Dear Utah DWR


Long Time Member
Please do not call me during the hunt draw. Last evening when you called, I saw a 1800 number and decided not to answer. I am not sure if you were trying to irritate me, but next time you leave a message, please let me know what the call was/is about. The "this is Brent from the DWR calling for Jason...." doesn't really cut it.

After you left me that nice message, I hurried and called back knowing there must be a problem with my credit card. I was sure you wanted to tell me that your were trying to "hit" my card for my sheep app.

Let just say I was slightly disappointed when I finally got a hold of you, and you asked that I spend a few minutes and take an "upland game survey". I'd really just prefer you to wait until AFTER THE DRAW!!!!!
Classic, Thats funny right there. I would have been ch!1ing bricks thinking I had drawn my moose tag or something like that after FOREVER.
Somehow I have to agree 100% with you on that call. WHAT THE "H" ARE THEY THINKING?
They should wait until AFTER we receive our emails from them with all the "UN's" on it.
I'll bet your heart was beating pretty hard though.
eh even after the draws youd probably get excited thinking someone turned there tag back and they are calling too see if you want it haha. they probably get a kick outta doing it for stupid things around this time of year haha\
I heard they were screening applicants with that survey. Answer all the questions and they actually put you in the drawing, don't and they cross you off the list.
They called me a few days ago and did the same dang thing. my heart skipped when I heard " this is $**##@ with the DWR. But I was instantly pissed when he said it was for a stupid survey. Not funny!
LAST EDITED ON May-24-12 AT 06:24PM (MST)[p]>
>They called me a few days
>ago and did the same
>dang thing. my heart skipped
>when I heard " this
>is $**##@ with the DWR.
> But I was instantly
>pissed when he said it
>was for a stupid survey.
> Not funny!

i think it is funny as hell you know they are doing it on purpose.
No, too many feral cats....

My wife got this call last night as well. She didn't want to answer so I did and it was the DWR. Funny thing is, I didn't even think tags. I handed it to my wife betting it was a survey. Maybe b/c that's all they have ever called me for.
LAST EDITED ON May-24-12 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]Robb:

No I didn't harvest any upland birds. About the only thing that lives up here are sage hens. I got tags for them a few years back, and thought I would eat one.

Let's just say I won't be hunting them again. Unless, you Or Bessy want some for your freezer, I might be willing to donate a few }>
Every year I get a survey call from the DWR around this time. It gets me every time. Thanks for the heads-up. I guess that is why I have two missed calls the pasts two days from a 1-800 number at 7:58pm and 7:53pm.
Thanks Jason

The Sage Grouse is about the only Upland game bird I do not have a mount of.

Chris has a hard enough time with having strange hair around his mouth let a lone feathers! haha

I know I would be pissed too. Then the next day, I would have to laugh about it.
Haven't had a tag since 09 for gen. I should be a sure thing for ML SE, Still haven't got a CC hit.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Reminds me of the a time at work they were having lay offs. My boss comes into the lab and tells me "I have to talk with you". I am not sure how many beats my heart skipped, then he proceeded to tell me the alarm in my jeep was going off. I about killed him on the spot.

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