Eberlestock packs tearing out!



Just bought a gunslinger 2 and a G4 and both are already ripping out. The gunslinger is ripping out at the shoulder straps and the G4 is ripping out at the center strap that hooks around the pack. Piss poor sewing and customer service. Called them to get them fixed and it will take 3 months! I have more hunts coming up and NO pack!! I am beyond disappointed with these packs. On top of that, the new packs they have come out with have the rifle sling off to one side which makes the pack lopsided and the hole to fit the rifle down is too small and NONE of my rifles would fit.
Total disgust with Eberlestock. Each pack was used on onr hunt. Just one hunt! Never carried over 25lbs in either pack.
Anyone recommend any other brand of packs that are worth a damn that can carry a rifle?
Badlands has been my choice of pack for years. Check them out! If you live in the SLC area you can stop by their office off of 8100 s and 1300 w.

Which Mystery ranch pack and badlands packs do you guys use?
I have the spunky monkey mystery ranch pack and love it. I've hauled some big loads in it.. way beyond the rating. I have no experience with any of their other packs though.
Im looking to do some backpack in hunting and some day hunting. My rifle weights around 13 pounds + daily hunting equipment puts me near 20+ pounds.
Thanks for the info!
btw, anyone used the new Kuiu backpacks?
I've been using a horn hunter the last few years. Great pack, has a rifle pocket on both sides of the pack.
I am really surprised by the ripping!
But I am not surprised by the lack of support. I have had the same experience.
BadLands, Mystery Ranch, KUIU, Kifaru all have great products and very good Customer Service.
Where did you buy the packs? The retailer should take them back and give you replacements.
Good luck man!

Unfortunately I bought the packs from sportsmans, I used to work for them and they wont take the packs back. 30 day return policy. Told me to call eberlestock. Wish REI carried these packs. If I bought it from them I would have two new packs already. I noticed the packs I have were made in Vietnam. Quality control issues I think and trying to save a buck by out sourcing.
I'll be passing through Bozeman soon and will stop at Mystery Ranch.
I'll never buy an eberlestock again.
I have left 2 messages with Eberlestock in the last 3 weeks and still haven't got a return phone. call. Called blacks creek last week and there customer service was great. Blacks creek has my business and I will refer my friends also. Customer service is very important.
The Eberlestocks they carry are junk compared to the ones you buy directly from Elerlestock,thats why they can sell them so much cheaper.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-11 AT 02:55PM (MST)[p]DREAMIN.....quote:I noticed the packs I have were made in Vietnam. Quality control issues I think and trying to save a buck by out sourcing.

They have been made in Vietnam for some time now much like a lot of other outdoor sports items. If you look at one pack real close and all the stitching that has to be done it is no wonder WHY the packs are made overseas. My friend is an Auto Uphostery and when he looked at one in RENO about 6 years ago and spoke with the OWNER, he told Eberle that there is no way he could make that pack with all that sewing and turn around and sell it for the show price.

Just my 2 cents on the subject. I had one but never used it as it did not fit my torso right and sold it earlier this year.

One of our MM members was a Rep and selling them but has since stopped for some other reason I don't remember now.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-11 AT 07:06PM (MST)[p]No idea on customer service because I haven't needed it.

I bought my J34 used from a guy that bought it at Sportsmans Warehouse (it had the tag in one of the pockets).

I've hunted out of it for 2 years now. Approximately 30 days with the pack in the field. Packed out parts of 5 elk and 2 full mule deer. Heaviest loads were pushing 100lbs, maybe a touch over.

Pack has some blood stains on it, but other than that it could pass for new.
Sold them for years, happens more often than one would think. I thought they had the problem addressed in recent years, apparently not.
Dreamingbouthuntin, I have been using the 2800 for years, also have used the 2200 in the past. if you are looking at doing a few days in the backcountry I would look into something a little bigger like the 4500 or the OX pack.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-11 AT 08:59AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-11 AT 08:58?AM (MST)

I have my own pack, a Badlands 2200 and have always thought it was a good pack. This year on the deer hunt I didn't bring it for some stupid reason and ended up shooting a deer and used a friends Mystery Ranch (not sure of model) to haul my deer out.

After that pack experience I have to say that Badlands is a GREAT pack.

The Mystery Ranch has straps that are too narrow and cut into your shoulders and have no internal support at all. It felt as if the pack was falling over backwards the whole time.

If you want to pack weight and have it sit on your back comfortably, (well as comfotable as 100+ pounds can feel) get a Badlands.

I have had no experience with the other packs mentioned, just wanted to let you know my experiences with the two I have.
Thanks, I need all the info and reviews on packs I can get. Id hate to put a bunch of money into a pack and not be happy with it or have to work for the things im looking to do.
I saw kuiu is having a sale on their packs, but it ends today.
I use the Eberlestock Just One pack and love it. In fact I have a second that my son uses, and two hunting partners use them as well. We've packed everything from moose in alaska, to elk in WY, mountain goat in MT, and the list goes on. Dozens of animals and no problems. When I finally broke a buckle by slamming it in the truck door (stupid), I had a replacement sent my way the same week. I was very pleased with their customer service.
I used to have a Badlands 2800 which literally pulled apart on a sheep hunt. The main shoulder strap pulled out of the pack, making it quite useless. Badlands replaced the pack some weeks later, but it wasn't much help on the trip.
My main point is that all manufacturers get returns and customer service calls. It is part of the retail business. Evaluate how the packs work for your needs and good luck with the pack of your choice. I put all my gear through several "shake down" trips before relying on it when out in the back country.

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