Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Just found a dead buck with head cut off in our front pasture near county road. Found two dead does across county road on sister in laws place. Definitely shot. Game Warden is looking into situation but don’t know what he can do if the low life’s are not caught in the act.



Update, wardens have been talking to all neighboring ranches and farms. Seems like there was at least one other buck found with head cut off a ways down the county road. Might be more, hard to get all facts right now. At least wardens are in full investigative mode!
What state? I feel ya….I don’t want to leave the house during season, and yet I don’t even want to look out the window for fear of what I might see.

But anyone with critters is still very fortunate for the pleasure of watching them. :)
Late shifts by the Game Wardens might catch them among other things! That really is Bull S..t!!! I hate seeing that!
Happens here in Iowa every year. We also have some locals that will shoot deer and leave the whole carcass in your fields if you buy a piece of property and won't let them hunt.

Have a neighbor that bought 2500 acres and several years ago lost 22 deer shot during one fall and winter left to rot.

I bought 95 acres 3 miles east of my house and lost 1 good 10 point shot and left in the field.

Wardens investigate but seldom catch and when they do catch it's just a slap on the wrist.
Yep unfortunately that kinda thing happens all over the country, I find a few every year it seems. Usually by the time they get found the coyotes have devoured most of the evidence. Tough to tell if they were wounded legally or flat out poached ! Burned my crp last spring and didn’t like what I found !!!!!!! Hopefully they get caught !
I know it takes a lot of time and money, but seems like they could try using some decoys to catch these poachers if they are prowling a specific area like this?
You never know who does this type of poaching. One year we were set up in bow camp in Utah the day before opening day archery. One of friend never showed up. The next day after opening morning he shows up in his wife’s car without his bow. He was very sheepish but finally admitted that while driving to camp he saw a nice 4 point in his head lights. He jumped out and shot it. It was dark and it was a Utah robo deer. They took his truck and bow. He eventually got them back but we never hunted with us again. I never would have thought he would do that but he did. I really think poaching is more prevalent that most people would like to believe. I also think there are a lot of people that have little to no ethics if they think nobody is watching.
The pic was taken just across the road from the guy's property who lost the 22 deer.
I had hoped this was over, but I guess they're still upset.
Of course, I can't be sure but I'm pretty sure.

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