Elk target?



I am going on my first archery elk hunt and have a chance to buy a used large HD 70 McKenzie elk targetm from a 3D range that is closing. Will this really help me be better prepared? How much should I pay for it, used?
It certainly wouldn't hurt! depends on what te value is to you and how beat up it is. Also, check to see if they will throw in a replacement midsection even if it is used as well. I would be willing to spend at least a couple hundred dollars on it for myself (probably more depending on the actual condition).
that would be cool to have,
you could arange in in different poses in trees and brush,
and get real confident in your shooting abilities,
realy on the price depends what they will let it go for,
I'd offer them 20 cents on the dollar.
adn if they don't take it go back in a couple days and offer 15 cents on the dollar.
whats it worth to you?

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