Dems New Slogan


Very Active Member
I expect to see Hillary and Bernie out any day now with baseball hats trying to Trump the Donald. Hats will read " Making America Greece , Yes we Can"
Like hillary said, the rich can pay for everything! Ole Marge said it best when she said the problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other peoples money.
Since most of you haven't been in a front running or leading position I'll let you in on a secret that winners know......

Don't acknowledge those that are behind you they are losing, pay attention to those you have to beat not those that are beaten. Clinton needs to work on those pantsuits she will be the worse dressed president in the history of this country.

I didn't say I liked her I just said she will win, not much left to hit her with. I find her unlikable she seems to be more favorable than the republican candidates.
Republican's slogan could be " Opps we did it again " no we can't.

It's between Hillary and the Donald, and we know how that ends.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The debate was a sham and so is the Bern. All of them cowtowing to Hillary and kissing her a$$ was all it was. None of them are serious contenders but her. She will be the nominee and the "debates" are just for media exposure. Nothing to see there.
Hillary's new slogan may be this, Bill get the bail money, I do not want to spend a night in jail.

Whistleblower calls out double standard in Clinton case

Three months after Hillary Clinton?s use of a private email address and server while secretary of state was referred to the FBI, an intelligence source familiar with the investigation tells Fox News that the team is now focused on whether there were violations of an Espionage Act subsection pertaining to "gross negligence" in the safekeeping of national defense information.

Under 18 USC 793 subsection F, the information does not have to be classified to count as a violation. The intelligence source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity citing the sensitivity of the ongoing probe, said the subsection requires the "lawful possession" of national defense information by a security clearance holder who "through gross negligence," such as the use of an unsecure computer network, permits the material to be removed or abstracted from its proper, secure location.

Subsection F also requires the clearance holder "to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer. "A failure to do so "shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."

The source said investigators are also focused on possible obstruction of justice. "If someone knows there is an ongoing investigation and takes action to impede an investigation, for example destruction of documents or threatening of witnesses, that could be a separate charge but still remain under a single case," the source said. Currently, the ongoing investigation is led by the Washington Field Office of the FBI.

A former FBI agent, who is not involved in the case, said the inconsistent release of emails, with new documents coming to light from outside accounts, such as that of adviser Sidney Blumenthal, could constitute obstruction. In addition, Clinton?s March statement that there was no classified material on her private server has proven false, after more than 400 emails containing classified information were documented.

Clinton and her team maintain the use of a private account was allowed, and the intelligence was not classified at the time, but later upgraded. The latter claim is disputed by the intelligence community Inspector General, who represents the agencies involved, which concluded the information was classified from the start.

One of Clinton's primary defenses is that the emails containing classified information, did not carry classification markings, but a leading national security defense attorney says that is no excuse under the law.

?The fact that something's not marked or that the person may not know that it was classified would not be relevant at all in a prosecution under the Espionage Act,? defense attorney Edward MacMahon Jr. recently told Fox.

It is not known what relevant evidence, if any, has been uncovered by the FBI, or whether any charges will ultimately be brought, but Director James Comey told reporters in Washington D.C. on Oct. 1, "If you know my folks... they don't give a rip about politics."

On Thursday, a group of national security whistleblowers held a news conference in Washington at the National Press Club to highlight what they characterized as a double standard in these types of cases.

NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake was indicted in 2010 under the Espionage Act for sharing unclassified material with a Baltimore Sun reporter. Drake, who also went to Congress with his concerns about the NSA, said his goal was to expose government misconduct.

"This is the secretary of state, one of the most targeted individuals by other intelligence entities and agencies in the world using a private server to traffic highly sensitive information and no doubt including classified information and no doubt including info about sources and methods,"Drake said at Thursday?s event.

He added the whistleblowers? treatment shows there is a law for the average citizen, and apparently a different set of rules for the powerful.

"But hey, I'm secretary of state,? Drake said in a sarcastic tone. ?Even Obama gave her cover."

The charges against Drake were eventually dropped. He pled guilty to a misdemeanor, but in the process lost his ability to work in national security and depleted his life savings to mount a defense.

Former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling also went to Congress with his complaints, but was sentenced in May to three-and-a-half years in prison for violating the Espionage Act by giving classified information to a New York Times reporter. Sterling, who is appealing the case, was also convicted on obstruction of justice charges because a single email was missing from his account, even though the government could not show he was responsible for that.

Clinton has acknowledged deleting some 30,000 emails she considered personal.

In 2015, former CIA Director General David Petraeus pled guilty to a misdemeanor admitting he mishandled classified materials by sharing notebooks with his former mistress and biographer, Paula Broadwell.

He also was ordered to pay a $100,000 fine. Sterling?s supporters said he shared far less classified information with the New York Times.

?Powerful and politically connected individuals accused of the same and much worse conduct receive, at most, a slap on the wrist. Like General David Petraeus who gave away more secret information, classified at a much higher level, to his mistress and received a sweetheart plea deal for a minor misdemeanor,?Jesselyn Radack, a whistleblower and former ethics adviser to the Department of Justice, said Thursday.

?Or Hillary Clinton - she got a primetime TV apologist political spin interview from President Obama himself,? Radack added
Her Highness must be held to account if it is proven she lied and in fact put US national security at risk. The fact is she made poor and unwise decisions regarding setting up a private server ( she knew it was wrong) more importantly to me is the fact that she felt she had the sole right to release only the emails that she choose. This question to the liberal lemmings posting here, why would Hillary attempt to wipe clean a server if there was nothing on it to hide???? Imo She is Dirty as she has a long track record of unscrupulous behavior. Time will tell if my assumption is correct.
>Here you go, better get
>that Benghazi machine running again
>. this was pre debate.
> she will poll higher
>Looks like Trump may skip the
>next GOP food fight. juveniles.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

that just mean that 50% of the american population did not learn a dam thing with obamma in the oval office for 7 years and are in a mental state of stupor...

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.?

Little did Benjamin Franklin know that his warning would be picked up by the left as the most successful political tactic in recorded history. That part of the Democrat playbook is even more popular than the ?Call Your Opponent a Racist? section. Potentially productive Americans have been convinced that they deserve part of the earnings of those who are more ?fortunate.? That mindset has nearly brought down the economy of the entire Western world.

The entitlement class will always vote for the candidate who promises them more money. These people will always be the left's solid voting base. Conservatives can say nothing to convince them to vote for a candidate who will give them less free money.

We believe the right has a solid base, also. But is anyone immune from this warning that Franklin gave us about basic human motivation?
Boy you're not giving up on Benghazi to save the day are you? keep digging you little squirrels it shows how desperate you are.

Here's the problem, Biden would still win. this week is the end of your partisan scam, put up or STFU it's over . Biden is plan B if by some freak chance you found a parking ticket Hillary is liable for and she backed out.

I think you've got what the little boy shot at, because you've leaked everything both true and false you've ever had from day one. and it's nothing .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>that just mean that 50% of
>the american population did not
>learn a dam thing with
>obamma in the oval office
>for 7 years and are
>in a mental state of
> When the people find that
>they can vote themselves money,
>that will herald the end
>of the republic.?
>Little did Benjamin Franklin know that
>his warning would be picked
>up by the left as
>the most successful political tactic
>in recorded history. That part
>of the Democrat playbook is
>even more popular than the
>?Call Your Opponent a Racist?
>section. Potentially productive Americans have
>been convinced that they deserve
>part of the earnings of
>those who are more ?fortunate.?
>That mindset has nearly brought
>down the economy of the
>entire Western world.
>The entitlement class will always vote
>for the candidate who promises
>them more money. These people
>will always be the left's
>solid voting base. Conservatives can
>say nothing to convince them
>to vote for a candidate
>who will give them less
>free money.
>We believe the right has a
>solid base, also. But is
>anyone immune from this warning
>that Franklin gave us about
>basic human motivation?

Franklin was just warning us about a generation too greedy to care about the future of the children and grand children.

-As debt jumped over the past decade, economists warned that retiring baby boomers might soon overwhelm retirement programs, swamp the federal budget and keep the debt unusually high as far as the eye can see. That day has come and the answer now apparently is to ?get used to it.?

Read more here:

Question to those on here smarter than myself. When projections are made about our national debt ( is it OMB?) do they assume that current 0% will continue forever. Once interest rates return to normal historic levels that adds Billions of dollars to our National Debt....I'm still not on board with Trump but he is right that we have Really Stupid people at the helm of our nation. Continuing to add to our national debt is potentially catastrophic .
Every 1% increase is equal to $180 Billion in additional interest give or take. So if rates increase 2.5% then the Federal treasury would shell out an additional $450 Billion in interest payments.

As a comparison in 2015 we will spend about $414 Billion on: Education, Veterans Benefits, Housing, Ag programs, Unemployment, and Foreign affairs.
Thank you NeMont, I'm sure those numbers you related reflect the CURRENT 18+ Trillion our nation has borrowed . My wife spoke with her dad today who it a classic Northeastern Liberal, while he chastised her for her conservative views ( he blames me for brainwashing her LOL) she asked him who was going to pay for free college etc. His response " Well the government of course" . So my bride reminds him of the massive debt we have already.....he shouts " I don't give a damn about the debt" Liberalism is in fact a mental disorder. Our nation has BIG Problems and the nation debt is being brushed off partly because of the current 0% interest fiasco imo. Thx NeMont. You would be an extremely interesting man to have a cup of coffee / or a cold one with. Sleep Well

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