Early Nonresident elk drawing comes to an end.


Long Time Member
As expected by many of us in the recent past, the Wy G&F Commission voted this month to move the early NR elk drawing from Feb to May.

Finally common sense prevails!
Has it been decided as to what the application period/deadline will now be for non-resident elk?
Guessing it will go until March at least?
Wonder when it may take effect, but probably not until 2020.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-18 AT 10:07PM (MST)[p]
The conversation I thought I heard was to leave app opening at Jan 1 and leave the app closure where it is; end of may. Outfitters were ok with the draw moving provided the Jan app period stayed. They still needed to draft the regulation. Discussion starts at the 4 hour mark on the YouTube video. I posted on bowsite a few days ago and they're all twisted up.


Any reason they didn't move the appl period to the end of March (after the winter counts are final) for both Ressy's and Non-Ressy's? Elk, Deer, Antelope

Then have the draw results out by the end of April?

All applicants would know early and not mid-Summer-ish?


LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-18 AT 08:07AM (MST)[p]Robb,

The winter counts are completed in March. The G&F determines seasons and tag numbers and presents them to the Commission at the April meeting. They are discussed, hashed out and voted on at that April Meeting, then apps are submitted in May.

I would imagine there is some room for moving that date up a bit earlier but I wouldn't think it would be months but rather weeks. The Commission likes to give the public the opportunity to speak about seasons and tag numbers (re. remember Robb Wiley regarding NR G&H tag numbers). Not being a member of the group that works the process I am hesitant to say that they could do it faster. Given how reactionary and foolish so many other states are with tag numbers (Utah I am looking at you) I don't mind the wait if it results in better data to support tag numbers.
I think it's great also...
Does anyone think this will change the analytics in people?s application process?
Meaning, not knowing if they have a tag yet when other states deadlines are due?
Could change things up a bit???
If they leave the app closing date the same, they will need to allow app modifications or all this is a waste of time. The big problem they are having now is when tentative seasons and types change after the early drawing, when the wildlife mangers make the real season settings. Allowing modifications will eliminate the headaches.
This is a horrible move. Wyoming was the one sure app every year as you knew before almost all other apps were due.

All the talk of types was the mess Wyoming creates by having cow and type 1 tags come in half way through the type 9 hunts. Simple fix, just make archery either type 1 or type 9 and stop with the nonsense of changing things up after the draw.

Another option is to simply be conservative with tag numbers in the draw and call up the next in line if quota's are increased in April. That way only a small percentage of tag recipients will know at a late date and have the option to refuse at that date. I'm sure the next guy in line will be more than happy to get the call.

Just my $0.02

Cheers, Pete
>If they leave the app closing
>date the same, they will
>need to allow app modifications
>or all this is a
>waste of time. The big
>problem they are having now
>is when tentative seasons and
>types change after the early
>drawing, when the wildlife mangers
>make the real season settings.
>Allowing modifications will eliminate the

In listening to them I believe they are just going to add NR Elk to what they already have. App period opens Jan 1 and closing will be May 31 for Antelope/Deer/Elk.
>>If they leave the app closing
>>date the same, they will
>>need to allow app modifications
>>or all this is a
>>waste of time. The big
>>problem they are having now
>>is when tentative seasons and
>>types change after the early
>>drawing, when the wildlife mangers
>>make the real season settings.
>>Allowing modifications will eliminate the
>In listening to them I believe
>they are just going to
>add NR Elk to what
>they already have. App period
>opens Jan 1 and closing
>will be May 31 for

Didn't they say a May drawing?
>Didn't they say a May drawing?

I believe they are referring to the current Antelope/Deer draw as the May drawing. Nesvik could provide some clarity.
I don't like this at all. Was always nice to be able to send in for Wyoming elk and know if you drew before the other states draws. Who thinks this is a good idea for a non ressy????
Nobody thinks it's a good idea for the NR. but nobody cares about the NR except the outfitters . they pick their battles and this isn't one.

I don't like it but it's not going to change my plans.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Drawing licenses before quotas and seasons are even set is crazy. Not to mention it goes against Wyoming?s own regulations if I understand ithem correctly. How it got by this long I do not know. Not to beat a dead horse but as mentioned earlier game counts and recommendations to the commission aren't completed and set until April. Do I like waiting longer to find out if I drew a tag? Well no but it is the correct thing to do. And yes I'm a NR.

C3 - what if the opposite of your proposal happened and less tags were available for non resident LQ after the numbers were set? Who is going turn their tag back in? I'm pretty sure this has happened in the past and it resulted in NR?s exceeding the quota set in the regulations. JM77 or someone else may be able to chime in on this.
I'm sure it's a done deal, but it sure was nice when I would draw that early elk tag and be able to schedule the rest of my hunt applications around it. If they don't change it until 2020 I wonder if a bunch NRs will try to cash out points in 2019 just to take advantage of it one least time.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-18 AT 07:59PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-18 AT 07:26?PM (MST)

Setting the nr elk quota prior to the commission meeting is allowed under the Chapter 44 regulations.
Changing quotas after the nr draw, resulting in less than the required 84% resident quota has also been addressed I believe, thru the efforts of jeff and buzz. Another fix required because of this early draw, which is nothing but a pain in the ass for the dept.
>This is a horrible move.
>Wyoming was the one sure
>app every year as you
>knew before almost all other
>apps were due.
>All the talk of types was
>the mess Wyoming creates by
>having cow and type 1
>tags come in half way
>through the type 9 hunts.
> Simple fix, just make
>archery either type 1 or
>type 9 and stop with
>the nonsense of changing things
>up after the draw.
>Another option is to simply be
>conservative with tag numbers in
>the draw and call up
>the next in line if
>quota's are increased in April.
> That way only a
>small percentage of tag recipients
>will know at a late
>date and have the option
>to refuse at that date.
> I'm sure the next
>guy in line will be
>more than happy to get
>the call.
>Just my $0.02
>Cheers, Pete

I agree. Nice t know you do or do not have an elk tag so you can decide on other states.
Its all competition for hunter $, Wyoming used to get first swipe at the money now they will be in line with everyone else.
>Its all competition for hunter $,
>Wyoming used to get first
>swipe at the money now
>they will be in line
>with everyone else.

The early draw for NR elk in Wyoming had nothing to do with "competition for hunter $" by the state. The early draw was requested by outfitters so they would have several months to recruit hunters.

If it's gonna push the application deadline farther out, then I'm all for it.
Yes, it will hopefully solve some potential problems with season quotas. But, it will give poor guys like me a couple extra months to save and scrimp up the tag money.
Do some of you actually think Wyoming won't sell all it's NR elk tags because of this change?

LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-18 AT 04:59AM (MST)[p]Good deal, now the regs can all be finalized for everyone and a few Non-resident can't complain they don't get to hunt big bulls on spike only tags!!!
Wyoming could hold the draw on September 1st and we would sell every elk tag...fact.

This was a needed move to allow the commission to approve the final quotas and seasons PRIOR to the draw.

I never talked to a single field biologist that wasn't very much in favor of moving the NR elk draw.

It made no sense to conduct a drawing prior to the elk classification, population estimates, and harvest data to be available.

For those that aren't happy about knowing early, I get it, but sound biology takes the priority.
I like it too. To soon after Xmas and late hunts where you spend alot of $. This gives you more time to recover $ wise and more time to choose where.. Mainly I like the time for $.........BULL.
>Wyoming could hold the draw on
>September 1st and we would
>sell every elk tag...fact.
>This was a needed move to
>allow the commission to approve
>the final quotas and seasons
>PRIOR to the draw.
>I never talked to a single
>field biologist that wasn't very
>much in favor of moving
>the NR elk draw.
>It made no sense to conduct
>a drawing prior to the
>elk classification, population estimates, and
>harvest data to be available.
>For those that aren't happy about
>knowing early, I get it,
>but sound biology takes the
>As expected by many of us
>in the recent past, the
>Wy G&F Commission voted this
>month to move the early
>NR elk drawing from Feb
>to May.
>Finally common sense prevails!

I don't like it. Hopefully deer and antelope will be later and not at the same time.
This is BAD for guys like me that have to schedule vacation from work. The way it is now if I don't draw elk I have time to change my vacation and apply for deer and antelope, I won't be able to do that if it all comes out in May! This stinks!!
>If some of you whiners only
>knew what this might do
>for you next year. :D

Ya, I may not be able to hunt at all because of it!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-18 AT 01:48PM (MST)[p]I'm not really sure how much this will increase nonresident drawing odds. Maybe applicants will be more selective with their applications (deer, elk, and pronghorn) if they have to submit them together. That could possibly make some elk tags slightly easier to draw. Maybe it will carry over to deer and pronghorn too.
>>If some of you whiners only
>>knew what this might do
>>for you next year. :D
>Ya, I may not be able
>to hunt at all because
>of it!

You could always apply for another state that has a Feb elk drawing and a deer and antelope draw in June.

Oh wait, there isn't one....
Bumping this back up to the top. It looks to me like nothing changed for this year. Is that correct? Still a NR elk application deadline of January 31st and drawing to occur in February again. Am I missing something?
>Bumping this back up to the
>top. It looks to
>me like nothing changed for
>this year. Is that
>correct? Still a NR
>elk application deadline of January
>31st and drawing to occur
>in February again. Am
>I missing something?

The change to the later May application and June draw dates to match residents will be made for the 2020 season and everything stays the same for 2019.
>The change to the later May
>application and June draw dates
>to match residents will
>be made for the 2020
>season and everything stays the
>same for 2019.

I hope to have burned my max points by then so perfect!!! :)
This only makes biological sense and perfect sense from the residents perspective. I'm surprised it took this long.

I like the early draw (as I am an NR) but there's no valid reason for it and a couple guys I trust have long told me what a cluster this has been.

Will the odds change? I doubt it will impact them more than .0001%. Guys who want to hunt will still apply in this wonderful State.

Of course all the tags will get sold! It's silly to think otherwise.


No thank !!! draw early!!! 1st line up for the year.... tag or no tag.... may limit yearly opportunity to apply, Wy may become a designated hunt instead of one of the 1st on the list... Could help the point creep less app...... DO NOT CHANGE...... need to cash some points
>This only makes biological sense and
>perfect sense from the residents
>perspective. I'm surprised it took
>this long.
>I like the early draw (as
>I am an NR) but
>there's no valid reason for
>it and a couple guys
>I trust have long told
>me what a cluster this
>has been.
>Will the odds change? I doubt
>it will impact them more
>than .0001%. Guys who want
>to hunt will still apply
>in this wonderful State.
>Of course all the tags will
>get sold! It's silly to
>think otherwise.

I would bet this will change odds. I, for one, apply most years only because I can know the results prior to other applications. Having limited time to hunt, I play the game, apply and when not drawn will move on to other applications. I am much more likely to stay on the sidelines in the future. I can't be the only one thinking this way. Not arguing that the process shouldn't change, just arguing that the odds may shift for non-resident apps. My 2 cents...
I'm not sure how it will affect NR elk odds.

I think NR antelope got a little harder to draw after they moved the application deadline from March to May. I also think some top areas have had tag numbers lowered too which can hurt odds

If it does change the odds it won't be anything significant in the real world. It might shift some draws 1%.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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