Drew ewe rifle tag in CO


O for 80 by now on ram draws out West but did draw a ewe tag this week for southern Colorado. If I connect, I will display it next to the mountain goat. Maybe someday will have a ram to keep them company!

Any tips on field judging ewes? I will not hunt one with a spring lamb but otherwise not sure how to sort out which ewe to hunt.
Congrats on your tag. S15 by chance?

I've hunted Colorado ewes 3X. And BTW, the ewe seasons are set late enough, so that any lambs orphaned will be fine. With good optics you can judge a ewe's age by the horn growth rings. But I wouldn't fret much about what ewe to shoot. There's not that much increase in the horn size after they reach about 3 years old anyway. Be aware there are often yearling rams in the ewe groups. They can be easy to mistake for a ewe if you're not paying close attention. You wouldn't want to dump a yearling ram by mistake.

Good luck with your hunt....any sheep hunt is a blast to me.
Agree with Sticksender that the lambs should be fine by the time the season starts. We would like you to take a "dry" ewe if possible though (one without a lamb) as they aren't contributing to the herd so to speak. It will add a little more fun/challenge to the hunt having to study them to make the right decision versus harvesting the first one you come across. Good luck....I'm sure you'll have a good time.

Read up a bit over the weekend and the ewes tend to have a less dark coat than rams and they urinate crouching while rams lean forwards. If get a view of the rear then should help with i.d. if yearling ram has dropped.

Assume several years of growth rings yet small horns would i.d. a ewe.

A few YouTube ewe vids so will watch them as well.

Definitely will be seeking a dry ewe that is older.
I've never hunted a ewe but I'm certainly not opposed to doing it. Maybe Montana has a tag for me in the future.
The yearling rams I've seen in Colorado seem to have bases that are obviously larger than the ewe's horns. At least along the Arkansas river where I hunted sheep.
Have fun,
Congratulations Outdoors,

I drew a Ewe tag in unit 32 first rifle as my second choice. I am planning on hunting with my bow. I too am interested in any information on hunting Ewes that others are willing to share.

Good luck on your hunt!

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