Dead Lopes?

Got him on tuesday.
thanks everyone, nice to see the compliments. i was glassin from the trees and spotted the buck down in the flat and took off after him. after around an hour of the usual low walking and crawling, i lucked out and got to where i could get a good shot and let one fly. everything seemed to come together which was new to me, and heres what I ended up with. even though this buck is not a monster, i was very happy with him.

also here is a pic my dad took while on the stalk. i thought it was a cool one.
Great Picture! Spot and stalk lopes is a ton of fun. The more challenging the hunt the sweeter the reward. Great job.
Sat on 3 different water holes for 5 days, averaged about 12 hours a day. Had one badger, one doe and 2 fawns come in in 031. Water, Water everywhere. We saw a ton of antelopes, some real nice ones. They could go where ever they wanted and find water. Frustrating to say the least. But still a fun time no matter the outcome.
Nice Goat, RJ! That Dad of yours sure knows how to take some pictures!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-11 AT 08:20PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-11 AT 07:32?PM (MST)

It was a long five days.....water everywhere!

Last morning at 63 yards. He is no where near as big as some of the others I have seen but for my first 'lope, he is awesome. I had never even seen one until my first scouting trip and was trying to pick up everything on the fly. Stalking them sure is fun but hard! Finally got the weather to stop leaking and found a good waterhole where they were coming to.

12" horns

Cowboy4life, that is one of the best pics I've ever seen of a bowhunter in action. How close are you there?
Congrats man. Thats quite the acomplishment to get your first lope with a bow. "fun but hard" I had to chuckle thinking of all the blown stalks I've had. Lots of fun!
Thanks for sharing.
Here's the results of sitting in the blind for 10-14 hours for 8 days straight. Passed on a few smaller bucks and took this on the last day in the blind. Not sure I can do that kind of time again in a blind. May have been a shorter hunt if there hadn't been so much water around.

Dont have any pictures YET. But my grandpa has a Antelope rifle tag for 021-022, so do a couple of our family friends. I'll post pictures of some of the kills. Nice trophies guys!

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
Here is my wife's first Antelope and with a bow to boot!!! Not the best pic's to show his size... he is 16" long and green scores 86 7/8 with 7/8 deductions. Oh and the boys were in the blind with her when she shot.

Just got back from hunting in 041-042. Success!
Green score is 80 1/8 B&C. I'll post a story later...gotta go to work now.

Nice job there NVB & NVB Bunch!

Congrats to all the SpeedLoper Hunters!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!


Congratulations.. What area? This buck looks really, really similar to one we were scouting not to far from Gabbs!

Nevada Badger
My wife killed this buck yesterday in 10. It was a tough hunt, and she hung in there. We made a long stalk and she made a great shot to get this buck. I am very proud of her.


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