Dems Pick Up Specter?



Five term republican Arlen Spector intends to switch to the republican party to increase his chances at another term . this will move the dems one step closer to the 60 votes they need to more or less become dictators.

Not only have the republicans blown it so bad they can't get elected as meter readers some of the ones who are elected are defecting , you have to find this funny I mean com'on. while I get a good chuckle out of this I have to admit I don't really like it, the dems have more than enough control as it is. the bright side is the republicans are going to have to do a total overhaul in order to survive, what comes out of it might be something we can use.

Ok let's play this down now, just like Bin Laden who cares right?
The republicans will demand a first round draft choice and two second rounders for this defection. They already turned down Pelosi and two holloywood starlets yet to be named.
Dude-how would you feel as a republican voter who voted for Specter? Do you think he asked his constituents if they would support his decision to change to a party they were opposed to? I didn't think it was right when the democrat changed a couple of years ago either. I think it should trigger a special election to see if the voters support the change.
Another example of why the Foounders set up the correct process for Sentaors to be APPOINTED and not elected. If Spector were to have been selected by the PA state legislature as oringinally designed they could kick his sorry butt to the curb for deception today!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-09 AT 02:24PM (MST)[p]I may be completely wrong but maybe Spector will be a little more conservative democrat. Maybe he is doing this like Lieberman an extent? On the other hand, Lieberman did it like a man and didn't do it just after being elected.

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
Specter is nothing more than another snake politician. First he was a Democrat and got elected. Then he saw the Dems going down so he jumped ship, went Republican to keep his seat. now the slime ball sees he may not make it as a Republican so he jumped ship again and went Dem. The man is worthless and I can not imagine why the voters of PA would re-elect the scum bag!

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
>Specter is nothing more than another
>snake politician. First he was
>a Democrat and got elected.
>Then he saw the Dems
>going down so he jumped
>ship, went Republican to keep
>his seat. now the slime
>ball sees he may not
>make it as a Republican
>so he jumped ship again
>and went Dem. The man
>is worthless and I can
>not imagine why the voters
>of PA would re-elect the
>scum bag!
>"Here's something for you doom and
>gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might
>help you from offing yourselves;
>you could have had Hillary."
>Tfinalshot March 24, 2009

Wow, I had no idea you would say anything like that 02. (SARCASM)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-09 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]"Five term republican Arlen Spector intends to switch to the republican party to increase his chances at another term ."

Can't you guys ever get your facts straight???..... Terry
I would say 99.999% of all politicians are scum bags. Just another bottom feeding neccessary evil of our system. The trick is picking the best of the worst.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
>So 202, I guess that leaves
>Spector in the same category
>as other snake politicians like

I would not put Sphinchter on the same level as a President.

"Here's something for you doom and gloomer, coolaid drinkers that might help you from offing yourselves; you could have had Hillary."
Tfinalshot March 24, 2009
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-09 AT 05:47PM (MST)[p]This announcement should come as no surprise after then RNC basically went postal over Snow, Collin and Specter.

Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (both of Maine) and Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter were all held guilty by the RNC for partisan treason for reaching across the aisle over the bailout.

Basically the RNC held the door open for Specter after Michael "insert foot here" Steele basically ousted the senior Senator along with (r) Senators Snowe and Collins on a national T.V. interview. Watch the video and one can see just how staged the interview was with Hannity in sending a direct hate and threat message to fellow republicans Specter, Collins and Snowe.

Given the split in the senate I thought Steele's comments were dangerous and divisive. Given the Franken/Cole scenario in play, Steele & Co. may have just handed the Dems a super majority. Good job brotha....

It will be interesting to see if there will soon be others defectors between the mid-terms and the mass chaos within the RNC. I think there may be as many as 3 within before the end of Obama's first term.

Reagan was a Dem while Gov of Ca., then riding the winds of the failed Carter term, jumped ships. Unlike Specter, Reagan had the decency to wait till he was out of elected office.

202 we don't see eye to eye a lot but I do agree that it's never the best of the best because they are too smart and the vast majority of politicians are completely worthless. If you really feel that 99.99% are bad, then come join me 202 and go's refreshing! The water is always warm here in the middle, not too hot and not too cold.

What I am curious about is who called who first?

Obama calling Specter
Steele calling Ailes

I'm betting it was Steele calling Ailes to rev-up the hate and smear machine on Fox. Great now I'm going to watch the monotone twins Hume and Cameron do their best to slander Specter and never mention his contributions to the GOP over the years. Just recently Specter stood by (R) Ted Stevens which was not the easiest of political moves for Specter.

Even Palin who once considered Stevens her mentor, threw him under the bus for political gain. For that, I guarantee she will not be re-elected Governor or any other position in Alaska as long as Stevens is alive. She picked the wrong Alaskan politician to befriend and she will pay a heavy price.

Recently the outspoken Gov. asked the new Democratic Senator to resign to allow Stevens back in office after all charges were dropped. Sorry Sarah but it's a little too late and little too obvious now that the bus did not run Ted over.

It's going to be fun watching Fox for the next week.
Here's some fun facts for those who miss all the polls. I'm going to use the FAUX News polls since we know they're not biased, ha ha.

Congressional approval ratings: 4/25/09

Congress approve 38% disapprove 52%

Democrat congress approve 50% disapprove 40%

Republican congress approve 36% disapprove 52%

Now we all learned you can't trust the polls in the last couple elections didn't we? ha ha again. so if the republicans are going to gain any seats back either Obama is going to have to get caught with sheep or the republicans are going to have to become electable. how many more moderate republicans might decide winning sounds like a good career choice? even when the republicans can't do anything nobody likes them, they can't win by action or by sitting on their butts, now that is funny. better hope for something big before the midterms.

Are you absolutely sure that Reagan switched parties after being governor and after Carters fall? That's not the way I remember it.

Would it shock anyone to learn that Obama's sitting in pretty much the same place and Jimmy Cahtah was at this point in his career.

>Are you absolutely sure that Reagan
>switched parties after being governor
>and after Carters fall? That's
>not the way I remember

Ransom stop trying to cloud the facts with reality....or is it the reality with facts....I dunno.

Forthewall, what was the RNC and Steele supposed to do after Specter sold out the Republican Party? Are you saying they should have thrown a party for him and the two morons from up north? What is worse than a turncoat and a back stabber? I say good riddence, nothing lost in reality. The slime bag would never of sided with a filibuster anyway, not it is 100% in the Democrats corner. Lets see what they do with full control of both Houses of Congress, the White House, and the Media, the Trifecta.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-09 AT 01:29AM (MST)[p]Hmmm I see what you mean Overton. That paragraph was supposed to be edited out along with the paragraph above it that was edited out earlier.

It went something to the effect of Fox reporting that Specter is doing all of this as a re-election ploy for policital gain would be like MSNBC reporting that Reagan was a dem as Gov of Ca. etc. etc. Then I added at the end, at least he was not in office when he jumped ship.

But I thought it detracted from the post so I thought I 86'd it. I was in a hurry when I replied. Fact is that Ronnie jumped ship after becoming the golden boy for Goldwater. One could say Obama had a Reagan moment when he delivered his speech at the 2004 DNC convention.

In any editing bad, but funny.


Our latest election placed the Republicans in a position the Dems know too well. McCain was never the overwhelming favored candidate amongst the GOP. Why? Because he was accused of crossing the aisle one too many times. Not to mention the possible talk of a Kerry/McCain ticket that filled rumor mills for awhile.

Past RNC leaders never came onto national television and basically called out McCain or others and threatened their re-election campaign funding. Instead, in typical Republican fashion messages of displeasure were conveyed strongly behind closed doors and McCain fell into line quite quickly.

The RNC basically let him have his tantrum because he was still pissed at George for slandering him during the election and still had a sizable following. But when push came to shove the RNC shut him down quickly, so quickly most of his own constituents did not recognize him anymore.

I think the big problem is the Rep. Party became so frazzled in their absolute abandonment of conservative principles. Now GOP loyalist have become defensive about the last 8 years instead of apologetic. They have become viciously reactionary, even when it no longer serves their political power interest.

The election should have become a wake up call for the RNC. When your party screws up so bad that the voting public elects the first Black President, with a middle eastern name, while currently fighting 2 wars in the middle's time to stand up and admit somebody screwed the pooch big time.

As for filibusters I have not checked Specter's record. Although I do know that the 110th congress registered an historic record of republican filibusters in the Senate during their term.

Until the Frankin/Cole scenario plays out it's not a shoe-in Trifecta yet but it's as close as it can ever get now. Which is why alienating Specter who was the only Senior Senator to stand by Stevens was a huge PR mistake by Steele and the RNC.

I guess what I don't understand is how anyone can defend the last 8 years, the current crisis of leadership at the RNC or the complete and utter slandering of those in the party that failed to walk in lockstep with partisan expectations. And at the same time tow the same old party line of divisive partisanship when the country is in a huge financial crisis, 2 wars, and term limits have forced in a new leader.

The party needs to change, politics like national sentiment is a fluid thing. It would have been better if the Republicans in congress insisted on being involved in the bailouts. Instead most took their ball and ran home, which given public political sentiment was a big mistake.

The only way the Republican party can gain any ground is to embrace their moderates and work in a bi-partisan fashion. At least it would give the voting public the perception that the GOP actually does place the people above the party.

The mid-terms will be even more disappointing for the RNC, I think McCain is going to lose his re-election in Arizona along with other incumbent republicans.
You're on the money FTW, the republican party as we've known it for the last few decades is dead I don't know how much more proof it's going to take.

Steele is more proof the party knows it, I look forward to a more moderate tone and hopefully a more fiscally conservative party . the new republican party will look like the democrats of the 1960's and the democrats will become like the French if my guess is right.
As far as the facts go... What I heard Sphincter say was that he didn't want his political career ruined, or taken away based solely on the republican primaries in Penn... His reason for defection is not because he doesn't feel that a republican can win in Pennsylvania, it's because he KNOWS that as a republican, there are better candidates who will probably oust him in the next election... More conservative Reps...

He also believes that Dems in Pennsylvania will base their voting for him next year solely on the fact that he left the Rep party... Which is a terrible reason to vote for anyone...

Reps or Dems in Pennsylvania that vote for this guy next year are about 6 cans short of a six-pack!!!! How can either side trust where his allegiances are???
Good post BrowningRage! FTW is missing the fact that Spector upholds few, if any, conservative values/principles. He makes McCain look like a far right winger. The RNC was 100% right to call Spector and the two witches from the north out for what they did, that is what has been needed for several years! It is a sign that the Republicans are at least looking at returning to what put them in power years ago, smaller government/low taxes/peace through strength. If the RNC/Steele had allowed such action to go "unpunished" the fallout would have been big from conservatives. The DUMBEST thing republicans can do is be wannabe Democrats, they aren't nearly as affect at being liberals.

Truth is, Spector did NOT leave the Republican Party because of his 'principles', good hell he has been in the Senate for 30+ years what principles could he possibly still possess? He switched parties because he KNEW he was going to lose in the Primary, and the Democrats are dotting all over the turncoat putting Spector in a position of power for the time being.

>Another example of why the Foounders
>set up the correct process
>for Sentaors to be APPOINTED
>and not elected. If Spector
>were to have been selected
>by the PA state legislature
>as oringinally designed they could
>kick his sorry butt to
>the curb for deception today!

+1 and there it is. What once was a complex constitutional republic is now a democracy, the vilest form of government cause it always ends in oppression.
In 2001, when Vermont's Jumpin' Jim Jeffords switched from the GOP to the Democrats, handing control of the Senate to the Democrats in the process, none other than Arlen Specter decried the move as unethical and unfair to the voters. "I plan to propose a rule change which would preclude a future recurrence of a senator's change in parties, in midsession, organizing with the opposition, to cause the upheaval which is now resulting," he said then.

In the words of HD, "too funny".

I guess it just all boils down to you can't trust a republican.

First Larry Craig gets kicked out of the closet and now they jump ship to become something else. look out.
Specter Will Be Junior Democrat on Committees
By John Stanton
Roll Call Staff
May 5, 2009, 8:55 p.m.
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Specter Will Be Junior Democrat on Committees

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Despite promises from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) that Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.) would retain his seniority after switching parties, Specter will be put at the end of the seniority line on all his committees but one under a resolution approved on the floor late Tuesday.

Under the modified organizing resolution, Specter will not keep his committee seniority on any of the five committees that he serves on and will be the junior Democrat on all but one ? the chamber?s Special Committee on Aging. On that committee, he will be next to last in seniority.

As a result, Specter ? who as a Republican was ranking member on the Judiciary Committee and a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, as well as ranking member of the panel?s Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education ? will now rank behind all the other Democrats, at least until the end of this Congress.

According to a senior Democratic aide, it remains unclear whether Specter ? who will still retain his seniority in the Senate outside of the committees ? will see a boost in his committee seniority should he be re-elected for the next session. The status of his seniority for the next Congress will be determined once the 112th Congress convenes in 2011, the aide said.

Democrats said that while unrelated, Specter?s comments to the New York Times Magazine this weekend indicating he would support former Sen. Norm Coleman?s (R-Minn.) disputed re-election bid against Al Franken have angered many Democrats.

?Sen. Specter better watch comments like these. They won't help him in the caucus,? a Democratic leadership aide said, adding that the comments have ?caused a lot of heartburn in the caucus.?

David Drucker and Emily Pierce contributed to this report.
great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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