Environmentalists ARE to blame


Active Member
The Purposeful Flooding of America's Heartland


Read the above article about the floods in the midwest.

All of this flooding and out of control fires CAN be blamed 100% on the Environmentalists. Yes... it really is their fault.

After reading the article and thinking about this, let us know what your opinions are...

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
Without a doubt, they are to blame.

They also ruined the economy, started the war in Iraq, support "Dancing with the Stars" on TV and are responsible for sunspots and drought and seedless watermelons....
I like seedless watermelons--no way do I believe environmentalists should get the credit--it's just not natural. But "Dancing With Stars" makes a lot of sense to me...
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-11 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]Here's another one...

Crappy fuel economy... Yep It's their fault too!!

Any of you ever owned a 70's pickup or car with "entry level" emissions controls on the engine? Anyone ever remove these controls and see you mpg's go way up?

How about all the 2008+ diesel engines with DPF? If you own one of these you know exactly what I'm talking about! The filter catches the black soot and when the back pressure in the exhaust gets high enough, the computer starts the "regen cycle" which starts dumping tons of raw fuel into the cylinders when the exhaust valves are open so that it will accumulate on the filter, ignite, then burn off the soot. This process causes a drastic reduction in fuel economy and allows some fuel to get past the pistons and into the crankcase and mix with the oil which as you know will cause excessive engine wear. Ever notice how the oil level in one of these engines "increases"???

AND now we have Diesel Exhaust Fluid AND DPF? Really? Are you frickin kiddin me?

Yep thanks a lot Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore, thanks a lot! NOT!

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
Actually, thanks Richard Nixon. Most of the environmental laws were passed under his adminstration.

Year Law
1899 Refuse Act 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act
1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
1975 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
1948 Federal Water Pollution Control Act
1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
1955 Air Pollution Control Act
1976 Solid Waste Disposal Act
1963 Clean Air Act (1963)
1976 Toxic Substances Control Act
1965 Solid Waste Disposal Act
1977 Clean Air Act Amendments
1965 Water Quality Act
1977 Clean Water Act Amendments
1967 Air Quality Act
1980 CERCLA (Superfund)
1969 National Environmental Policy Act
1984 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Amendments
1970 Clean Air Act (1970)
1986 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments
1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act
1986 Superfund Reauthorization
1972 Consumer Product Safety Act
1987 Clean Water Act Reauthorization
1972 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
1990 Oil Pollution Act
1972 Clean Water Act
1990 Clean Air Act (1990)
1972 Noise Control Act
1993 North American Free Trade Agreement
1973 Endangered Species Act
2003 Healthy Forests Initiative
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-11 AT 06:18PM (MST)[p]Good point, however I will be the first to admit that SOME environmental acts were/are necessary.

Wreckless pollution of our waterways is something that had to be fixed.

The problem is that we have had so many city slickers with environmental degrees who really have no clue what they are doing, other than creating job security for themselves at the expense of others that things got way out of control a long time ago. Today pretty much everything is controlled by politicians trying to make a name for themselves and getting their strings pulled by left wing crazies who are donating large amounts of money to these career politicians' campaigns.

Let's look at CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions - using Wikipedia: Forest fires in Indonesia in 1997 were estimated to have released between 0.81 and 2.57 gigatonnes (0.89 and 2.83 billion short tons) of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is between 13%?40% of the annual carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels

That's ONE FIRE folks!

Look for yourselves... Add up only TWO - Volcano's and wildfires, then compare that to the global estimates generated by burning of fossil fuels... NO COMPARISON.

We are living in a made up world with all the BS we are being fed and with the way we are forced to live and the products we are forced to buy. In essence, we are slaves to the liberals.

We've GOT to STOP THE MADNESS some how, some way!

I don't have a solution, I just know I'm fed up and really angry with how senseless this all has become.

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
Read this today and got me thinking about onefastgambler's post, thought I would share.

'This March, to environmental groups? chagrin, Republican US Rep. Steve Pearce introduced a bill to revive logging in southern New Mexico. On June 10, his office sent out a press release linking the Wallow fire with ?environmental lawsuits and reckless policies [that] have prevented healthy forest management.?'

Can't believe the lib rag SF Reporter had it in there-
Thanks for sharing that outdoorsdude... Great job to Mr. Pearce!

This is progress!

If you don't know... The Gila Wilderness is considered the healthiest forest in the southwest due to the "let it burn" policy. They will fight major fires, but in general fires in the wilderness are allowed to burn and rarely get out of control. If you research how often fires burn there it will amaze you! Pretty much every year lightning starts several fires that burn grass and underbrush - keeping the forest clean!

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
I like the last one in post #6 Healthy forest initiative, in Wyoming our forest in brown! nearly 95% beetle kill in our area. Enviro's to blame? Absolutly!
>I like the last one in
>post #6 Healthy forest initiative,
>in Wyoming our forest in
>brown! nearly 95% beetle kill
>in our area. Enviro's to
>blame? Absolutly!

Dang! I forgot about this topic!

teamhoyt is 100% correct!

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"
hmmmm the healthy Forests Initiative was signed into law by GW Bush junior. I did not realize he is an environmentalist....
LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-11 AT 10:35AM (MST)[p]>hmmmm the healthy Forests
>Initiative was signed into law
>by GW Bush junior.
>I did not realize he
>is an environmentalist....

from Wikipidea:

The Healthy Forests Initiative (or HFI), officially the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-148), is a law originally proposed by President George W. Bush in response to the widespread forest fires during the summer of 2002.[1] The main thrusts of the law are to thin overstocked stands, clear away vegetation and trees to create shaded fuel breaks, provide funding and guidance to reduce or eliminate hazardous fuels in National Forests, improve forest fire fighting, and research new methods to halt destructive insects. Much of the basis for the law revolves around the overcrowding of forests due to the suppression of low intensity fires, which vary in their natural role of thinning small trees and clearing vegetative debris. The resulting build up of ground fuels and trees weakened by overpopulation (resource competition and spread of disease) pose a serious threat in some stands that can no longer be addressed through prescribed burnings. Disagreement exists concerning the role of private logging companies in thinning stands and clearing fire-breaks. The HFI also requires that communities within the "wildland urban interface" create "community wildfire protection plans." Community wildfire protection plans designate areas adjacent to communities that should be thinned so that crown fires will not directly burn into communities.

I would never call GW Bush an "environmentalist"!! I would call him a "Conservationist"!!

"Windage & Elevation Pilgrim, Windage & Elevation"

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