Easier plan than Bess


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-19 AT 06:50AM (MST)[p]Bess got to whine. I read all about all the deer tags we need to cut. More LE, yada yada.

So here's my very simple Utah Deer plan.

100,000 primitive weapon tags.

60/40 split muzzy/archery

No. GS rifle tags

Rifles in LE and CWMU

Put in for LE OR GS, not both

Trail cam season Jan 1 to Aug 1

Baiting gone. FLIR gone.
2 way, gone

No electronics ON bow(garmin).

Adopt Colorado muzzy rules for guns

Mandatory survey or no tag next year


Success rate drop. Tags INCREASE, DWR gets revenue. Trophy hunters get to choose if they actually will not hunt deer to draw a trophy unit with LE or GS but not both.

Ends LR. Ends electronics. Ends point creep.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-19 AT 09:39AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-19 AT 09:35?AM (MST)

Success rate goes down? I believe that's already the case.
I do agree with the muzzy comment and I own one of the scoped long range muzzleloaders myself. Fortunately the last few years I haven't seen anything worth shooting at so I unload my gun each year on the same rock s as we're leaving camp.
The electronics on bows likely hasn't had much impact on the deer herds.
Being a transplant back to Utah after being gone for 24 years (military) my wife and I started attending the numerous foundation banquet expos. I was SHOCKED at how many tags outside the draw are donated and raffled off. Our draw makes it seem as though we are managing some areas but it seems there are many more tags for those areas if you have lots of money.
I'm sure the are many more landowner?s tags out there also.
The LE or GS makes sense also. Pick your poison.
Sooo no GS rifle tags does that mean there will be no archery or muzzle loader tags for le hunts I could probably live with that
Ya. No gun season.

Mainly because you can't limit them.

You want more DEER and more bucks from the hunting side you lower odds.

Easy to control bows with let off, lbs, ECT. Same with muzzy. Can't hit what you can't see, open sights stop LR.

The biggest change though SHOULD be GS or LE.

Keep reading the trophy hunters yapping about cutting tags for more trophy. Should be the opposite. Let guys not hunt to get a chance to trophy hunt. In other words, let them self select. Point creep would end, because im betting that for all the big talk, few guys would sit out deer hunting for decades to draw a LE tag.

We ain't growing more land. We ain't plowing up any roads. And you younger guys keep breeding those gals. So. If you want to hunt deer it gets harder. I'm betting you'll survive. You might even realize it's fun.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Well Hoss!

You Accomplished one thing!

Ridgetops Can't Hunt the Way He Wants to anymore!

Hawkins or Cedar Shaft & Obsidian Broadhead!

Did You Outlaw Baiting?

There's alot of Mastur's around here!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
> Well Hoss!
>You Accomplished one thing!
>Ridgetops Can't Hunt the Way He
>Wants to anymore!
>Hawkins or Cedar Shaft & Obsidian
>Did You Outlaw Baiting?
>There's alot of Mastur's around here!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

I couldn't afford a Hawkins.

My was a New England arms .50

Still in gun safe.

I had a blast with it. Hunted in Nov. Usually weather screwed you but it was fun. Pretty much like bowhunting range wise.

I promise guys would survive not having their .750 super mag and 20x50 FLIR scope.

The 6.5 creedmore guys would need to hit the barber and lop off those man buns, and White Claw and Starbucks might take a hit as dudes discover their manhood. But you could increase tags, kill fewer deer.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
The 6.5 creedmore guys would need to hit the barber and lop off those man buns, and White Claw and Starbucks might take a hit as dudes discover their manhood. But you could increase tags, kill fewer deer.

LMAO, now that's funny!! But oh so true!!!
Bessy, I'll still do just fine hunting the way I want and I'll still be killing more mature bucks in upcoming years but hey, let's do whatever it takes for you road hunters to see more trophy bucks from the road.
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