Didn't See That Coming


Long Time Member
The Koch brothers saying Hillary might be a better president than the republican contenders is nothing short of unbelievable.

I really doubt she will see any of their money but this is as close to an endorsement as they could possibly come. if you needed any convincing how steep the uphill battle is going to be for the GOP this should do it.

Never say never as they say.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
It seems the very rich money people do favor Hillary. Have you ever wondered why?

>It seems the very rich money
>people do favor Hillary. Have
>you ever wondered why?

Don't let Him BS you RELH!

He knows Exactly why!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
That's easy. she's the most qualified. and it highlights just how unqualified her competition is for the big money republicans to admit it.

They don't like Hillary nobody does. but they didn't get rich by being stupid and they know there isn't an option.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Look at the bright side, if something happens to Hillary you can have Bernie for president. how bad could he be? he's a jew you like them lots and lots.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>That's easy. she's the most qualified.
> and it highlights just
>how unqualified her competition is
>for the big money republicans
>to admit it.
>They don't like Hillary nobody does.
>but they didn't get rich
>by being stupid and they
> know there isn't an
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

They got rich the same way you did knowing how to minipulate the system...duh...o n the silver spoon in mouth didn't hurt either...
Koch said it was "possible". It's quite possible that Jesus Christ will come back today and sit down and have a shot of Crown Royal with Dude tonight. It's possible! 440 is worse than a chit disturbing community organizer. Pathetic post. BTW, it's possibl that if Bernie is elected top dog, our economy will flourish like it's never seen before. It's possible.
You're getting desperate. Koch saying Hillary could be the best president is like Obama saying Cruz might make the best supreme court justice. but to a dipchit it's just a passing comment that means nothing.

What about him saying Bill Clinton was a better president than lil' Bush? I suppose that was just a casual comment he didn't give much thought either ? sure it was.

Read it again retards. he was just shucking and jiving ? sure he was.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
"You're getting desperate. Koch saying Hillary could be the best president is like Obama saying Cruz might make the best supreme court justice. but to a dipchit it's just a passing comment that means nothing. " (Dude)

Very true a lack of understanding at all levels political, social or psychological makes this a passing comment to many on here who don't understand the undertone of that statement. A quick resort of trying to connect Dude to Clinton sexually is about the best that can be accomplished by an uneducated and desperate electorate. The above post shows a lot more than most will admit about the attitude and knowledge in this country.

I don't like and won't vote for Clinton however she probably is the most qualified left in the race.
mata5679 , maybe I do, but I wouldn't trade it for your picture of Rafael above your bed. not that there's anything wrong with that.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The most means more than the others. you tell me who's more qualified.

If she didn't know chit about running a country that would put her two steps ahead of her competition.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
sniff sniff sniff, Hillary's panties have you all sorts of messed up

political pervert on the loose!!!!!
Cornhusker, you voted twice for Obama who was nothing but a well educated con man that failed to carry though on his promises the first time around. Also the second time around after you voted for him again.
Now you are saying you will not vote for Hillary. Does voting for a liar and crook really turn your stomach that much you will for sake your liberal Democrat party?


the question is: with such crappy democrats why aren't the republicans a sure thing?

Answer that one and you will win a prize

Try to stay on the subject here RELH. I did vote for Obama twice and guess what considering McStain or Super Mormon I believe I made a good choice as did the majority of the electorate. It's easy prove to me I didn't make the best choice available.
>Try to stay on the subject
>here RELH. I did
>vote for Obama twice and
>guess what considering McStain or
>Super Mormon I believe I
>made a good choice as
>did the majority of the
>electorate. It's easy prove
>to me I didn't make
>the best choice available.


You Still Think He was the Best Choice?

Corn if you think Obama was the best choice, you do not have a lick of common sense. I can see anyone voting for him the first time hoping he would give them "hope and change". Voting for him a second time was outright stupid.

Nemont, yes the GOP may have short changed their voters, but even an idiot knowns that some of the candidates they put forth is far better then the liar and crook Hillary is and the liberal socialist Sanders who will bankrupt this country if he gets his way. Are you looking for "free college" for your kids also?

The best candidate is the one who wins, if you're not the winner you're a loser, there is no second place prize. Hillary will win.

Corn is right there was no choice in the last few elections and Obama won by default. the GOP outdid themselves again this year and the choices are even worse than last time. so Hillary will win.

If you want to blame this on the voters who had no choice knock yourself out. when you're more partisan than a Koch brother there's your sign.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
If Trump gets past the GOP establishment I would not pick a winner. If Cruz slithers in, it will be Hillary by a landslide.
It won't ever be Cruz, Kasich maybe. but Trump is either going to get the 1237 or be so close it's not funny so giving it to last place Kasich would start a revolt and insure Hillary the whitehouse.

All the polls show Hillary beating Trump. the more he talks the larger her margin will be. such as his speech saying all she has going for her is being a woman, just what a candidate women hate needs to say. he's not as smart as I gave him credit for.

It's win win for me either will do we'll get a conservative liberal or a liberal conservative. it's all good. . but for betting purposes I'm staying with Hillary, the bookies upped her odds again.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
I agree with those scenarios. Game restarts after the Primaries.

Both have more negative stuff that can be posted in reasonable time, so what it will come down to is a popularity contest.

Hillary could lose that.
Trump may surprise everyone once again. The Reagan democrats are flocking to him in huge numbers. Less educated white and working class men. Hillary has to have them and he is scooping them up. Millenials also are saying if it ain't Bernie it might be Trump. They are attracted to his position on jobs and his moderate social positions. They are also for turning Washington upside down. Could be an interesting race.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-16 AT 11:05AM (MST)[p]The reality is Hillsy is the best Republican candidate so far. Hillsy was a self-described Goldwater girl and a former president of the Young Republican Club while attending Wellesley College.

So, not really a giant surprise.
That's a true story. take the racist bigot stuff away from Trump and Hillary might be more of a conservative.

Hillary is the second least popular candidate ever, but the guy who beats here is Trump. I don't think either one will win a popularity contest it's more of who do you hate the least. that's how we do it in America anymore.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The next question is: If either win, could they govern? Given their unfavorable numbers, it is hard to see where either would get anything done or have any political capital to accomplish anything.

At this time it will be hard to say which way the Senate elections will go. This may be a year the polls get it wrong depending on the feelings of the voters.
That fact that a outsider like Trump is gaining in popularity may indicate the voters are in fact tired of the present incumbent politicians, and this present administration, and we may see more then a normal amount of congressmen losing their seats to new comers.

If Trump is able to win his election, I expect the voters to continue that trend towards Congress hoping he will have the majority to pass new bills on the economy and other areas of concern for the voters. We will have to wait and see if the voters are really that fed up with our government.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-16 AT 10:13PM (MST)[p]

Trump is only gaining popularity with republicans, who had been supporting other candidates. that doesn't change the general election.

They're fed up. but not fed up enough to elect someone like Trump. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not but it shows an outsider who wasn't a goof ball probably would have done very well.

What did the FOX say? same thing as I did.


Stay Thirsty My Friends

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