending that you believe in the entire book. You only believe the parts that make you an arrogant prick and you use it to judge other's below you and judge them based upon your own personal bias rather than on what you profess to believe. It is obvious to everyone but you because the only hatred flows from your posts.

"Also you don't do god a service by pretending that you believe in the entire book. You only believe the parts that make you an arrogant prick and you use it to judge other's below you and judge them based upon your own personal bias rather than on what you profess to believe. It is obvious to everyone but you because the only hatred flows from your posts."


Love and compation converts hearts, minds and souls, not judgement and treating others as inferior or satanic.

"I'll admit it, that's hella funny! Good to see you around 202, I wish you would return on a regular basis there's a lot of bruised low lying fruit on here lately. You should be on here on a regular basis especially since it was your political carpet bombing at the campfire that inspired this forum!"
Thank you Forthewall
Whats funny about this whole deal is that manny still has not responded to any of my posts.....

The reality behind that is that they are true and he can't argue with them....

Truth stands alone it cannot be fought against it is universal and when the truth is spoken it will stand forever....

Hence the importance in the statement 'I am, the way, the TRUTH, and the light' What Christ taught is truth, it stands impenetrable....for all of manny's ranting and raving that idea stands against it, he can't fight against whats true and when he does its embarrassing.......

Good on ya lad keep up the good fight!

You do know you're all crazy, Manny just takes it up a notch. or two.


Stay thirsty my friends
LMAO! So the Bible says in one scripture to not judge others but then another says to shout out at the sins of others. Damn this religion crap is confusing. What kind of a God would allow His children to be so confused. What kind of God would allow His children to fight and argue and KILL each other over the very belief of Him? You do know that He could very easily fix the problem if it was so important right? Wouldn't a quick visit down to Earth to set things straight put "religion" to rest?

It's completely stupid but I'll see you in hell Manny!
That's a pretty legit statement forkie so i thought i'd take the time to respond and give you a pretty good reason.

Two questions

#1) What would be worse in God's eyes death, or condemnation aka Damned aka going to hell banished from God's presence forever due to personal choice.

#2) Can you imagine the amount of Condemnation the world would face with a certain knowledge of the existence of God? Even with the knowledge addictions and the disposition to sin still exist, every one of 'God's Children' as Christians believe would be damned to Hell inevitably, there is an element of safety involved in not knowing......

among many reasons, i think this is the greatest

LAST EDITED ON May-04-12 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]>Whats funny about this whole deal
>is that manny still has
>not responded to any of
>my posts.....
>The reality behind that is that
>they are true and he
>can't argue with them....
>Truth stands alone it cannot be
>fought against it is universal
>and when the truth is
>spoken it will stand forever....
>Hence the importance in the statement
>'I am, the way, the
>TRUTH, and the light' What
>Christ taught is truth, it
>stands impenetrable....for all of manny's
>ranting and raving that idea
>stands against it, he can't
>fight against whats true and
>when he does its embarrassing.......
>Good on ya lad keep up
>the good fight!

ahh quit, talk about self righteous, I answered them and thats when all hell breaks loose with the Mormon crap round here....look your blind just like the rest of 'em so buzz off...

your no better then a lefty and you wear me out reading your crap same tactics are working and i give up, go to hell if that what you like we'll just have to wait to meet the maker and let him seperate the good from the bad?.
Someone said that I was blind, looks like you are as well since you couldn't see that you were the one that started all those threads and you managed to piss people off. Keep it up there Hellen Keller, you doing a great job seeing things, whoops I forgot.

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