Doctor terrorist in Britain



The war in Iraq is about to wind down like it or not but this latest event in Britain is proof it really doesn't matter. look at these terrorist, most of them were doctors from the middle east. educated and articulate people, not very good terrorist but determined. we've had foiled terror plans here in the US also, if you needed proof terrorism doesn't begin or end in Iraq you have it.

Law enforcment is the only way to fight terrorism, no amount of military action will stop it. I don't like to sound racist but racial profiling will 100% justified to keep a lid on this ,it's obvious when doctors become terrorist we have no choice.
I had the opportunity to sit down and discuss the Iraqi situation with my Daughters boyfriend. He is a West Point graduate and served 2 tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. (Non-combat engineer) Anyway, he pointed out something I hadn't really considered. The reason these terror plots are failing is because the military and intelligence community are very good at locating and destroying the terrorist training camps and capturing or killing their leaders. They really don't have a chance to organize and train the way they would like to. In fact it is his opinion that the 9/11 terrorists just got real lucky.

That point of view makes sense to me and it made me think we (The US) must maintain our vigilance and continue to target terrorist organizations where ever they are found. I still believe it is a huge mistake committing our troops and resources to the impossible task of establishing a democracy in Iraq. I do not argue that there are terrorist organizations in Iraq, however I do question whether that is our objective in Iraq. In the interest of disengaging ourselves from this costly mistake it seems to me the logical thing to do is pull our troops back into a defensive position and strategically target specific terrorist cells in the whole region. Sooner or later the Iraqis are going to have to defend themselves. (That last statement makes me crazy because in a Tribal society I have no idea who ?they? are and who is defending what) If they fail, so be it we tried. Our 1st obligation should be the defense of our Nation and of our allies.


Where have you been for the past 20 years. a simple check of past terrorist leaders would have show you that they are educated and many of them were doctors. It is no surprise about well educated persons being terrorists. They crave power as much or more then the average person, but they send other poor misguided souls to become the martyrs.

There's a big difference between telling someone to blow themselves up and actually doing it yourself. my point is it may be time to admit if doctors are blowing themselves up that law enforcement needs more priority and recources to monitor and stop these people before they act. I feel sorry for the good law abiding middle eastern people of the world but these days I think if they venture away from home they're going to have to get used to being watched, all of them. I'm not sure we can be as politically correct as we'ld like to be on this issue any longer, this is the world we live in for now.
Thanks to the Lefties they have made Political correctness a huge factor in every move we make anymore.
Racial profiling is not racist Dude so why apologise for it? Political correctness has no place in our scociety and needs to be shut down at every turn.
I mean if green martians between the ages of 20 and 40 were killing folks on a regular basis why in the H would go out and profile white middle aged women for this crime?
I give.... you win! Some of you people are so narrow minded and focused on left & right, Bush or Clinton that you can't carry on a civil conversation much less an intelligent one!

Rus and Dude;

This whole "fighting Terrorists" is a very very complicated matter. This is something that has to be confronted on several fronts, military, home security, religion, and the winning of "hearts and souls".
I agree the military is strongly needed to supress the terrorists at their home grounds and training areas. there should also be measures taken to remove their radical leaders, and try to replace them with moderate thinking leaders. That in itself is a very sticky situation that can backfire on us.
As to the homefront, Yes we need to use profiling to catch the persons who are more then likely to be the terrorist that is planning a disaster. We also need to give up certain "rights" to allow our goverment the means to stop a terrorist attack before it happens. I believe this can be done with guidelines in place that will prevent abuse of our rights.But, there are some persons that will be unwilling to give up or lessen any of their rights for any reason, and they will scream about it.
We must use short term goals to stop any immediate threat and use long term goals to lesson the problem in the future, this will involve the possibilty of changing the goverments in certain countries as we have done in Afganistan and Iraq.
This whole thing is so complicated that mistakes will be made, we need to learn from those mistakes and try another course of action. It will be many years before we can say that we won the war on terrorists. We failed to take action for many years and now we must take action or face further attacks.
I do not have all the answers, nor does anyone else on this forum. We better have leaders that will have the answers, and the strenght to implement those answers even if it runs against public opinion.


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