Long Time Member
Notice the rise in taxes from 2013 to today.


Brooke Singman
By Brooke Singman Published August 31, 2017


Americans spent more money on taxes than they did on food and clothing last year, according to data released earlier this week.

In an assessment of ?Consumer Expenditures? for 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the average bill for federal, state and local taxes was $10,489.

By comparison, Americans spent $9,006 on food and clothes, with most of that going toward food. first pointed out the findings. While it may not come as a surprise that American households are shelling out to Uncle Sam, the data showed that bill has risen sharply in recent years -- the average tax bill rose 41 percent overall since 2013.

According to the BLS, federal income taxes rose from $5,743 to $8,367 in that period. State and local income taxes rose from $1,629 to $2,046.

The stats come as President Trump prepares to pressure Congress to pass tax reform. In a Missouri speech on Wednesday, he called for simplifying the system and lowering rates.

"This enormous complexity is very unfair," the president said. "It disadvantages ordinary Americans who don't have an army of accountants while benefiting deep-pocketed special interests."

According to BLS, the largest expense for Americans in 2016 was on ?housing,? costing an average consumer unit $18,886 during the year.

Brooke Singman is a Politics Reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @brookefoxnews.
More "Fake News" from our favorite fake news source. For those that like to live here on Earth...

Your article RELH, like you relies on out of context snippets placed together in a fashion fit neatly into an agenda.

Get out of your bubble and do some research, this is the kind of stuff I expect out of DW or 264.
I think you need to go back and re-read that article you linked to with Factcheck. Read it very slowly so that you can comprehend what it is saying about dates when certain things took place.
It even links the increase the year before 2014 which is 2013. Yes some Republicans supported the increase, just about every single Democrat supported it. bottom line is that taxes are too high for the working person in the middle income bracket. If you are to darn dumb to see that or recognize that, then that is your liberal progressive side showing.
Now if you want you can call the Bureau of Statistics a liar on the information they published. Nothing new from a progressive bent wrist liberal like you.

Are you afraid that if Trump is able to pass a tax bill that will please the voters will insure you liberals will be left behind in the dust?


Yes we need tax reform but what is missing from the debate is how much does the average Household receive from the Federal Government? There is no talk of cutting the spending side down to equal what revenue will be. That just means more debt and high deficits because we cannot grow fast enough generate revenue without cutting spending.

In 2014 spending Per household was nearly $30,000. Of course not every household receives $30,000 but math doesn't lie. Given our Mandatory spending is rapidly increasing and the discretionary budget is being squeezed out, how will lowering taxes result in enough growth to increase revenue enough to matter?

Per household federal debt is about $145,000. No tax cuts will spur enough economic growth to generate the kind of revenue to deal with that problem without major cuts to spending. Even if the Discretionary budget was cut to zero, growth in mandatory spending and interest payments would eat up every dollar generated.

So we need massive reform on taxes and spending but sadly we most likely won't get either.

Given that every deduction has powerful political supporters it is hard to see how they simplify the tax code and bring down rates.

>Yes we need tax reform but
>what is missing from the
>debate is how much does
>the average Household receive from
>the Federal Government? There
>is no talk of cutting
>the spending side down to
>equal what revenue will be.
> That just means
>more debt and high deficits
>because we cannot grow fast
>enough generate revenue without cutting
>In 2014 spending Per household was
>nearly $30,000. Of course
>not every household receives $30,000
>but math doesn't lie.
> Given our Mandatory spending
>is rapidly increasing and the
>discretionary budget is being squeezed
>out, how will lowering taxes
>result in enough growth to
>increase revenue enough to matter?
>Per household federal debt is about
>$145,000. No tax cuts
>will spur enough economic growth
>to generate the kind of
>revenue to deal with that
>problem without major cuts to
>spending. Even if
>the Discretionary budget was cut
>to zero, growth in mandatory
>spending and interest payments would
>eat up every dollar generated.
>So we need massive reform on
>taxes and spending but sadly
>we most likely won't get
>Given that every deduction has powerful
>political supporters it is hard
>to see how they simplify
>the tax code and bring
>down rates.

That's the elephant in the room.

Just like you can't talk immigration reform without enforceable borders, you can't talk deficit reduction without spending cuts.
FTW, the link that you posted in your dramatic, sarcastic response to RELH has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this discussion. You're so quick to try to show your superior intellectual talent that you end up stepping on your ##### because you didn't pay attention to the topic.

RELH never said the Democrats raised everyone's taxes because of Obamacare as your link refutes as well. The topic of this discussion is that Americans paid more in taxes to the government than they spent on food and clothing. RELH simply points out this FACT and asks if we need tax reform.

I know you think that if it wasn't for you that we wouldn't even have this forum and that you should be in the MM Hall of Fame but nobody else thinks you're as smart or important as you do. Stop trying to be the smartest guy in the world and answer the question. It's fine if you're pointing out fake news but if you're going to "try" to claim fake news, at least make sure the news is fake first.
Like on everything else empirical wizard isn't going to get chit done here.

But what if he does? is running the debt up faster than Obama now the " conservative " plan to make amerce great again? because that will absolutely be the result.

Debt is good again I suppose . it hard to keep up with the ever changing republican nonsense.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Sep-03-17 AT 01:39AM (MST)[p]Ay-ay-ay...time to break out the round tip scissors and crayons.

"RELH never said the Democrats raised everyone's taxes because of Obamacare as your link refutes as well. The topic of this discussion is that Americans paid more in taxes to the government than they spent on food and clothing."

But, but, "RELH never said"...Shut up!

Oh no! The outrage, sound the alarms what will we do? Help us our diapers are filled look at those numbers.

Settle down ladies

The link is reminder of the dreaded Fiscal Cliff that expired on 12/31/2012 when some of the Temporary Bush Tax Cuts that ended along with Obama's reduced payroll taxes. It also notes how the Senate voted on the bill itself.

As RELH predictably and incorrectly spewed out "Yes some Republicans supported the increase, just about every single Democrat supported it."

"Some Republicans" huh? Try 40 out of 45 Republicans voted for it..."Some", indeed, dipchit.

Oh and by the way "Average Americans" a term worthy of understanding using a skewed metric, have been paying more for Taxes than food & clothing since 1992 you excitable morons.

It really has gotten to the point that you children are so challenged that you need your hands held on everything.

Would you like to me explain what the Fiscal Cliff was too?

I'm telling you that article is skewed in about 27 ways but there are 3 main things to note and they are:

1. It shows the years 2013-2016 Why? Easy, it indirectly points to the Obama Administration while omitting the history of Taxes vs Food & Apparel.

2. It takes into account most morons apparently do not remember that there are many other factors such as but not limited to some of the BTTC that ended, temporary payroll tax reductions ending, massive gains in income and new/restored taxes due to the end of BTTC at the top income brackets.

3. It's a story from a Fox Reporter referring to a sensationalized headline when in fact it is a nothing burger put out by a right-wing media crap factory like CNS. Media tailored for challenged and masochistic minds.

Gee, let's check CNS' Media Bias

Well fook me, what a shock! Imagine that, yet another biased story designed to catch the attention of desperate fake conservatards like RELH's, no agenda there, no siree. Didn't fool you though did it Forkie, that's why you called it out? Oh wait, you bought into it too.

Predictably Nemont is in good company and shares a very informed opinion on the long running subject matter, one shared by Buffet which is to focus on addressing spending cuts, given the statistic SINCE 1992!

By the way Forkie, you can add The Campfire on your wee little list too. Is there anything else I can assist you with in understanding the world around you today? Would you like a detailed account of how skewed the numbers are and the difference between the "Average American" and most tax paying Americans in computing these figures.

I will be more than happy to do it for both you and RELH since it is quite apparent that you both lack the comprehensive skills or the ability to research and understand just about anything you have an opinion on.

Oh, that's right Forkie you never have an opinion other than making failed attempts to throw shade my way. Get your checkbook ready and double up your aluminum can collecting.

Get off the porn, get informed, try using your computer to do just a little research at least once.
Man WTF you are an arrogant ******** azzhole. Please show us your wall mounts and at least one Geo Soros pay stub.
You really don't want to talk about president tiny hands do you?

Do you think he'll get tax reform done? if you'll talk about it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So where is the tax reform we were promised ? the same place as the obamcare replacement we were promised? ?

If tax reform happens at all will it be meaningful or just for the fat cats ? Grover says it's a must do or 2018 will be a bloodbath for republicans. do you feel lucky?

Is Trump ever going to lead or is he just going to keep campaigning at klan rallys ? put up or shut up.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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