Desert bighorn sheep-San Rafael dirty devil unit


Not asking for location of a ram on the dirty devil unit. What I really want to hear about is the current status of the health of the sheep. I hear from some sources that the unit has had a die off in the recent past. I would like to hear from anybody that has any knowledge that backs that or any information that says otherwise. It's been 7 years since I put hours on the ground in this unit, back then the sheep population seemed good to me. Is it a worthy unit to take a tag for? Thanks for any information you might share.

Good luck to all in the draw
Sounds like you already know you drew a tag. If so, It must have been good enough to apply for so I can't imagine that in two months it wouldn't be good enough to keep.
Very valid point elkantler. Really would like to hear some factual information on the sheep die off. Of course the DWR won't make it public information if their has been a substantial die off. That would be bad for revenue. Anyway I'm going for it full steam ahead on seeing for myself what exists for rams on the unit.
LAST EDITED ON May-17-15 AT 09:57PM (MST)[p]I don't have "factual information" but watching declining tag numbers is a pretty darn good indication that herd numbers are declining... for whatever reason. (predation, disease, etc.) Our last trip down there two years ago, produced a ram for a friend, but it was obvious to us that there are way less sheep than in 2009 when my son had that tag and 6 permits were issued.

Dropping from 6 permits to 2 says that sheep numbers are probably a third of what they were.
>AT 09:57?PM (MST)

>I don't have "factual information" but
>watching declining tag numbers is
>a pretty darn good indication
>that herd numbers are declining...
>for whatever reason. (predation, disease,
>etc.) Our last trip
>down there two years ago,
>produced a ram for a
>friend, but it was obvious
>to us that there are
>way less sheep than in
>2009 when my son had
>that tag and 6 permits
>were issued.
>Dropping from 6 permits to 2
>says that sheep numbers are
>probably a third of what
>they were.

Yep, what he said.
Our experiences overlapped on the unit. Our kids had tags the same year.
I'd still love to sit a few days on a couple of my favorite points and glass-up a ram or two. You too LBH? ... well, not this year, we'll be in a different unit and you'll be up north!

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