Elk 16-1 be hunting elk there this year


Seeing if any of my WY friends have any thoughts or input. Plan on doing some solo hunting up there in both seasons. Hoping my son can meet up with me a few days as well.

If decent weather will probably pack in as part of the plan. I doubt if it is an option, but, also interested in paying trespass fee to access public land. this seems to be a thing of the past, but, cant hurt to ask.

Thanks in advance for any intel.
Man Buzz is a douche. Good luck in 16 congrats on the draw. Maybe you will run into Buzz and see if he’s as tough as he is behind a keyboard.
Its odd that people complain about everything Wyoming and then apply???

Tired of it.

Nothing I said isn't true...or helpful for those that savvy elk hunting.

I mean Q only controls the best elk hunting in the unit, and only 560,000 acres, why is it wrong to point that out?

Wouldn't you think it would have been wise to ask such questions PRIOR to drawing a tag?
Pay to hunt Q creek.

Shocked you applied with all the whining you do about Wyoming.

Man up and cross a few corners.
I guess you just cant help yourself.
Been running across pukes like you all my life. Always talking crap, and provoking when its not face to face. Internet tough guys.
Funny, when I see clowns like you in person they are meek as a mouse.
What kind of pathetic childhood creates losers like you. Didn't your dad spend enough time with you?
If you want to stalk my posts like the random internet weirdo you are be my guest. Just know I wont ignore your crap like a lot of people on here have. I dont like internet blow hards.

Consider being a man, and if you got something negative to say to me do it to my face.
I guess you just cant help yourself.
Been running across pukes like you all my life. Always talking crap, and provoking when its not face to face. Internet tough guys.
Funny, when I see clowns like you in person they are meek as a mouse.
What kind of pathetic childhood creates losers like you. Didn't your dad spend enough time with you?
If you want to stalk my posts like the random internet weirdo you are be my guest. Just know I wont ignore your crap like a lot of people on here have. I dont like internet blow hards.

Consider being a man, and if you got something negative to say to me do it to my face.
Oh, I can handle myself in person just fine...seen it.

Nobody is talking tough, calling names, etc. but you, that's telling and very mature of you.
You come across as a D!ck

Just an observation, and I have no dog in this hunt.

You want to hunt the best bulls in 16...hire Q creek or man up and cross corners. But, hey, if you know better, offer up your advice.

How is that being a D!ck?

Just curious.
Its odd that people complain about everything Wyoming and then apply???

Tired of it.

Nothing I said isn't true...or helpful for those that savvy elk hunting.

I mean Q only controls the best elk hunting in the unit, and only 560,000 acres, why is it wrong to point that out?

Wouldn't you think it would have been wise to ask such questions PRIOR to drawing a tag?
I hunted the Q for a day. In the first 2 hours on the ranch I saw 1100 elk. 1000 visible from a single vantage point. Great place to hunt elk but even they will tell ya don't pass a 330 on the Q probably the biggest you'll see. Owner has a 100k acre block all to himself even the paying customers aren't allowed to set foot on it. Man I'd love to hunt that again...good luck on the tag, some outstanding archery hunting mid sep on the border of the Q where it meets NF. Elk cross the Q in the morning to go bed. Know a guy and his buddy went 3 for 3 archery there in 36 hrs. One guy watched 18 branch antlered bulls cross the Q onto public. Shoot last and biggest one...320.
I have no reason not to believe your advice is spot on. It probably is….. It’s the rest of the unnecessary sniping at Paul that’s D!ckish…. You’re probably an OK dude, I give you the benefit of the doubt, along with most of the guys around here.
I hunted the Q for a day. In the first 2 hours on the ranch I saw 1100 elk. 1000 visible from a single vantage point. Great place to hunt elk but even they will tell ya don't pass a 330 on the Q probably the biggest you'll see. Owner has a 100k acre block all to himself even the paying customers aren't allowed to set foot on it. Man I'd love to hunt that again...good luck on the tag, some outstanding archery hunting mid sep on the border of the Q where it meets NF. Elk cross the Q in the morning to go bed. Know a guy and his buddy went 3 for 3 archery there in 36 hrs. One guy watched 18 branch antlered bulls cross the Q onto public. Shoot last and biggest one...320

I would smash my rifle into little pieces on the nearest rock I could find killing a 330 bull on the Q, because it would have been on accident.

You want to hunt the best bulls in 16...hire Q creek or man up and cross corners. But, hey, if you know better, offer up your advice.

How is that being a D!ck?

Just curious.
Stop the victim BS. Dont pretend what you just posted is the issue. I made a mild post on a different thread and like the blow hard you are, you made a big deal out of it.
Like all bullies, you hate it when confronted, and then act like you did nothing wrong.
Like I said before, I dont know what your problem is, but, its pretty obvious you're not wired right.
Anyone that chooses the internet to argue with people on a consistent basis has real problems.
You want to stalk my posts, then enjoy being exposed for the weak charactered loser that you are.
Paul - congrats on the draw... I'll shoot you a text tomorrow.

You want to hunt the best bulls in 16...hire Q creek or man up and cross corners. But, hey, if you know better, offer up your advice.

How is that being a D!ck?

Just curious.
Or you could give him a pointer or two, you know the unit well. Paul has helped many folks in here. Or do you only help folks that put you on their TV show?
Paul - congrats on the draw... I'll shoot you a text tomorrow.

Or you could give him a pointer or two, you know the unit well. Paul has helped many folks in here. Or do you only help folks that put you on their TV show?
I did give him a pointer or two...lead a horse to water and all that.

You do realize what county this unit is in?

You should be able to do it on your own. There is a ranch on the NW side of the unit where you may be able to get permission. I'm not sure how many elk are on it but it's more country to cover. I doubt if you'll find many other options since the Q owns a large chunk of the private in the unit.

If you plan on hunting public be sure to have your GPS with you and know how to use it! The Q and game warden keep a pretty tight eye on things. I'm sure things will be watched even closer since the corner crossing case.
Paul - congrats on the draw... I'll shoot you a text tomorrow.

Or you could give him a pointer or two, you know the unit well. Paul has helped many folks in here. Or do you only help folks that put you on their TV show?
I've helped a lot of people, even though it's none of your concern. Randy was a friend of mine long before he had a tv show and that same hunt would have happened regardless.

Why would that bother you who I help and who I don't?
Paul - congrats on the draw... I'll shoot you a text tomorrow.

Or you could give him a pointer or two, you know the unit well. Paul has helped many folks in here. Or do you only help folks that put you on their TV show?
Thanks Chad, What little I know, its sounding like a fun tag. Thinking Ill draw that 54 muzzle loader in CO also. Fall is shaping up.
I do know where the unit is at, but haven't been following the case law very closely as I got MT tags this year... in another unit you know well.

Good guy asking for some input on this thread... If you can and are willing to help, which I happen to you know you could... then help out. If you don't want to, that's OK to, but don't derail his thread. We are all on the same team here.
I've helped a lot of people, even though it's none of your concern. Randy was a friend of mine long before he had a tv show and that same hunt would have happened regardless.

Why would that bother you who I help and who I don't?
Doesn't bother me in the slightest. Love it when hunters come together and help each other out!
I do know where the unit is at, but haven't been following the case law very closely as I got MT tags this year... in another unit you know well.

Good guy asking for some input on this thread... If you can and are willing to help, which I happen to you know you could... then help out. If you don't want to, that's OK to, but don't derail his thread. We are all on the same team here.
I'm most inclined to help people that show wyoming wildlife, our department, management and residents some respect.

There's a reason why over 8k nrs applied for a general tag this year.

Wouldn't you agree Wyoming is doing a good job with elk management?

That doesn't just happen by accident.

Just sayin'
I don't live there, so hard to judge one way or another, but yes WY seems to be doing well. Been on one Archery elk hunt in WY that lasted all of 25 minutes, so that was a great experience. Planning a wilderness hunt in 2026 in WY, can't wait.

But back to 16...
I don't live there, so hard to judge one way or another, but yes WY seems to be doing well. Been on one Archery elk hunt in WY that lasted all of 25 minutes, so that was a great experience. Planning a wilderness hunt in 2026 in WY, can't wait.

But back to 16...
Helped a couple guys this year already with 16. They will both kill nice bulls with advice not much different than what isn't being taken on this thread.
I just hope for Buzz’s sake that when he is hunting in Montana or somewhere else out of Wyoming a resident of that state doesn’t empty his tires of air. That would be terrible and not fair to Buzz.
I showed the game warden where I was going to corner cross and he told me to video the LO if he gave any trouble. Then had a cpl of the Q's cowboys come over and apologize for possibly messing up my hunt when they were looking for cows. Against my better judgment I'll say most of the internet Q doom and gloom is nonsense.
I showed the game warden where I was going to corner cross and he told me to video the LO if he gave any trouble. Then had a cpl of the Q's cowboys come over and apologize for possibly messing up my hunt when they were looking for cows. Against my better judgment I'll say most of the internet Q doom and gloom is nonsense.
I'd say you had a different scenario then others have had. It's not all nonsense
Congrats on tag Paul. and crazy to see how a post from someone that has helped others turned so crazy so quick. You will do fine in 16 based on your past experience - you and your son put in the effort. Will PM you a few thoughts in eth next week. Also on 54 CO....GOOD LUCK and thank you for you have done to help others in the past
Clarification, not about the corner crossing. My comment was about Q employees in the past, not present.
Actually sounds good that folks are using corners without issues.
Also sounds like things have changed a bit with the Q, again good to hear.

Not uncommon to see elk crossing Shirley rim way out in the open too.
Seeing if any of my WY friends have any thoughts or input. Plan on doing some solo hunting up there in both seasons. Hoping my son can meet up with me a few days as well.

If decent weather will probably pack in as part of the plan. I doubt if it is an option, but, also interested in paying trespass fee to access public land. this seems to be a thing of the past, but, cant hurt to ask.

Thanks in advance for any intel.
Hunted it in 2019. Had a super fun hunt. Harvested on public. Pm me and I’m happy to share what I learned
Seeing if any of my WY friends have any thoughts or input. Plan on doing some solo hunting up there in both seasons. Hoping my son can meet up with me a few days as well.

If decent weather will probably pack in as part of the plan. I doubt if it is an option, but, also interested in paying trespass fee to access public land. this seems to be a thing of the past, but, cant hurt to ask.

Thanks in advance for any intel.
I used to hunt that unit for deer and antelope when I was going to college in Laramie. We saw as many elk as deer on public. There are some patches of BLM that can be accessed that can be very good for elk. You will need to pay attention to your GPS (onX or whatever you use). The Q creek ranch would be awesome to hunt, but you can kill a good elk on public.
I used to hunt that unit for deer and antelope when I was going to college in Laramie. We saw as many elk as deer on public. There are some patches of BLM that can be accessed that can be very good for elk. You will need to pay attention to your GPS (onX or whatever you use). The Q creek ranch would be awesome to hunt, but you can kill a good elk on public.
If you saw as many deer as elk that must of been a long time ago

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Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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