Desert Mule Deer hunting tactics


Very Active Member
Hey all,

I thought I would bring up a different discussion, relating to desert Mule Deer hunting.

The reason I ask is because I am looking at a couple areas that are more desert type habitat rather than sage brush / high desert type country that I have hunted the last several years. I just want to try something new and a new challenge. I also want to get away from the rat race that I have been hunting in in regards to having to deal with big mines, private property big wilderness, and lots of people.

The one area that I have my eye on is in central Nevada where the PJ forest meets Mohave desert. One could go from PJ to Joshua tree forest in a matter of a few hundred yards. Sagebrush in one draw, cholla cactus in the next. Low deer density, but plenty of various water sources.

I have been to the area lion hunting, but I was not specifically looking for deer and it has been a few years.

Thoughts, advice?
No. I want to hunt deer, not dream of hunting deer some day. Lol. Looking at 21 and 25. Muzzle loader hunt. I have hunted 6, 10, 14 and 15 for deer and elk the last 15+ years.

I have been down in 21 lion hunting and looking at sheep several times. It has intrigued me for the deer potential as well. Lion hunting was all dry ground.

I have also talked to the biologist for the area today. Mainly looking for specific tactics to hunting that type of country.
....biologist as in "Joe"????....young guy but his dad has taught him well. He would be great help.
Yes. Talked to Joe. Nice guy. Was very helpful in pointing me to some specific questions I had regarding the sheep. He was very helpful with the deer, but there again, I just have never hunted deer in that habitat type before (21 specifically), so I am still debating on applying for that hunt. The area has been "calling" me for a few years, I really have enjoyed myself down there.
Just be like every AZ Strip and old Mexico guide. Ambush them from their only water source after putting up countless f'ing trail cams to establish your hit list. Because that's "hunting." LOL.
I am not familiar with the area you want to hunt, and I am by no means a desert expert. I have killed a couple desert bucks in my time in Arizona.
Feed is critical. Follow the rain, that is where good grass grows and where they will be.
Chad Roberts is probably the best desert mule deer hunter I know. A quick google search will tell you why. He wrote a couple of articles for SKRE clothing about hunting desert mule deer. I would recommend you go and read those. Good luck.
>I am not familiar with the
>area you want to hunt,
>and I am by no
>means a desert expert. I
>have killed a couple desert
>bucks in my time in
>Feed is critical. Follow the rain,
>that is where good grass
>grows and where they will
>Chad Roberts is probably the best
>desert mule deer hunter I
>know. A quick google search
>will tell you why.
>He wrote a couple of
>articles for SKRE clothing about
>hunting desert mule deer. I
>would recommend you go and
>read those. Good luck.

Thank you for that information
Get you a good four wheeler or open jeep. Look into a tag in southwest Arizona,, and don't discount southeast California.

Prepair for some long bone jarring days running the washes,, most times all to yourself.

As mentioned above one good thunder storm twenty miles away can move the deer from one day to the next.

It is a fun way to get a late season hunt in if you have the time.

I love the real desert.
>I think in nevada you will
>hunt mule deer in the
>desert not desert mule deer

I live here. Trust me, it is not all desert like I described above. I have hunted high Alpine, coniferous forest and sagebrush, open canyon type terrain. I have not hunted the Mohave desert landscape for deer, and it has intrigued me some I have been in that country. I am just trying to get some tips on hunting that, maybe open up the discussion in here.

I have looked up the articles that were mentioned above, but I could only find number 2. I have also reached out to Chad Roberts as well.

Thanks for the help.
I too have been considering switching to a more desert area for muley's. I anticipate seeing less numbers of deer overall, however hope the bucks I do see are more mature compared to the the younger deer in the area I usually hunt. I have recently tried tracking bucks in the sand, and have been quite successful at catching up to them, killing them is another story.....hahah.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-17 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]For desert units I've hunted 21 and 26 and 27 in Nevada and 17 in California. I've always found the most deer out in the "flats" away from the high mountains but close to water. Killed a big 5X5 in 21. My buddy and i killed a 29" 4X4 and 28" 3X3 minutes apart in 27

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