Dead head


Active Member
Sorry no picture, but had a question. Found a smaller dead head buck this weekend; 3x2 ~16" wide and ~2-3" eye guards. It must have died sometime this winter as the antlers are brown. Being in UT I obviously left it there. Thought about calling it in and see how the process works, but is it worth my time? Any horn is cool to have but I'm not too worried if I get them or not.

What would you guys do?
It is worth a call. Not sure what else is required, but I would at least give them a call. How are you liking your new scope? ;)

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
Call it in. If it died of natural causes it will be yours "I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest have been wasted"
I did go ahead and call it in. Guess we'll see what happens.

John, like the scope. Real nice. Hoping this year will be the year for my tag. If so you're more than welcome if it fits into your busy schedule.
I found a mid 160s four point deadhead this fall. I called it in, they hiked up and cut its head off and took it. But surprisingly I got it back from the DWR a month later. Going through the right channels worked this time. Hope it does for you too. I know some guys have been burned by the DWR when they turned heads in. By the way, if they decide foul play was involved you can kiss that head goodbye. Good luck!
Hope it works out for you. Keep us posted and I hope you draw the tag.

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
First of all let me just say "Thank you" for actually calling instead of just taking it. There are way too many people out there that would rather just break the rules and take it.

I have called a couple heads in. The first was nice buck with an inline that was dumped off the road in a canyon. It was poached, but there was no evidence of the bullet or anything. The DWR took it and I never heard back from them.

The second one was a nice 6x6 (broken) found by my buddy and he didn't really care to call the DWR about it. He told me about it and I just so happened to be on the mountain at the same time he found it. I called it in and the CO went down and packed it out for me. He then had it delived 3 hours up to N. Utah to the DWR office for me to pick up. It was a great experience and the DWR was excellent!
I found a 6 X 6 last fall that i told my neighbor about (he is a DNR officer). He told me he was really busy and would try and find time to come investigate it. But that it could be as far as this spring before he had time to go with me to look at it(i don't have a gps). Do you think i should remind him again or would i be better off contacting the division office?

Don't be afraid to live for fear of dieing.
Was on a friends elk hunt in 2011 and spotted a dead bull across a huge, steep, nasty canyon. Decided that it was not worth trying to go retreive cause it would have taken hours to hike to it. Funny thing is is it looks almost just like HJB pictured bull. Must have come off the same unit, or is the same bull. What do you guys think?


>Was on a friends elk hunt
>in 2011 and spotted a
>dead bull across a huge,
>steep, nasty canyon. Decided
>that it was not worth
>trying to go retreive cause
>it would have taken hours
>to hike to it.
>Funny thing is is it
>looks almost just like HJB
>pictured bull. Must have
>come off the same unit,
>or is the same bull.
> What do you guys

Was it on the North end of the Pahvant?
i got burned. i found a 27' 4x4 right on the side of highway 40, near the wallsburg turnoff. it was obviously roadkill, but it was down off the road on a steep-ish hill, behind the concrete barriers. it was only about 15' off the highway, just hidden by the barrier and the slope of the hill. i had pulled off to the barrier to glass some deer on the hillside above and a magpie flew up off his rump, as he had been having breakfast on the carcass, which was maybe a week old. i was tempted to run back to heber wal-mart and get a hacksaw and lop the head off. but i decided to call the dnr and do it lawfully. i met the officer later that afternoon with high hopes as i have heard they are pretty good to work with, especially when it is a pretty cut and dried deal as to how it died. boy was i wrong. first off, the officer was a big time power tripper. cocky attitude, really blunt answering my questions, and just a general chip on his shoulder kind of a deal. he immediately took a saw out of his truck and cut the antlers off at the base, seperating them. it would have made a really nice european mount, which is what i would have done with blew me away. i have never seen or heard of anything like this. i didnt understand why he would do that. true, the buck wasnt shot by me, but i can appreciate what is on public land a better than average buck when i see seemed a waste to me to seperate them when it was much more valuable and desireable intact. he said i could email him a request to reclaim them and he would forward it to his superior for a decision. i went to the top myself as i used it as a forum to report to his boss about his attitude and conduct in dealing with someone who was trying to take the lawful route in this process. the big $ guy i talked to was about as helpful as the officer. "not our policy, officers discretion, circumstances being" BS. what a joke. totally not the interaction i expected to have, and it makes it hard for me to want to do it again. i might take my chances with the hacksaw.
i dont think you would have gotten the dead off the highway anyways. im pretty sure in utah the only way you can get the head is if they can determined the cause of death was natural and humans had no part in it. so i think that one was a loosing battle. shoulda had a saw;)
Leave that stinking thing alone...who the heck wants some nasty skall to deal with? Especially a dinker like that. Leave that thing lay and move on...

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