


I bet this one will never see the light of day again. Denzel Washington
needs to get on FOX News or Meet The Press.... even Tim Russert would at
least listen.


Did you see the Denzel Washington interview with Katie Couric on NBC last
Friday morning (13 August 2004)?

Not many people are talking about it. They are wishing it would go away and
are trying to sweep it under the rug.


Meryl Streep and Denzel were on the today show "live" with Katie Couric to
talk about the movie "Manchurian Candidate."

At one point Katie asked Denzel, "have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?" To which
Denzel replied, "No, and I have no intentions on seeing it." Katie and Meryl
were "so noticeably" taken aback! It was so cool!

Then, a discourse (or more preferably, a fight!) began between all three of
them with Denzel being barraged with all kinds of anti-Bush, anti-republican
comments, but "the man stood his ground" and soon enraged the women so much
that they couldn't get a word in edgewise. Meryl Streep turned blood red and
she sat with her legs crossed and her one leg shaking up and down, fuming!
Then Katie uttered the words that put the final nail in her coffin, she said
to Denzel "you see, that's the problem I have with "you people."

She of course did not get to finish her sentence because Denzel pounced on
her verbally by responding "YOU PEOPLE! YOU PEOPLE! Just what do you mean
you people! Do you mean "You People" as in me as a Christian, or do you mean
"You People" as in me as a REPUBLICAN? She then tap danced her way through
the next minute of the show. But Denzel went out fighting and declaring that
Fahrenheit 9/11 is nothing but propaganda and lies distorted to support a
cynical democratic film director's views.

There's a celebrity that deserves to wear the uniform in movies and I don't
mind at all.

The beauty of the internet, an account can be fictionalized and then spread about the world to become truth.

So much manipulation of quotes & embellishment on both sides for sure.... Typical election year BS...

We all should be careful to understand the facts and the true agenda of all candidates prior to voting. True or not (which this account is obviously NOT), I would prefer to cast my vote based on the candidates record and the issues, as opposed to what some third party is saying (or not) in an interview.

I can't wait for the debates!



PS: Get out and VOTE everyone!!!!!
I didnt check out Snopes, but I dont believe a word of this, Denzel W is one of the biggest freeking Liberals to walk the face of the earth.


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